require 'addressable' require 'nokogiri' module Goldfinger class Client include Goldfinger::Utils def initialize(uri) @uri = uri end def finger ssl = true begin response = perform_get(standard_url(ssl)) return finger_from_template if response.code != 200 rescue HTTP::Error raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError unless ssl ssl = false retry end rescue HTTP::Error raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError raise Goldfinger::SSLError rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError, 'Invalid URI' end private def finger_from_template ssl = true begin template = perform_get(url(ssl)) rescue HTTP::Error raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError unless ssl ssl = false retry end raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError, 'No host-meta on the server' if template.code != 200 response = perform_get(url_from_template(template.body)) raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError, 'No such user on the server' if response.code != 200 end def url(ssl = true) "http#{'s' if ssl}://#{domain}/.well-known/host-meta" end def standard_url(ssl = true) "http#{'s' if ssl}://#{domain}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=#{@uri}" end def url_from_template(template) xml = Nokogiri::XML(template) links = xml.xpath('//xmlns:Link[@rel="lrdd"]') raise Goldfinger::NotFoundError if links.empty? links.first.attribute('template').value.gsub('{uri}', @uri) rescue Nokogiri::XML::XPath::SyntaxError raise Goldfinger::Error, "Bad XML: #{template}" end def domain @uri.split('@').last end end end