
228 lines
8.8 KiB

mod err;
pub(super) use connection::*;
pub use err::RedisConnErr;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "bench"))]
pub(self) use mock_connection as connection;
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "bench")))]
mod connection {
use super::super::Error as ManagerErr;
use super::super::RedisCmd;
use super::err::RedisConnErr;
use crate::config::Redis;
use crate::request::Timeline;
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use lru::LruCache;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::time::Duration;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, RedisConnErr>;
pub struct RedisConn {
primary: TcpStream,
secondary: TcpStream,
pub(in super::super) namespace: Option<String>,
// TODO: eventually, it might make sense to have Mastodon publish to timelines with
// the tag number instead of the tag name. This would save us from dealing
// with a cache here and would be consistent with how lists/users are handled.
pub(in super::super) tag_name_cache: LruCache<i64, String>,
pub(in super::super) input: Vec<u8>,
impl RedisConn {
pub(in super::super) fn new(redis_cfg: &Redis) -> Result<Self> {
let addr = [&*redis_cfg.host, ":", &*redis_cfg.port.to_string()].concat();
let conn = Self::new_connection(&addr, redis_cfg.password.as_ref())?;
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
Ok(Self {
primary: conn,
secondary: Self::new_connection(&addr, redis_cfg.password.as_ref())?,
tag_name_cache: LruCache::new(1000),
namespace: redis_cfg.namespace.clone().0,
input: vec![0; 4096 * 4],
pub(in super::super) fn poll_redis(&mut self, i: usize) -> Poll<Option<usize>, ManagerErr> {
const BLOCK: usize = 4096 * 2;
if self.input.len() < i + BLOCK {
self.input.resize(self.input.len() * 2, 0);
log::info!("Resizing input buffer to {} KiB.", self.input.len() / 1024);
// log::info!("Current buffer: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.input));
use Async::*;
match self.primary.read(&mut self.input[i..i + BLOCK]) {
Ok(n) if n == 0 => Ok(Ready(None)),
Ok(n) => Ok(Ready(Some(n))),
Err(e) if matches!(e.kind(), io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock) => Ok(NotReady),
Err(e) => {
Ready(log::error!("{}", e));
pub(crate) fn send_cmd(&mut self, cmd: RedisCmd, timelines: &[Timeline]) -> Result<()> {
let namespace = self.namespace.take();
let timelines: Result<Vec<String>> = timelines
.map(|tl| {
let hashtag = tl.tag().and_then(|id| self.tag_name_cache.get(&id));
match &namespace {
Some(ns) => Ok(format!("{}:{}", ns, tl.to_redis_raw_timeline(hashtag)?)),
None => Ok(tl.to_redis_raw_timeline(hashtag)?),
let (primary_cmd, secondary_cmd) = cmd.into_sendable(&timelines?[..]);
// We also need to set a key to tell the Puma server that we've subscribed or
// unsubscribed to the channel because it stops publishing updates when it thinks
// no one is subscribed.
// (Documented in [PR #3278](https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/3278))
// Question: why can't the Puma server just use NUMSUB for this?
fn new_connection(addr: &str, pass: Option<&String>) -> Result<TcpStream> {
let mut conn = TcpStream::connect(&addr)?;
if let Some(password) = pass {
Self::auth_connection(&mut conn, &addr, password)?;
Self::validate_connection(&mut conn, &addr)?;
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
Self::set_connection_name(&mut conn, &addr)?;
fn auth_connection(conn: &mut TcpStream, addr: &str, pass: &str) -> Result<()> {
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
let mut buffer = vec![0_u8; 5];
conn.read_exact(&mut buffer)
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
if String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer) != "+OK\r\n" {
fn validate_connection(conn: &mut TcpStream, addr: &str) -> Result<()> {
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
let mut buffer = vec![0_u8; 100];
conn.read(&mut buffer)
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
let reply = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);
match &*reply {
r if r.starts_with("+PONG\r\n") => Ok(()),
r if r.starts_with("-NOAUTH") => Err(RedisConnErr::MissingPassword),
r if r.starts_with("HTTP/1.") => Err(RedisConnErr::NotRedis(addr.to_string())),
_ => Err(RedisConnErr::InvalidRedisReply(reply.to_string())),
fn set_connection_name(conn: &mut TcpStream, addr: &str) -> Result<()> {
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
let mut buffer = vec![0_u8; 100];
conn.read(&mut buffer)
.map_err(|e| RedisConnErr::with_addr(&addr, e))?;
let reply = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);
match &*reply {
r if r.starts_with("+OK\r\n") => Ok(()),
_ => Err(RedisConnErr::InvalidRedisReply(reply.to_string())),
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "bench"))]
mod mock_connection {
use super::super::Error as ManagerErr;
use super::super::RedisCmd;
use super::err::RedisConnErr;
use crate::config::Redis;
use crate::request::Timeline;
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use lru::LruCache;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, RedisConnErr>;
pub struct RedisConn {
pub(in super::super) namespace: Option<String>,
pub(in super::super) tag_name_cache: LruCache<i64, String>,
pub(in super::super) input: Vec<u8>,
pub(in super::super) test_input: VecDeque<u8>,
impl RedisConn {
pub(in super::super) fn new(redis_cfg: &Redis) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
tag_name_cache: LruCache::new(1000),
namespace: redis_cfg.namespace.clone().0,
input: vec![0; 4096 * 4],
test_input: VecDeque::new(),
pub fn poll_redis(&mut self, start: usize) -> Poll<Option<usize>, ManagerErr> {
const BLOCK: usize = 4096 * 2;
if self.input.len() < start + BLOCK {
self.input.resize(self.input.len() * 2, 0);
log::info!("Resizing input buffer to {} KiB.", self.input.len() / 1024);
for i in 0..BLOCK {
if let Some(byte) = self.test_input.pop_front() {
self.input[start + i] = byte;
} else if i > 0 {
return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(i)));
} else {
return Ok(Async::Ready(None));
pub fn add(&mut self, input: &[u8]) {
for byte in input {
pub(crate) fn send_cmd(&mut self, cmd: RedisCmd, timelines: &[Timeline]) -> Result<()> {
// stub - does nothing; silences some unused-code warnings
let timelines: Result<Vec<String>> = timelines
.map(|tl| Ok(tl.to_redis_raw_timeline(None).expect("test")))
let _ = cmd.into_sendable(&timelines?);