--- title: statuses API methods description: Publish, interact, and view information about statuses. menu: docs: weight: 30 name: statuses parent: methods identifier: methods-statuses aliases: [ "/methods/statuses", "/api/methods/statuses", ] --- ## Post a new status {#create} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses HTTP/1.1 ``` Publish a status with the given parameters. **Returns:** [Status]({{}}). When `scheduled_at` is present, [ScheduledStatus]({{}}) is returned instead.\ **OAuth:** User + `write:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added\ 2.7.0 - `scheduled_at` added\ 2.8.0 - `poll` added #### Request ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. Idempotency-Key : Provide this header with any arbitrary string to prevent duplicate submissions of the same status. Consider using a hash or UUID generated client-side. Idempotency keys are stored for up to 1 hour. ##### Form data parameters status : {{}} String. The text content of the status. If `media_ids` is provided, this becomes optional. Attaching a `poll` is optional while `status` is provided. media_ids[] : {{}} Array of String. Include Attachment IDs to be attached as media. If provided, `status` becomes optional, and `poll` cannot be used. poll[options][] : {{}} Array of String. Possible answers to the poll. If provided, `media_ids` cannot be used, and `poll[expires_in]` must be provided. poll[expires_in] : {{}} Integer. Duration that the poll should be open, in seconds. If provided, `media_ids` cannot be used, and `poll[options]` must be provided. poll[multiple] : Boolean. Allow multiple choices? Defaults to false. poll[hide_totals] : Boolean. Hide vote counts until the poll ends? Defaults to false. in_reply_to_id : String. ID of the status being replied to, if status is a reply. sensitive : Boolean. Mark status and attached media as sensitive? Defaults to false. spoiler_text : String. Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content. Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field. visibility : String. Sets the visibility of the posted status to `public`, `unlisted`, `private`, `direct`. language : String. ISO 639 language code for this status. scheduled_at : String. ISO 8601 Datetime at which to schedule a status. Providing this parameter will cause ScheduledStatus to be returned instead of Status. Must be at least 5 minutes in the future. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status will be posted with chosen parameters: ```json { "id": "103254962155278888", "created_at": "2019-12-05T11:34:47.196Z", // ... "content": "

test content

", // ... "application": { "name": "test app", "website": null }, // ... } ``` If scheduled_at is provided, then a ScheduledStatus will be returned instead: ```json { "id": "3221", "scheduled_at": "2019-12-05T12:33:01.000Z", "params": { "text": "test content", "media_ids": null, "sensitive": null, "spoiler_text": null, "visibility": null, "scheduled_at": null, "poll": null, "idempotency": null, "in_reply_to_id": null, "application_id": 596551 }, "media_attachments": [] } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 422: Unprocessable entity ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Text can't be blank" } ``` --- ## View a single status {#get} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id HTTP/1.1 ``` Obtain information about a status. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses, user token + `read:statuses` for private statuses\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added\ 2.7.0 - public statuses no longer require token #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK ```json { "id": "1", "created_at": "2016-03-16T14:44:31.580Z", "in_reply_to_id": null, "in_reply_to_account_id": null, "sensitive": false, "spoiler_text": "", "visibility": "public", "language": "en", "uri": "https://mastodon.social/users/Gargron/statuses/1", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/1", "replies_count": 7, "reblogs_count": 98, "favourites_count": 112, "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "content": "

Hello world

", "reblog": null, "application": null, "account": { "id": "1", "username": "Gargron", "acct": "Gargron", "display_name": "Eugen", "locked": false, "bot": false, "created_at": "2016-03-16T14:34:26.392Z", "note": "

Developer of Mastodon and administrator of mastodon.social. I post service announcements, development updates, and personal stuff.

", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@Gargron", "avatar": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/000/001/original/d96d39a0abb45b92.jpg", "avatar_static": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/000/001/original/d96d39a0abb45b92.jpg", "header": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/headers/000/000/001/original/c91b871f294ea63e.png", "header_static": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/headers/000/000/001/original/c91b871f294ea63e.png", "followers_count": 320472, "following_count": 453, "statuses_count": 61163, "last_status_at": "2019-12-05T03:03:02.595Z", "emojis": [], "fields": [ { "name": "Patreon", "value": "https://www.patreon.com/mastodon", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "Homepage", "value": "https://zeonfederated.com", "verified_at": "2019-07-15T18:29:57.191+00:00" } ] }, "media_attachments": [], "mentions": [], "tags": [], "emojis": [], "card": null, "poll": null } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Instance is in authorized-fetch mode. ```json { "error": "This API requires an authenticated user" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Delete a status {#delete} ```http DELETE /api/v1/statuses/:id HTTP/1.1 ``` Delete one of your own statuses. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}}) with source `text` and `poll` or `media_attachments`\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added\ 2.9.0 - return source properties, for use with delete and redraft #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Note the special properties `text` and `poll` or `media_attachments` which may be used to repost the status, e.g. in case of delete-and-redraft functionality. With [POST /api/v1/statuses](#create), use `text` as the value for `status` parameter, `media_attachments[n]["id"]` for the `media_ids` array parameter, and `poll` properties with the corresponding parameters (e.g. `poll[multiple]` and `poll[options]`, with a new `poll[expires_in]` and `poll[hide_totals]` per user input. Example of deleting a media post: ```json { "id": "103254193998341330", "created_at": "2019-12-05T08:19:26.052Z", "in_reply_to_id": null, "in_reply_to_account_id": null, "sensitive": false, "spoiler_text": "", "visibility": "public", "language": "en", "uri": "https://mastodon.social/users/trwnh/statuses/103254193998341330", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@trwnh/103254193998341330", "replies_count": 0, "reblogs_count": 0, "favourites_count": 0, "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, "text": "test", "reblog": null, "application": { "name": "Web", "website": null }, "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [ { "id": "22345792", "type": "image", "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/022/345/792/original/57859aede991da25.jpeg", "preview_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/022/345/792/small/57859aede991da25.jpeg", "remote_url": null, "text_url": "https://mastodon.social/media/2N4uvkuUtPVrkZGysms", "meta": { "original": { "width": 640, "height": 480, "size": "640x480", "aspect": 1.3333333333333333 }, "small": { "width": 461, "height": 346, "size": "461x346", "aspect": 1.3323699421965318 }, "focus": { "x": -0.27, "y": 0.51 } }, "description": "test media description", "blurhash": "UFBWY:8_0Jxv4mx]t8t64.%M-:IUWGWAt6M}" } ], "mentions": [], "tags": [], "emojis": [], "card": null, "poll": null } ``` Example of deleting a poll: ```json { "id": "103254222827484720", "created_at": "2019-12-05T08:26:45.958Z", "in_reply_to_id": null, "in_reply_to_account_id": null, "sensitive": false, "spoiler_text": "", "visibility": "public", "language": "en", "uri": "https://mastodon.social/users/trwnh/statuses/103254222827484720", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@trwnh/103254222827484720", "replies_count": 0, "reblogs_count": 0, "favourites_count": 0, "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, "text": "test", "reblog": null, "application": { "name": "Web", "website": null }, "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "mentions": [], "tags": [], "emojis": [], "card": null, "poll": { "id": "34858", "expires_at": "2019-12-06T08:26:45.945Z", "expired": false, "multiple": false, "votes_count": 1, "voters_count": 1, "voted": true, "own_votes": [], "options": [ { "title": "test 1", "votes_count": 1 }, { "title": "test 2", "votes_count": 0 } ], "emojis": [] } } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status is not owned by you or does not exist ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Get parent and child statuses in context {#context} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/context HTTP/1.1 ``` View statuses above and below this status in the thread. **Returns:** [Context]({{< relref "entities/context" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses limited to 40 ancestors and 60 descendants with a maximum depth of 20. User token + `read:statuses` for up to 4,096 ancestors, 4,096 descendants, unlimited depth, and private statuses.\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added 4.0.0 - limit unauthenticated requests #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK ```json { "ancestors": [ { "id": "103188938570975982", "created_at": "2019-11-23T19:44:00.124Z", "in_reply_to_id": null, "in_reply_to_account_id": null, // ... }, { "id": "103188971072973252", "created_at": "2019-11-23T19:52:23.398Z", "in_reply_to_id": "103188938570975982", "in_reply_to_account_id": "634458", // ... }, { "id": "103188982235527758", "created_at": "2019-11-23T19:55:08.208Z", "in_reply_to_id": "103188971072973252", "in_reply_to_account_id": "14715", // ... } ], "descendants": [ { "id": "103189026958574542", "created_at": "2019-11-23T20:06:36.011Z", "in_reply_to_id": "103189005915505698", "in_reply_to_account_id": "634458", // ... } ] } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status is private or does not exist ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Translate a status {#translate} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/translate HTTP/1.1 ``` Translate the status content into some language. **Returns:** [Translation]({{< relref "entities/translation" >}})\ **OAuth:** App token + `read:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 4.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Form data parameters lang : String (ISO 639 language code). The status content will be translated into this language. Defaults to the user's current locale. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Translating a status in Spanish with content warning and media into English ```json { "content": "

