use criterion::black_box; use criterion::criterion_group; use criterion::criterion_main; use criterion::Criterion; const ONE_MESSAGE_FOR_THE_USER_TIMLINE_FROM_REDIS: &str = "*3\r\n$7\r\nmessage\r\n$10\r\ntimeline:1\r\n$3790\r\n{\"event\":\"update\",\"payload\":{\"id\":\"102775370117886890\",\"created_at\":\"2019-09-11T18:42:19.000Z\",\"in_reply_to_id\":null,\"in_reply_to_account_id\":null,\"sensitive\":false,\"spoiler_text\":\"\",\"visibility\":\"unlisted\",\"language\":\"en\",\"uri\":\"\",\"url\":\"\",\"replies_count\":0,\"reblogs_count\":0,\"favourites_count\":0,\"favourited\":false,\"reblogged\":false,\"muted\":false,\"content\":\"

Trending tags:

\",\"reblog\":null,\"account\":{\"id\":\"78\",\"username\":\"federationbot\",\"acct\":\"\",\"display_name\":\"Federation Bot\",\"locked\":false,\"bot\":false,\"created_at\":\"2019-09-10T15:04:25.559Z\",\"note\":\"

Hello, I am official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don\'t feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I\'ll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)

\",\"url\":\"\",\"avatar\":\"\",\"avatar_static\":\"\",\"header\":\"\",\"header_static\":\"\",\"followers_count\":16636,\"following_count\":179532,\"statuses_count\":50554,\"emojis\":[],\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"More stats\",\"value\":\"\",\"verified_at\":null},{\"name\":\"More infos\",\"value\":\"\",\"verified_at\":null},{\"name\":\"Owner/Friend\",\"value\":\"@gled\",\"verified_at\":null}]},\"media_attachments\":[],\"mentions\":[],\"tags\":[{\"name\":\"4styles\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"neverforget\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"mercredifiction\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"uber\",\"url\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"newpipe\",\"url\":\"\"}],\"emojis\":[],\"card\":null,\"poll\":null},\"queued_at\":1568227693541}\r\n"; /// Parses the Redis message using a Regex. /// /// The naive approach from Flodgatt's proof-of-concept stage. mod regex_parse { use regex::Regex; use serde_json::Value; pub fn to_json_value(input: String) -> Value { if input.ends_with("}\r\n") { let messages = input.as_str().split("message").skip(1); let regex = Regex::new(r"timeline:(?P.*?)\r\n\$\d+\r\n(?P.*?)\r\n") .expect("Hard-codded"); for message in messages { let _timeline = regex.captures(message).expect("Hard-coded timeline regex") ["timeline"] .to_string(); let redis_msg: Value = serde_json::from_str( ®ex.captures(message).expect("Hard-coded value regex")["value"], ) .expect("Valid json"); return redis_msg; } unreachable!() } else { unreachable!() } } } /// Parse with a simplified inline iterator. /// /// Essentially shows best-case performance for producing a serde_json::Value. mod parse_inline { use serde_json::Value; pub fn to_json_value(input: String) -> Value { fn print_next_str(mut end: usize, input: &str) -> (usize, String) { let mut start = end + 3; end = start + 1; let mut iter = input.chars(); iter.nth(start); while { end += 1; } let length = &input[start..end].parse::().unwrap(); start = end + 2; end = start + length; let string = &input[start..end]; (end, string.to_string()) } if input.ends_with("}\r\n") { let end = 2; let (end, _) = print_next_str(end, &input); let (end, _timeline) = print_next_str(end, &input); let (_, msg) = print_next_str(end, &input); let redis_msg: Value = serde_json::from_str(&msg).unwrap(); redis_msg } else { unreachable!() } } } /// Parse using Flodgatt's current functions mod flodgatt_parse_event { use flodgatt::{messages::Event, redis_to_client_stream::receiver::MessageQueues}; use flodgatt::{ parse_client_request::subscription::Timeline, redis_to_client_stream::{receiver::MsgQueue, redis::redis_stream}, }; use lru::LruCache; use std::collections::HashMap; use uuid::Uuid; /// One-time setup, not included in testing time. pub fn setup() -> MessageQueues { let mut queues_map = HashMap::new(); let id = Uuid::default(); let timeline = Timeline::from_redis_raw_timeline("1", None); queues_map.insert(id, MsgQueue::new(timeline)); let queues = MessageQueues(queues_map); queues } pub fn to_event_struct( input: String, mut cache: &mut LruCache, mut queues: &mut MessageQueues, id: Uuid, timeline: Timeline, ) -> Event { redis_stream::process_messages(input, &mut None, &mut cache, &mut queues).unwrap(); queues .oldest_msg_in_target_queue(id, timeline) .expect("In test") } } /// Parse using modified a modified version of Flodgatt's current function. /// /// This version is modified to return a serde_json::Value instead of an Event to shows /// the performance we would see if we used serde's built-in method for handling weakly /// typed JSON instead of our own strongly typed struct. mod flodgatt_parse_value { use flodgatt::{log_fatal, parse_client_request::subscription::Timeline}; use lru::LruCache; use serde_json::Value; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, time::Instant, }; use uuid::Uuid; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RedisMsg<'a> { pub raw: &'a str, pub cursor: usize, pub prefix_len: usize, } impl<'a> RedisMsg<'a> { pub fn from_raw(raw: &'a str, prefix_len: usize) -> Self { Self { raw, cursor: "*3\r\n".len(), //length of intro header prefix_len, } } /// Move the cursor from the beginning of a number through its end and return the number pub fn process_number(&mut self) -> usize { let (mut selected_number, selection_start) = (0, self.cursor); while let Ok(number) = self.raw[selection_start..