use envconfig::Envconfig; use std::net::IpAddr; /// Returns the current users username. /// TODO: Find a way to do this cross-platform pub fn current_user() -> String { whoami::username() } #[cfg(feature = "production")] #[derive(Envconfig)] /// Production DB configuration pub struct DbConfig { #[envconfig(from = "DB_USER", default = "mastodon")] user: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_PASS", default = "")] password: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_NAME", default = "mastodon_production")] database: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_HOST", default = "localhost")] host: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_PORT", default = "5432")] port: u16, } #[cfg(not(feature = "production"))] #[derive(Envconfig)] /// Development DB configuration pub struct DbConfig { #[envconfig(from = "DB_USER", default = current_user())] pub user: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_PASS", default = "")] pub password: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_NAME", default = "mastodon_development")] pub database: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_HOST", default = "localhost")] pub host: String, #[envconfig(from = "DB_PORT", default = "5432")] pub port: u16, } #[derive(Envconfig)] pub struct ServerConfig { #[envconfig(from = "BIND", default = "")] pub address: IpAddr, #[envconfig(from = "PORT", default = "4000")] pub port: u16, } #[derive(Envconfig)] pub struct RedisConfig { #[envconfig(from = "REDIS_HOST", default = "")] pub host: IpAddr, #[envconfig(from = "REDIS_PORT", default = "6379")] pub port: u16, #[envconfig(from = "REDIS_DB", default = "0")] pub db: u16, #[envconfig(from = "REDIS_PASSWORD", default = "")] pub password: String, }