use super::redis_cmd; use crate::config::{RedisConfig, RedisInterval, RedisNamespace}; use crate::err; use std::{io::Read, io::Write, net, time}; pub struct RedisConn { pub primary: net::TcpStream, pub secondary: net::TcpStream, pub namespace: RedisNamespace, pub polling_interval: RedisInterval, } fn send_password(mut conn: net::TcpStream, password: &str) -> net::TcpStream { conn.write_all(&redis_cmd::cmd("auth", &password)).unwrap(); let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 5]; conn.read_exact(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let reply = String::from_utf8(buffer.to_vec()).unwrap(); if reply != "+OK\r\n" { err::die_with_msg(format!( r"Incorrect Redis password. You supplied `{}`. Please supply correct password with REDIS_PASSWORD environmental variable.", password, )) }; conn } fn set_db(mut conn: net::TcpStream, db: &str) -> net::TcpStream { conn.write_all(&redis_cmd::cmd("SELECT", &db)).unwrap(); conn } fn send_test_ping(mut conn: net::TcpStream) -> net::TcpStream { conn.write_all(b"PING\r\n").unwrap(); let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 7]; conn.read_exact(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let reply = String::from_utf8(buffer.to_vec()).unwrap(); match reply.as_str() { "+PONG\r\n" => (), "-NOAUTH" => err::die_with_msg( r"Invalid authentication for Redis. Redis reports that it needs a password, but you did not provide one. You can set a password with the REDIS_PASSWORD environmental variable.", ), "HTTP/1." => err::die_with_msg( r"The server at REDIS_HOST and REDIS_PORT is not a Redis server. Please update the REDIS_HOST and/or REDIS_PORT environmental variables.", ), _ => err::die_with_msg(format!( "Could not connect to Redis for unknown reason. Expected `+PONG` reply but got {}", reply )), }; conn } impl RedisConn { pub fn new(redis_cfg: RedisConfig) -> Self { let addr = format!("{}:{}", *, *redis_cfg.port); let conn_err = |e| { err::die_with_msg(format!( "Could not connect to Redis at {}:{}.\n Error detail: {}", *, *redis_cfg.port, e, )) }; let update_conn = |mut conn| { if let Some(password) = redis_cfg.password.clone() { conn = send_password(conn, &password); } conn = send_test_ping(conn); conn.set_read_timeout(Some(time::Duration::from_millis(10))) .expect("Can set read timeout for Redis connection"); if let Some(db) = &*redis_cfg.db { conn = set_db(conn, db); } conn }; let (primary_conn, secondary_conn) = ( update_conn(net::TcpStream::connect(addr.clone()).unwrap_or_else(conn_err)), update_conn(net::TcpStream::connect(addr).unwrap_or_else(conn_err)), ); primary_conn .set_nonblocking(true) .expect("set_nonblocking call failed"); Self { primary: primary_conn, secondary: secondary_conn, namespace: redis_cfg.namespace, polling_interval: redis_cfg.polling_interval, } } }