//! Parse the client request and return a Subscription mod postgres; mod query; mod timeline; mod err; mod subscription; pub use err::{Error, Timeline as TimelineErr}; pub use subscription::{Blocks, Subscription}; pub use timeline::Timeline; use timeline::{Content, Reach, Stream}; pub use self::postgres::PgPool; use self::query::Query; use crate::config::Postgres; use warp::filters::BoxedFilter; use warp::http::StatusCode; use warp::path; use warp::reply; use warp::{Filter, Rejection}; #[cfg(test)] mod sse_test; #[cfg(test)] mod ws_test; type Result = std::result::Result; /// Helper macro to match on the first of any of the provided filters macro_rules! any_of { ($filter:expr, $($other_filter:expr),*) => { $filter$(.or($other_filter).unify())*.boxed() }; } macro_rules! parse_sse_query { (path => $start:tt $(/ $next:tt)* endpoint => $endpoint:expr) => { path!($start $(/ $next)*) .and(query::Auth::to_filter()) .and(query::Media::to_filter()) .and(query::Hashtag::to_filter()) .and(query::List::to_filter()) .map(|auth: query::Auth, media: query::Media, hashtag: query::Hashtag, list: query::List| { Query { access_token: auth.access_token, stream: $endpoint.to_string(), media: media.is_truthy(), hashtag: hashtag.tag, list: list.list, } }, ) .boxed() }; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Handler { pg_conn: PgPool, } impl Handler { pub fn new(postgres_cfg: &Postgres, whitelist_mode: bool) -> Result { Ok(Self { pg_conn: PgPool::new(postgres_cfg, whitelist_mode)?, }) } pub fn sse_subscription(&self) -> BoxedFilter<(Subscription,)> { let pg_conn = self.pg_conn.clone(); any_of!( parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "user" / "notification" endpoint => "user:notification" ), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "user" endpoint => "user"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "public" / "local" endpoint => "public:local"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "public" endpoint => "public"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "direct" endpoint => "direct"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "hashtag" / "local" endpoint => "hashtag:local"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "hashtag" endpoint => "hashtag"), parse_sse_query!( path => "api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "list" endpoint => "list") ) // because SSE requests place their `access_token` in the header instead of in a query // parameter, we need to update our Query if the header has a token .and(query::OptionalAccessToken::from_sse_header()) .and_then(Query::update_access_token) .and_then(move |q| Subscription::query_postgres(q, pg_conn.clone())) .boxed() } pub fn ws_subscription(&self) -> BoxedFilter<(Subscription,)> { let pg_conn = self.pg_conn.clone(); parse_ws_query() .and(query::OptionalAccessToken::from_ws_header()) .and_then(Query::update_access_token) .and_then(move |q| Subscription::query_postgres(q, pg_conn.clone())) .boxed() } pub fn health(&self) -> BoxedFilter<()> { warp::path!("api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "health").boxed() } pub fn status(&self) -> BoxedFilter<()> { warp::path!("api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "status") .and(warp::path::end()) .boxed() } pub fn status_per_timeline(&self) -> BoxedFilter<()> { warp::path!("api" / "v1" / "streaming" / "status" / "per_timeline").boxed() } pub fn err(r: Rejection) -> std::result::Result { use StatusCode as Code; let (msg, code) = match &r.cause().map(|s| s.to_string()).as_deref() { Some(PgPool::BAD_TOKEN) => (PgPool::BAD_TOKEN, Code::UNAUTHORIZED), Some(PgPool::PG_NULL) => (PgPool::PG_NULL, Code::BAD_REQUEST), Some(PgPool::MISSING_HASHTAG) => (PgPool::MISSING_HASHTAG, Code::BAD_REQUEST), Some(PgPool::SERVER_ERR) | Some(_) => (PgPool::SERVER_ERR, Code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), None if r.is_not_found() => return Err(r), None => (PgPool::SERVER_ERR, Code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), }; if code == Code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR { log::error!("Internal error: {:?}", &r); } else { log::info!("Request rejected: {} - {:?}", code, &r); }; Ok(reply::with_status(reply::json(&msg), code)) } } fn parse_ws_query() -> BoxedFilter<(Query,)> { use query::*; path!("api" / "v1" / "streaming") .and(path::end()) .and(warp::query()) .and(Auth::to_filter()) .and(Media::to_filter()) .and(Hashtag::to_filter()) .and(List::to_filter()) .map(|s: Stream, a: Auth, m: Media, h: Hashtag, l: List| Query { access_token: a.access_token, stream: s.stream, media: m.is_truthy(), hashtag: h.tag, list: l.list, }) .boxed() }