
149 lines
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//! Receives data from Redis, sorts it by `ClientAgent`, and stores it until
//! polled by the correct `ClientAgent`. Also manages sububscriptions and
//! unsubscriptions to/from Redis.
mod message_queues;
pub use message_queues::{MessageQueues, MsgQueue};
use crate::{
parse_client_request::{Stream, Timeline},
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use lru::LruCache;
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Instant};
use uuid::Uuid;
/// The item that streams from Redis and is polled by the `ClientAgent`
pub struct Receiver {
redis_connection: RedisConn,
timeline: Timeline,
manager_id: Uuid,
pub msg_queues: MessageQueues,
clients_per_timeline: HashMap<Timeline, i32>,
hashtag_cache: LruCache<i64, String>,
// TODO: eventually, it might make sense to have Mastodon publish to timelines with
// the tag number instead of the tag name. This would save us from dealing
// with a cache here and would be consistent with how lists/users are handled.
impl Receiver {
/// Create a new `Receiver`, with its own Redis connections (but, as yet, no
/// active subscriptions).
pub fn new(redis_cfg: config::RedisConfig) -> Self {
let redis_connection = RedisConn::new(redis_cfg);
Self {
timeline: Timeline::empty(),
manager_id: Uuid::default(),
msg_queues: MessageQueues(HashMap::new()),
clients_per_timeline: HashMap::new(),
hashtag_cache: LruCache::new(1000),
// should this be a run-time option?
/// Assigns the `Receiver` a new timeline to monitor and runs other
/// first-time setup.
/// Note: this method calls `subscribe_or_unsubscribe_as_needed`,
/// so Redis PubSub subscriptions are only updated when a new timeline
/// comes under management for the first time.
pub fn manage_new_timeline(&mut self, id: Uuid, tl: Timeline, hashtag: Option<String>) {
self.timeline = tl;
if let (Some(hashtag), Timeline(Stream::Hashtag(id), _, _)) = (hashtag, tl) {
self.hashtag_cache.put(id, hashtag.clone());
self.redis_connection.update_cache(hashtag, id);
self.msg_queues.insert(id, MsgQueue::new(tl));
/// Set the `Receiver`'s manager_id and target_timeline fields to the appropriate
/// value to be polled by the current `StreamManager`.
pub fn configure_for_polling(&mut self, manager_id: Uuid, timeline: Timeline) {
self.manager_id = manager_id;
self.timeline = timeline;
/// Drop any PubSub subscriptions that don't have active clients and check
/// that there's a subscription to the current one. If there isn't, then
/// subscribe to it.
fn subscribe_or_unsubscribe_as_needed(&mut self, timeline: Timeline) {
let start_time = Instant::now();
let timelines_to_modify = self.msg_queues.calculate_timelines_to_add_or_drop(timeline);
// Record the lower number of clients subscribed to that channel
for change in timelines_to_modify {
let timeline = change.timeline;
let hashtag = match timeline {
Timeline(Stream::Hashtag(id), _, _) => self.hashtag_cache.get(&id),
_non_hashtag_timeline => None,
let count_of_subscribed_clients = self
.and_modify(|n| *n += change.in_subscriber_number)
.or_insert_with(|| 1);
// If no clients, unsubscribe from the channel
if *count_of_subscribed_clients <= 0 {
} else if *count_of_subscribed_clients == 1 && change.in_subscriber_number == 1 {
if start_time.elapsed().as_millis() > 1 {
log::warn!("Sending cmd to Redis took: {:?}", start_time.elapsed());
/// The stream that the ClientAgent polls to learn about new messages.
impl futures::stream::Stream for Receiver {
type Item = Event;
type Error = RedisParseErr;
/// Returns the oldest message in the `ClientAgent`'s queue (if any).
/// Note: This method does **not** poll Redis every time, because polling
/// Redis is significantly more time consuming that simply returning the
/// message already in a queue. Thus, we only poll Redis if it has not
/// been polled lately.
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
let (timeline, id) = (self.timeline.clone(), self.manager_id);
loop {
match self.redis_connection.poll_redis() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some((timeline, event)))) => self
.filter(|msg_queue| msg_queue.timeline == timeline)
.for_each(|msg_queue| {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => (),
Err(err) => Err(err)?,
// Record current time as last polled time
// If the `msg_queue` being polled has any new messages, return the first (oldest) one
match self.msg_queues.oldest_msg_in_target_queue(id, timeline) {
Some(value) => Ok(Async::Ready(Some(value))),
_ => Ok(Async::NotReady),