=self.cursor].parse::() { self.cursor += 1; selected_number = number; } selected_number } /// In a pubsub reply from Redis, an item can be either the name of the subscribed channel /// or the msg payload. Either way, it follows the same format: /// `$[LENGTH_OF_ITEM_BODY]\r\n[ITEM_BODY]\r\n` pub fn next_field(&mut self) -> String { self.cursor += "$".len(); let item_len = self.process_number(); self.cursor += "\r\n".len(); let item_start_position = self.cursor; self.cursor += item_len; let item = self.raw[item_start_position..self.cursor].to_string(); self.cursor += "\r\n".len(); item } pub fn extract_raw_timeline_and_message(&mut self) -> (String, Value) { let timeline = &self.next_field()[self.prefix_len..]; let msg_txt = self.next_field(); let msg_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&msg_txt) .unwrap_or_else(|_| log_fatal!("Invalid JSON from Redis: {:?}", &msg_txt)); (timeline.to_string(), msg_value) } } pub struct MsgQueue { pub timeline: Timeline, pub messages: VecDeque, _last_polled_at: Instant, } pub struct MessageQueues(HashMap); impl std::ops::Deref for MessageQueues { type Target = HashMap; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for MessageQueues { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } impl MessageQueues { pub fn oldest_msg_in_target_queue( &mut self, id: Uuid, timeline: Timeline, ) -> Option { self.entry(id) .or_insert_with(|| MsgQueue::new(timeline)) .messages .pop_front() } } impl MsgQueue { pub fn new(timeline: Timeline) -> Self { MsgQueue { messages: VecDeque::new(), _last_polled_at: Instant::now(), timeline, } } } pub fn process_msg( raw_utf: String, namespace: &Option, hashtag_id_cache: &mut LruCache, queues: &mut MessageQueues, ) { // Only act if we have a full message (end on a msg boundary) if !raw_utf.ends_with("}\r\n") { return; }; let prefix_to_skip = match namespace { Some(namespace) => format!("{}:timeline:", namespace), None => "timeline:".to_string(), }; let mut msg = RedisMsg::from_raw(&raw_utf, prefix_to_skip.len()); while !msg.raw.is_empty() { let command = msg.next_field(); match command.as_str() { "message" => { let (raw_timeline, msg_value) = msg.extract_raw_timeline_and_message(); let hashtag = hashtag_from_timeline(&raw_timeline, hashtag_id_cache); let timeline = Timeline::from_redis_raw_timeline(&raw_timeline, hashtag); for msg_queue in queues.values_mut() { if msg_queue.timeline == timeline { msg_queue.messages.push_back(msg_value.clone()); } } } "subscribe" | "unsubscribe" => { // No msg, so ignore & advance cursor to end let _channel = msg.next_field(); msg.cursor += ":".len(); let _active_subscriptions = msg.process_number(); msg.cursor += "\r\n".len(); } cmd => panic!("Invariant violation: {} is unexpected Redis output", cmd), }; msg = RedisMsg::from_raw(&msg.raw[msg.cursor..], msg.prefix_len); } } fn hashtag_from_timeline( raw_timeline: &str, hashtag_id_cache: &mut LruCache, ) -> Option { if raw_timeline.starts_with("hashtag") { let tag_name = raw_timeline .split(':') .nth(1) .unwrap_or_else(|| log_fatal!("No hashtag found in `{}`", raw_timeline)) .to_string(); let tag_id = *hashtag_id_cache .get(&tag_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| log_fatal!("No cached id for `{}`", tag_name)); Some(tag_id) } else { None } } pub fn setup() -> (LruCache, MessageQueues, Uuid, Timeline) { let cache: LruCache = LruCache::new(1000); let mut queues_map = HashMap::new(); let id = Uuid::default(); let timeline = Timeline::from_redis_raw_timeline("1", None); queues_map.insert(id, MsgQueue::new(timeline)); let queues = MessageQueues(queues_map); (cache, queues, id, timeline) } pub fn to_json_value( input: String, mut cache: &mut LruCache, mut queues: &mut MessageQueues, id: Uuid, timeline: Timeline, ) -> Value { process_msg(input, &None, &mut cache, &mut queues); queues .oldest_msg_in_target_queue(id, timeline) .expect("In test") } } fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { let input = ONE_MESSAGE_FOR_THE_USER_TIMLINE_FROM_REDIS.to_string(); //INPUT.to_string(); let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Parse redis RESP array"); // group.bench_function("parse to Value with a regex", |b| { // b.iter(|| regex_parse::to_json_value(black_box(input.clone()))) // }); group.bench_function("parse to Value inline", |b| { b.iter(|| parse_inline::to_json_value(black_box(input.clone()))) }); let (mut cache, mut queues, id, timeline) = flodgatt_parse_value::setup(); group.bench_function("parse to Value using Flodgatt functions", |b| { b.iter(|| { black_box(flodgatt_parse_value::to_json_value( black_box(input.clone()), black_box(&mut cache), black_box(&mut queues), black_box(id), black_box(timeline), )) }) }); let mut queues = flodgatt_parse_event::setup(); group.bench_function("parse to Event using Flodgatt functions", |b| { b.iter(|| { black_box(flodgatt_parse_event::to_event_struct( black_box(input.clone()), black_box(&mut cache), black_box(&mut queues), black_box(id), black_box(timeline), )) }) }); } criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark); criterion_main!(benches);