
131 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//! Interfacing with Redis and stream the results on to the `StreamManager`
use crate::user::User;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use log::info;
use regex::Regex;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, Error};
use uuid::Uuid;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::time::Duration;
/// The item that streams from Redis and is polled by the `StreamManger`
pub struct Receiver {
stream: TcpStream,
tl: String,
pub user: User,
polled_by: Uuid,
msg_queue: HashMap<Uuid, VecDeque<Value>>,
impl Receiver {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let stream = TcpStream::connect("").unwrap();
Self {
tl: String::new(),
user: User::public(),
polled_by: Uuid::new_v4(),
msg_queue: HashMap::new(),
/// Update the `StreamManager` that is currently polling the `Receiver`
pub fn set_polled_by(&mut self, id: Uuid) -> &Self {
self.polled_by = id;
/// Send a subscribe command to the Redis PubSub
pub fn subscribe(&mut self, tl: &str) {
let subscribe_cmd = redis_cmd_from("subscribe", &tl);
info!("Subscribing to {}", &tl);
.expect("Can subscribe to Redis");
/// Send an unsubscribe command to the Redis PubSub
pub fn unsubscribe(&mut self, tl: &str) {
let unsubscribe_cmd = redis_cmd_from("unsubscribe", &tl);
info!("Subscribing to {}", &tl);
.expect("Can unsubscribe from Redis");
impl Stream for Receiver {
type Item = Value;
type Error = Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Value>, Self::Error> {
let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 3000];
let polled_by = self.polled_by;
info!("Being polled by StreamManager with uuid: {}", polled_by);
let mut async_stream = AsyncReadableStream(&mut self.stream);
if let Async::Ready(num_bytes_read) = async_stream.poll_read(&mut buffer)? {
// capture everything between `{` and `}` as potential JSON
// TODO: figure out if `(?x)` is needed
let re = Regex::new(r"(?P<json>\{.*\})").expect("Valid hard-coded regex");
if let Some(cap) = re.captures(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[..num_bytes_read])) {
let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&cap["json"].to_string().clone())?;
for value in self.msg_queue.values_mut() {
if let Some(value) = self.msg_queue.entry(polled_by).or_default().pop_front() {
} else {
impl Drop for Receiver {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let timeline = self.tl.clone();
struct AsyncReadableStream<'a>(&'a mut TcpStream);
impl<'a> Read for AsyncReadableStream<'a> {
fn read(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
impl<'a> AsyncRead for AsyncReadableStream<'a> {
fn poll_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<usize, std::io::Error> {
match self.read(buf) {
Ok(t) => Ok(Async::Ready(t)),
Err(_) => Ok(Async::NotReady),
fn redis_cmd_from(cmd: impl std::fmt::Display, timeline: impl std::fmt::Display) -> Vec<u8> {
let (cmd, arg) = (cmd.to_string(), format!("timeline:{}", timeline));
cmd_length = cmd.len(),
cmd = cmd,
arg_length = arg.len(),
arg = arg