use std::fmt; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum RedisConnErr { ConnectionErr { addr: String, inner: std::io::Error }, InvalidRedisReply(String), UnknownRedisErr(std::io::Error), IncorrectPassword(String), MissingPassword, NotRedis(String), } impl RedisConnErr { pub fn with_addr>(address: T, inner: std::io::Error) -> Self { Self::ConnectionErr { addr: address.as_ref().to_string(), inner, } } } impl fmt::Display for RedisConnErr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { use RedisConnErr::*; let msg = match self { ConnectionErr { addr, inner } => format!( "Error connecting to Redis at {}.\n\ Connection Error: {}", addr, inner ), InvalidRedisReply(unexpected_reply) => format!( "Received and unexpected reply from Redis. Expected `+PONG` reply but got `{}`", unexpected_reply ), UnknownRedisErr(io_err) => { format!("Unexpected failure communicating with Redis: {}", io_err) } IncorrectPassword(attempted_password) => format!( "Incorrect Redis password. You supplied `{}`.\n \ Please supply correct password with REDIS_PASSWORD environmental variable.", attempted_password ), MissingPassword => "Invalid authentication for Redis. Redis is configured to require \ a password, but you did not provide one. \n\ Set a password using the REDIS_PASSWORD environmental variable." .to_string(), NotRedis(addr) => format!( "The server at {} is not a Redis server. Please update the REDIS_HOST and/or \ REDIS_PORT environmental variables and try again.", addr ), }; write!(f, "{}", msg) } } impl From for RedisConnErr { fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> RedisConnErr { RedisConnErr::UnknownRedisErr(e) } }