Event::TypeSafe( Update { payload: Status { id: Id(102775370117886890), uri: "https://mastodon.host/users/federationbot/statuses/102775346916917099".to_string(), created_at: "2019-09-11T18:42:19.000Z".to_string(), account: Account { id: Id(78), username: "federationbot".to_string(), acct: "federationbot@mastodon.host".to_string(), url: "https://mastodon.host/@federationbot".to_string(), display_name: "Federation Bot".to_string(), note: "

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view \ of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot \ every hour !

If you don\'t feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I\'ll do it \ :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new \ users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !


Other commands are private :)

".to_string(), avatar: "https://instance.codesections.com/system/accounts/avatars/000/000/078/original/d9e2be5398629cf8.jpeg\ ?1568127863".to_string(), avatar_static: "https://instance.codesections.com/system/accounts/avatars/000/000/078/original/d9e2be5398629cf8\ .jpeg?1568127863".to_string(), header: "https://instance.codesections.com/headers/original/missing.png".to_string(), header_static: "https://instance.codesections.com/headers/original/missing.png".to_string(), locked: false, emojis: [].to_vec(), discoverable: None, created_at: "2019-09-10T15:04:25.559Z".to_string(), statuses_count: 50554, followers_count: 16636, following_count: 179532, moved: None, fields: Some( [ Field { name: "More stats".to_string(), value: "\ https://mastodon.host/stats.html\ ".to_string(), verified_at: None }, Field { name: "More infos".to_string(), value: "\ https://mastodon.host/about/more\ ".to_string(), verified_at: None }, Field { name: "Owner/Friend".to_string(), value: "@gled".to_string(), verified_at: None } ].to_vec() ), bot: Some(false), source: None, group: None, last_status_at: None }, content: "

Trending tags:
\ #4styles

".to_string(), visibility: Unlisted, sensitive: false, spoiler_text: "".to_string(), media_attachments: [].to_vec(), application: None, mentions: [].to_vec(), tags: [ Tag { name: "4styles".to_string(), url: "https://instance.codesections.com/tags/4styles".to_string(), history: None }, Tag { name: "neverforget".to_string(), url: "https://instance.codesections.com/tags/neverforget".to_string(), history: None }, Tag { name: "mercredifiction".to_string(), url: "https://instance.codesections.com/tags/mercredifiction".to_string(), history: None }, Tag { name: "uber".to_string(), url: "https://instance.codesections.com/tags/uber".to_string(), history: None }, Tag { name: "newpipe".to_string(), url: "https://instance.codesections.com/tags/newpipe".to_string(), history: None } ].to_vec(), emojis: [].to_vec(), reblogs_count: 0, favourites_count: 0, replies_count: 0, url: Some("https://mastodon.host/@federationbot/102775346916917099".to_string()), in_reply_to_id: None, in_reply_to_account_id: None, reblog: None, poll: None, card: None, language: Some("en".to_string()), text: None, favourited: Some(false), reblogged: Some(false), muted: Some(false), bookmarked: None, pinned: None }, queued_at: Some(1568227693541) })