Hello world

", "spoiler_text": "Greatings ahead", "media_attachments": [ { "id": 22345792, "description": "Status author waving at the camera" } ], "poll": null, "detected_source_language": "es", "provider": "DeepL.com" } ``` Translating a status with poll into English ```json { "content": "

Should I stay or should I go?

", "spoiler_text": null, "media_attachments": [], "poll": [ { "id": 34858, "options": [ { "title": "Stay" }, { "title": "Go" } ] } ], "detected_source_language": "ja", "provider": "DeepL.com" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status is private or does not exist ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` ##### 503: Service unavailable The translation request failed ```json { "error": "Service Unavailable" } ``` --- ## See who boosted a status {#reblogged_by} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/reblogged_by HTTP/1.1 ``` View who boosted a given status. **Returns:** Array of [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses. User token + `read:statuses` for private statuses. **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Query parameters max_id : **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination. since_id : **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination. limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 40 accounts. Max 80 accounts. #### Response ##### 200: OK A list of accounts that boosted the status ```json [ { "id": "711345", "username": "Norman_Doors", "acct": "Norman_Doors@witches.live", // ... }, // ... ] ``` Because reblogged Status IDs are generally not known ahead of time, you will have to parse the HTTP `Link` header to load older or newer results. See [Paginating through API responses]({{}}) for more information. ```http Link: ; rel="next", ; rel="prev" ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## See who favourited a status {#favourited_by} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/favourited_by HTTP/1.1 ``` View who favourited a given status. **Returns:** Array of [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses. User token + `read:statuses` for private statuses.\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Query parameters max_id : **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination. since_id : **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination. limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 40 accounts. Max 80 accounts. #### Response ##### 200: OK A list of accounts who favourited the status ```json [ { "id": "828600", "username": "fructose_dealer", "acct": "fructose_dealer@radical.town", // ... }, // ... ] ``` Because Favourite IDs are generally not exposed via any API responses, you will have to parse the HTTP `Link` header to load older or newer results. See [Paginating through API responses]({{}}) for more information. ```http Link: ; rel="next", ; rel="prev" ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Favourite a status {#favourite} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/favourite HTTP/1.1 ``` Add a status to your favourites list. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:favourites`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status favourited or was already favourited ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": true, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Undo favourite of a status {#unfavourite} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unfavourite HTTP/1.1 ``` Remove a status from your favourites list. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:favourites`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status unfavourited or was already not favourited ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Boost a status {#boost} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/reblog HTTP/1.1 ``` Reshare a status on your own profile. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added\ 2.8.0 - add `visibility` parameter #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Form data parameters visibility : String. Any visibility except `limited` or `direct` (i.e. `public`, `unlisted`, `private`). Defaults to public. Currently unused in UI. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status has been reblogged. Note that the top-level id has changed. The id of the boosted status is now inside the `reblog` property. The top-level id is the id of the reblog itself. Also note that reblogs cannot be pinned. ```json { "id": "103254401326800919", "created_at": "2019-12-05T09:12:09.625Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": true, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, // ... "reblog": { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": true, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... }, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Undo boost of a status {#unreblog} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unreblog HTTP/1.1 ``` Undo a reshare of a status. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status unboosted or was already not boosted ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Bookmark a status {#bookmark} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/bookmark HTTP/1.1 ``` Privately bookmark a status. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:bookmarks`\ **Version history:**\ 3.1.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status bookmarked or was already bookmarked ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": true, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` --- ## Undo bookmark of a status {#unbookmark} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unbookmark HTTP/1.1 ``` Remove a status from your private bookmarks. