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//! Send raw TCP commands to the Redis server
use std::fmt::Display;
/// Send a subscribe or unsubscribe to the Redis PubSub channel
macro_rules! pubsub_cmd {
($cmd:expr, $self:expr, $tl:expr) => {{
use std::io::Write;
log::info!("Sending {} command to {}", $cmd, $tl);
let namespace = $self.pubsub_connection.namespace.clone();
.write_all(&redis_cmd::pubsub($cmd, $tl, namespace.clone()))
.expect("Can send command to Redis");
// Because we keep track of the number of clients subscribed to a channel on our end,
// we need to manually tell Redis when we have subscribed or unsubscribed
let subscription_new_number = match $cmd {
"unsubscribe" => "0",
"subscribe" => "1",
_ => panic!("Given unacceptable PUBSUB command"),
format!("subscribed:timeline:{}", $tl),
.expect("Can set Redis");
log::info!("Now subscribed to: {:#?}", $self.msg_queues);
/// Send a `SUBSCRIBE` or `UNSUBSCRIBE` command to a specific timeline
pub fn pubsub(command: impl Display, timeline: impl Display, ns: Option<String>) -> Vec<u8> {
let arg = match ns {
Some(namespace) => format!("{}:timeline:{}", namespace, timeline),
None => format!("timeline:{}", timeline),
cmd(command, arg)
/// Send a generic two-item command to Redis
pub fn cmd(command: impl Display, arg: impl Display) -> Vec<u8> {
let (command, arg) = (command.to_string(), arg.to_string());
log::info!("Sent {} command", &command);
cmd_length = command.len(),
cmd = command,
arg_length = arg.len(),
arg = arg
/// Send a `SET` command (used to manually unsubscribe from Redis)
pub fn set(key: impl Display, value: impl Display, ns: Option<String>) -> Vec<u8> {
let key = match ns {
Some(namespace) => format!("{}:{}", namespace, key),
None => key.to_string(),
let value = value.to_string();
key_length = key.len(),
key = key,
value_length = value.len(),
value = value