use crate::from_env_var; use std::time::Duration; //use std::{fmt, net::IpAddr, os::unix::net::UnixListener, str::FromStr, time::Duration}; //use strum_macros::{EnumString, EnumVariantNames}; from_env_var!( /// The host address where Redis is running let name = RedisHost; let default: String = "".to_string(); let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_HOST", "any string".to_string()); let from_str = |s| Some(s.to_string()); ); from_env_var!( /// The port Redis is running on let name = RedisPort; let default: u16 = 6379; let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_PORT", "a number between 0 and 65535".to_string()); let from_str = |s| s.parse().ok(); ); from_env_var!( /// How frequently to poll Redis let name = RedisInterval; let default: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_POLL_INTERVAL", "a number of milliseconds".to_string()); let from_str = |s| s.parse().map(Duration::from_millis).ok(); ); from_env_var!( /// The password to use for Redis let name = RedisPass; let default: Option = None; let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_PASSWORD", "any string".to_string()); let from_str = |s| Some(Some(s.to_string())); ); from_env_var!( /// An optional Redis Namespace let name = RedisNamespace; let default: Option = None; let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_NAMESPACE", "any string".to_string()); let from_str = |s| Some(Some(s.to_string())); ); from_env_var!( /// A user for Redis (not supported) let name = RedisUser; let default: Option = None; let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_USER", "any string".to_string()); let from_str = |s| Some(Some(s.to_string())); ); from_env_var!( /// The database to use with Redis (no current effect for PubSub connections) let name = RedisDb; let default: Option = None; let (env_var, allowed_values) = ("REDIS_DB", "any string".to_string()); let from_str = |s| Some(Some(s.to_string())); );