
273 lines
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//! Receives data from Redis, sorts it by `ClientAgent`, and stores it until
//! polled by the correct `ClientAgent`. Also manages sububscriptions and
//! unsubscriptions to/from Redis.
use super::redis_cmd;
use crate::{config, pubsub_cmd};
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use log::info;
use regex::Regex;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::{collections, io::Read, io::Write, net, time};
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, Error};
use uuid::Uuid;
/// The item that streams from Redis and is polled by the `ClientAgent`
pub struct Receiver {
pubsub_connection: net::TcpStream,
secondary_redis_connection: net::TcpStream,
redis_polled_at: time::Instant,
timeline: String,
manager_id: Uuid,
msg_queues: collections::HashMap<Uuid, MsgQueue>,
clients_per_timeline: collections::HashMap<String, i32>,
incoming_raw_msg: String,
impl Receiver {
/// Create a new `Receiver`, with its own Redis connections (but, as yet, no
/// active subscriptions).
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (pubsub_connection, secondary_redis_connection) = config::redis_addr();
Self {
redis_polled_at: time::Instant::now(),
timeline: String::new(),
manager_id: Uuid::default(),
msg_queues: collections::HashMap::new(),
clients_per_timeline: collections::HashMap::new(),
/// The unprocessed message from Redis, consisting of 0 or more
/// actual `messages` in the sense of updates to send.
incoming_raw_msg: String::new(),
/// Assigns the `Receiver` a new timeline to monitor and runs other
/// first-time setup.
/// Note: this method calls `subscribe_or_unsubscribe_as_needed`,
/// so Redis PubSub subscriptions are only updated when a new timeline
/// comes under management for the first time.
pub fn manage_new_timeline(&mut self, manager_id: Uuid, timeline: &str) {
self.manager_id = manager_id;
self.timeline = timeline.to_string();
.insert(self.manager_id, MsgQueue::new(timeline));
/// Set the `Receiver`'s manager_id and target_timeline fields to the appropriate
/// value to be polled by the current `StreamManager`.
pub fn configure_for_polling(&mut self, manager_id: Uuid, timeline: &str) {
self.manager_id = manager_id;
self.timeline = timeline.to_string();
/// Drop any PubSub subscriptions that don't have active clients and check
/// that there's a subscription to the current one. If there isn't, then
/// subscribe to it.
fn subscribe_or_unsubscribe_as_needed(&mut self, timeline: &str) {
let mut timelines_to_modify = Vec::new();
struct Change {
timeline: String,
change_in_subscriber_number: i32,
timelines_to_modify.push(Change {
timeline: timeline.to_owned(),
change_in_subscriber_number: 1,
// Keep only message queues that have been polled recently
self.msg_queues.retain(|_id, msg_queue| {
if msg_queue.last_polled_at.elapsed() < time::Duration::from_secs(30) {
} else {
let timeline = &msg_queue.redis_channel;
timelines_to_modify.push(Change {
timeline: timeline.to_owned(),
change_in_subscriber_number: -1,
// Record the lower number of clients subscribed to that channel
for change in timelines_to_modify {
let mut need_to_subscribe = false;
let count_of_subscribed_clients = self
.and_modify(|n| *n += change.change_in_subscriber_number)
.or_insert_with(|| {
need_to_subscribe = true;
// If no clients, unsubscribe from the channel
if *count_of_subscribed_clients <= 0 {
pubsub_cmd!("unsubscribe", self, change.timeline.clone());
if need_to_subscribe {
pubsub_cmd!("subscribe", self, change.timeline.clone());
fn log_number_of_msgs_in_queue(&self) {
let messages_waiting = self
.expect("Guaranteed by match block")
match messages_waiting {
number if number > 10 => {
log::error!("{} messages waiting in the queue", messages_waiting)
_ => log::info!("{} messages waiting in the queue", messages_waiting),
fn get_target_msg_queue(&mut self) -> collections::hash_map::Entry<Uuid, MsgQueue> {
impl Default for Receiver {
fn default() -> Self {
/// The stream that the ClientAgent polls to learn about new messages.
impl futures::stream::Stream for Receiver {
type Item = Value;
type Error = Error;
/// Returns the oldest message in the `ClientAgent`'s queue (if any).
/// Note: This method does **not** poll Redis every time, because polling
/// Redis is signifiantly more time consuming that simply returning the
/// message already in a queue. Thus, we only poll Redis if it has not
/// been polled lately.
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Value>, Self::Error> {
let timeline = self.timeline.clone();
if self.redis_polled_at.elapsed()
> time::Duration::from_millis(*config::REDIS_POLL_INTERVAL)
self.redis_polled_at = time::Instant::now();
// Record current time as last polled time
.and_modify(|msg_queue| msg_queue.last_polled_at = time::Instant::now());
// If the `msg_queue` being polled has any new messages, return the first (oldest) one
match self
.or_insert_with(|| MsgQueue::new(timeline.clone()))
Some(value) => {
_ => Ok(Async::NotReady),
impl Drop for Receiver {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pubsub_cmd!("unsubscribe", self, self.timeline.clone());
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct MsgQueue {
messages: collections::VecDeque<Value>,
last_polled_at: time::Instant,
redis_channel: String,
impl MsgQueue {
fn new(redis_channel: impl std::fmt::Display) -> Self {
let redis_channel = redis_channel.to_string();
MsgQueue {
messages: collections::VecDeque::new(),
last_polled_at: time::Instant::now(),
struct AsyncReadableStream<'a>(&'a mut net::TcpStream);
impl<'a> AsyncReadableStream<'a> {
fn new(stream: &'a mut net::TcpStream) -> Self {
/// Polls Redis for any new messages and adds them to the `MsgQueue` for
/// the appropriate `ClientAgent`.
fn poll_redis(receiver: &mut Receiver) {
let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 3000];
let mut async_stream = AsyncReadableStream::new(&mut receiver.pubsub_connection);
if let Async::Ready(num_bytes_read) = async_stream.poll_read(&mut buffer).unwrap() {
let raw_redis_response = &String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[..num_bytes_read]);
// Text comes in from redis as a raw stream, which could be more than one message
// and is not guaranteed to end on a message boundary. We need to break it down
// into messages. First, start by only acting if we end on a valid message boundary
if receiver.incoming_raw_msg.ends_with("}\r\n") {
// Every valid message is tagged with the string `message`. This means 3 things:
// 1) We can discard everything before the first `message` (with `skip(1)`)
// 2) We can split into separate messages by splitting on `message`
// 3) We can use a regex that discards everything after the *first* valid
// message (since the next message will have a new `message` tag)
let messages = receiver.incoming_raw_msg.as_str().split("message").skip(1);
let regex =
for message in messages {
let timeline = regex.captures(message).expect("Hard-coded timeline regex")
let redis_msg: Value = serde_json::from_str(
&regex.captures(message).expect("Hard-coded value regex")["value"],
.expect("Valid json");
for msg_queue in receiver.msg_queues.values_mut() {
if msg_queue.redis_channel == timeline {
// We've processed this raw msg and can safely discard it
impl<'a> Read for AsyncReadableStream<'a> {
fn read(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
impl<'a> AsyncRead for AsyncReadableStream<'a> {
fn poll_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<usize, std::io::Error> {
match self.read(buf) {
Ok(t) => Ok(Async::Ready(t)),
Err(_) => Ok(Async::NotReady),