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2019-07-06 02:08:50 +02:00
//! `User` struct and related functionality
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod mock_postgres;
// #[cfg(test)]
// use mock_postgres as postgres;
// #[cfg(not(test))]
pub mod postgres;
pub use self::postgres::PgPool;
use super::query::Query;
use crate::log_fatal;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use warp::reject::Rejection;
/// The User (with data read from Postgres)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Subscription {
pub timeline: Timeline,
pub allowed_langs: HashSet<String>,
pub blocks: Blocks,
impl Default for Subscription {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
timeline: Timeline(Stream::Unset, Reach::Local, Content::Notification),
allowed_langs: HashSet::new(),
blocks: Blocks::default(),
impl Subscription {
pub fn from_query(q: Query, pool: PgPool, whitelist_mode: bool) -> Result<Self, Rejection> {
let user = match q.access_token.clone() {
Some(token) => postgres::select_user(&token, pool.clone())?,
None if whitelist_mode => Err(warp::reject::custom("Error: Invalid access token"))?,
None => UserData::public(),
Ok(Subscription {
timeline: Timeline::from_query_and_user(&q, &user, pool.clone())?,
allowed_langs: user.allowed_langs,
blocks: Blocks {
blocking_users: postgres::select_blocking_users(user.id, pool.clone()),
blocked_users: postgres::select_blocked_users(user.id, pool.clone()),
blocked_domains: postgres::select_blocked_domains(user.id, pool.clone()),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Timeline(pub Stream, pub Reach, pub Content);
impl Timeline {
pub fn empty() -> Self {
use {Content::*, Reach::*, Stream::*};
Self(Unset, Local, Notification)
pub fn to_redis_raw_timeline(&self, hashtag: Option<&String>) -> String {
use {Content::*, Reach::*, Stream::*};
match self {
Timeline(Public, Federated, All) => "timeline:public".into(),
Timeline(Public, Local, All) => "timeline:public:local".into(),
Timeline(Public, Federated, Media) => "timeline:public:media".into(),
Timeline(Public, Local, Media) => "timeline:public:local:media".into(),
Timeline(Hashtag(id), Federated, All) => format!(
hashtag.unwrap_or_else(|| log_fatal!("Did not supply a name for hashtag #{}", id))
Timeline(Hashtag(id), Local, All) => format!(
hashtag.unwrap_or_else(|| log_fatal!("Did not supply a name for hashtag #{}", id))
Timeline(User(id), Federated, All) => format!("timeline:{}", id),
Timeline(User(id), Federated, Notification) => format!("timeline:{}:notification", id),
Timeline(List(id), Federated, All) => format!("timeline:list:{}", id),
Timeline(Direct(id), Federated, All) => format!("timeline:direct:{}", id),
Timeline(one, _two, _three) => {
log_fatal!("Supposedly impossible timeline reached: {:?}", one)
pub fn from_redis_raw_timeline(raw_timeline: &str, hashtag: Option<i64>) -> Self {
use {Content::*, Reach::*, Stream::*};
match raw_timeline.split(':').collect::<Vec<&str>>()[..] {
["public"] => Timeline(Public, Federated, All),
["public", "local"] => Timeline(Public, Local, All),
["public", "media"] => Timeline(Public, Federated, Media),
["public", "local", "media"] => Timeline(Public, Local, Media),
["hashtag", _tag] => Timeline(Hashtag(hashtag.unwrap()), Federated, All),
["hashtag", _tag, "local"] => Timeline(Hashtag(hashtag.unwrap()), Local, All),
[id] => Timeline(User(id.parse().unwrap()), Federated, All),
[id, "notification"] => Timeline(User(id.parse().unwrap()), Federated, Notification),
["list", id] => Timeline(List(id.parse().unwrap()), Federated, All),
["direct", id] => Timeline(Direct(id.parse().unwrap()), Federated, All),
// Other endpoints don't exist:
[..] => log_fatal!("Unexpected channel from Redis: {}", raw_timeline),
fn from_query_and_user(q: &Query, user: &UserData, pool: PgPool) -> Result<Self, Rejection> {
use {warp::reject::custom, Content::*, Reach::*, Scope::*, Stream::*};
let id_from_hashtag = || postgres::select_list_id(&q.hashtag, pool.clone());
let user_owns_list = || postgres::user_owns_list(user.id, q.list, pool.clone());
Ok(match q.stream.as_ref() {
"public" => match q.media {
true => Timeline(Public, Federated, Media),
false => Timeline(Public, Federated, All),
"public:local" => match q.media {
true => Timeline(Public, Local, Media),
false => Timeline(Public, Local, All),
"public:media" => Timeline(Public, Federated, Media),
"public:local:media" => Timeline(Public, Local, Media),
"hashtag" => Timeline(Hashtag(id_from_hashtag()?), Federated, All),
"hashtag:local" => Timeline(Hashtag(id_from_hashtag()?), Local, All),
"user" => match user.scopes.contains(&Statuses) {
true => Timeline(User(user.id), Federated, All),
false => Err(custom("Error: Missing access token"))?,
"user:notification" => match user.scopes.contains(&Statuses) {
true => Timeline(User(user.id), Federated, Notification),
false => Err(custom("Error: Missing access token"))?,
"list" => match user.scopes.contains(&Lists) && user_owns_list() {
true => Timeline(List(q.list), Federated, All),
false => Err(warp::reject::custom("Error: Missing access token"))?,
"direct" => match user.scopes.contains(&Statuses) {
true => Timeline(Direct(user.id), Federated, All),
false => Err(custom("Error: Missing access token"))?,
other => {
2020-03-20 01:54:23 +01:00
log::warn!("Request for nonexistent endpoint: `{}`", other);
Err(custom("Error: Nonexistent endpoint"))?
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum Stream {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum Reach {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum Content {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Scope {
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Blocks {
pub blocked_domains: HashSet<String>,
pub blocked_users: HashSet<i64>,
pub blocking_users: HashSet<i64>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct UserData {
id: i64,
allowed_langs: HashSet<String>,
scopes: HashSet<Scope>,
impl UserData {
fn public() -> Self {
Self {
id: -1,
allowed_langs: HashSet::new(),
scopes: HashSet::new(),
2019-04-19 23:06:29 +02:00