
93 lines
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//! Streaming server for Mastodon
//! This server provides live, streaming updates for Mastodon clients. Specifically, when a server
//! is running this sever, Mastodon clients can use either Server Sent Events or WebSockets to
//! connect to the server with the API described [in the public API
//! documentation](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/streaming/)
//! # Notes on data flow
//! * **Client Request → Warp**:
//! Warp filters for valid requests and parses request data. Based on that data, it repeatedly polls
//! the StreamManager
//! * **Warp → StreamManager**:
//! The StreamManager consults a hash table to see if there is a currently open PubSub channel. If
//! there is, it uses that channel; if not, it (synchronously) sends a subscribe command to Redis.
//! The StreamManager polls the Receiver, providing info about which StreamManager it is that is
//! doing the polling. The stream manager is also responsible for monitoring the hash table to see
//! if it should unsubscribe from any channels and, if necessary, sending the unsubscribe command.
//! * **StreamManger → Receiver**:
//! The Receiver receives data from Redis and stores it in a series of queues (one for each
//! StreamManager). When (asynchronously) polled by the StreamManager, it sends back the messages
//! relevant to that StreamManager and removes them from the queue.
pub mod error;
pub mod query;
pub mod receiver;
pub mod stream;
pub mod timeline;
pub mod user;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use receiver::Receiver;
use stream::StreamManager;
use user::{Filter, User};
use warp::Filter as WarpFilter;
fn main() {
let redis_updates = StreamManager::new(Receiver::new());
let routes = any_of!(
// GET /api/v1/streaming/user/notification [private; notification filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/user [private; language filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/public/local?only_media=true [public; language filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/public?only_media=true [public; language filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/public/local [public; language filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/public [public; language filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/direct [private; *no* filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/hashtag?tag=:hashtag [public; no filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/hashtag/local?tag=:hashtag [public; no filter]
// GET /api/v1/streaming/list?list=:list_id [private; no filter]
.and(warp::any().map(move || redis_updates.new_copy()))
|timeline: String, user: User, sse: warp::sse::Sse, mut event_stream: StreamManager| {
event_stream.add(&timeline, &user);
event_stream.filter_map(move |item| {
let payload = item["payload"].clone();
let event = item["event"].clone().to_string();
let toot_lang = payload["language"].as_str().expect("redis str").to_string();
let user_langs = user.langs.clone();
match (&user.filter, user_langs) {
(Filter::Notification, _) if event != "notification" => None,
(Filter::Language, Some(ref langs)) if !langs.contains(&toot_lang) => None,
_ => Some((warp::sse::event(event), warp::sse::data(payload))),
.with(warp::reply::with::header("Connection", "keep-alive"))
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030));