//! Methods for parsing input in the small subset of the Redis Serialization Protocol we //! support. //! //! Every message Flodgatt receives from Redis is a Redis Array; the elements in the array //! will be either Bulk Strings or Integers (as Redis defines those terms). See the //! [Redis protocol documentation](https://redis.io/topics/protocol) for details. A raw //! message might look slightly like this (simplified, with line brakes added between //! fields): //! //! ```text //! *3\r\n //! $7\r\n //! message\r\n //! $10\r\n //! timeline:4\r\n //! $1386\r\n{\"event\":\"update\",\"payload\"...\"queued_at\":1569623342825}\r\n //! ``` //! //! Read that as: an array with three elements: the first element is a bulk string with //! three characters, the second is a bulk string with ten characters, and the third is a //! bulk string with 1,386 characters. use self::RedisParseOutput::*; pub use err::RedisParseErr; use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use std::str; mod err; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub(crate) enum RedisParseOutput<'a> { Msg(RedisMsg<'a>), NonMsg(&'a str), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct RedisMsg<'a> { pub(crate) timeline_txt: &'a str, pub(crate) event_txt: &'a str, pub(crate) leftover_input: &'a str, } impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for RedisParseOutput<'a> { type Error = RedisParseErr; fn try_from(utf8: &'a str) -> Result, Self::Error> { let (structured_txt, leftover_utf8) = utf8_to_redis_data(utf8)?; let structured_txt = RedisStructuredText { structured_txt, leftover_input: leftover_utf8, }; Ok(structured_txt.try_into()?) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] struct RedisStructuredText<'a> { structured_txt: RedisData<'a>, leftover_input: &'a str, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum RedisData<'a> { RedisArray(Vec>), BulkString(&'a str), Integer(usize), Uninitilized, } use RedisData::*; use RedisParseErr::*; type RedisParser<'a, Item> = Result; fn utf8_to_redis_data<'a>(s: &'a str) -> Result<(RedisData, &'a str), RedisParseErr> { if s.len() < 4 { Err(Incomplete)? }; let (first_char, s) = s.split_at(1); match first_char { ":" => parse_redis_int(s), "$" => parse_redis_bulk_string(s), "*" => parse_redis_array(s), e => Err(InvalidLineStart(e.to_string())), } } fn after_newline_at(s: &str, start: usize) -> RedisParser<&str> { let s = s.get(start..).ok_or(Incomplete)?; if s.len() < 2 { Err(Incomplete)?; } if !s.starts_with("\r\n") { Err(InvalidLineEnd)?; } Ok(s.get("\r\n".len()..).ok_or(Incomplete)?) } fn parse_number_at<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RedisParser<(usize, &'a str)> { let len = s.chars().position(|c| !c.is_numeric()).ok_or(Incomplete)?; Ok((s[..len].parse()?, after_newline_at(s, len)?)) } /// Parse a Redis bulk string and return the content of that string and the unparsed remainder. /// /// All bulk strings have the format `$[LENGTH_OF_ITEM_BODY]\r\n[ITEM_BODY]\r\n` fn parse_redis_bulk_string<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RedisParser<(RedisData, &'a str)> { let (len, rest) = parse_number_at(s)?; let content = rest.get(..len).ok_or(Incomplete)?; Ok((BulkString(content), after_newline_at(&rest, len)?)) } fn parse_redis_int<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RedisParser<(RedisData, &'a str)> { let (number, rest) = parse_number_at(s)?; Ok((Integer(number), rest)) } fn parse_redis_array<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RedisParser<(RedisData, &'a str)> { let (number_of_elements, mut rest) = parse_number_at(s)?; let mut inner = Vec::with_capacity(number_of_elements); inner.resize(number_of_elements, RedisData::Uninitilized); for i in (0..number_of_elements).rev() { let (next_el, new_rest) = utf8_to_redis_data(rest)?; rest = new_rest; inner[i] = next_el; } Ok((RedisData::RedisArray(inner), rest)) } impl<'a> TryFrom> for &'a str { type Error = RedisParseErr; fn try_from(val: RedisData<'a>) -> Result { match val { RedisData::BulkString(inner) => Ok(inner), _ => Err(IncorrectRedisType), } } } impl<'a> TryFrom> for RedisParseOutput<'a> { type Error = RedisParseErr; fn try_from(input: RedisStructuredText<'a>) -> Result, Self::Error> { if let RedisData::RedisArray(mut redis_strings) = input.structured_txt { let command = redis_strings.pop().ok_or(MissingField)?.try_into()?; match command { // subscription statuses look like: // $14\r\ntimeline:local\r\n // :47\r\n "subscribe" | "unsubscribe" => Ok(NonMsg(input.leftover_input)), // Messages look like; // $10\r\ntimeline:4\r\n // $1386\r\n{\"event\":\"update\",\"payload\"...\"queued_at\":1569623342825}\r\n "message" => Ok(Msg(RedisMsg { timeline_txt: redis_strings.pop().ok_or(MissingField)?.try_into()?, event_txt: redis_strings.pop().ok_or(MissingField)?.try_into()?, leftover_input: input.leftover_input, })), _cmd => Err(Incomplete), } } else { Err(IncorrectRedisType) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test;