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:bookmarks`\ **Version history:**\ 3.1.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status was unbookmarked or was already not bookmarked ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Mute a conversation {#mute} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/mute HTTP/1.1 ``` Do not receive notifications for the thread that this status is part of. Must be a thread in which you are a participant. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:mutes`\ **Version history:**\ 1.4.2 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status's conversation muted, or was already muted ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": true, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Unmute a conversation {#unmute} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute HTTP/1.1 ``` Start receiving notifications again for the thread that this status is part of. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:mutes`\ **Version history:**\ 1.4.2 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status's conversation unmuted, or was already unmuted ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Pin status to profile {#pin} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/pin HTTP/1.1 ``` Feature one of your own public statuses at the top of your profile. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:accounts`\ **Version history:**\ 1.6.0 - added\ 3.5.0 - you can now pin private posts #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The local ID of the Status in the database. The status should be authored by the authorized account. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status pinned. Note the status is not a reblog and its authoring account is your own. ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": true, // ... "reblog": null, // ... "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", // ... }, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` ##### 422: Unprocessable entity Status is not owned by you: ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Someone else's post cannot be pinned" } ``` Prior to 3.5.0, you could not pin one of your private statuses because private statuses could not be fetched from remote sites, and must have been delivered. (3.5.0 added a mechanism to fetch statuses on behalf of an account.) ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Non-public toot cannot be pinned" } ``` --- ## Unpin status from profile {#unpin} ```http POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unpin HTTP/1.1 ``` Unfeature a status from the top of your profile. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:accounts`\ **Version history:**\ 1.6.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The local ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status unpinned, or was already not pinned ```json { "id": "99734435964706331", "created_at": "2018-03-23T17:38:40.700Z", // ... "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, // ... "reblog": null, // ... "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", // ... }, // ... } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## Edit a status {#edit} ```http PUT /api/v1/statuses/:id HTTP/1.1 ``` Edit a given status to change its text, sensitivity, media attachments, or poll. Note that editing a poll's options will reset the votes. **Returns:** [Status]({{< relref "entities/status" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 3.5.0 - added\ 4.0.0 - add `language` #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Form data parameters status : String. The plain text content of the status. spoiler_text : String. The plain text subject or content warning of the status. sensitive : Boolean. Whether the status should be marked as sensitive. language : String. ISO 639 language code for the status. media_ids[] : Array of String. Include Attachment IDs to be attached as media. If provided, `status` becomes optional, and `poll` cannot be used. media_attributes[][] : Array of String. Each array includes id, description, and focus. poll[options][] : Array of String. Possible answers to the poll. If provided, `media_ids` cannot be used, and `poll[expires_in]` must be provided. poll[expires_in] : Integer. Duration that the poll should be open, in seconds. If provided, `media_ids` cannot be used, and `poll[options]` must be provided. poll[multiple] : Boolean. Allow multiple choices? Defaults to false. poll[hide_totals] : Boolean. Hide vote counts until the poll ends? Defaults to false. #### Response ##### 200: OK Status has been successfully edited. ```json { "id": "108942703571991143", "created_at": "2022-09-04T23:22:13.704Z", "in_reply_to_id": null, "in_reply_to_account_id": null, "sensitive": false, "spoiler_text": "", "visibility": "public", "language": "en", "uri": "https://mastodon.social/users/trwnh/statuses/108942703571991143", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@trwnh/108942703571991143", "replies_count": 3, "reblogs_count": 1, "favourites_count": 6, "edited_at": "2022-09-05T00:33:20.309Z", "favourited": false, "reblogged": false, "muted": false, "bookmarked": false, "pinned": false, "content": "

this is a status that has been edited multiple times to change the text, add a poll, and change poll options.

", "filtered": [], "reblog": null, "application": { "name": "SubwayTooter", "website": null }, "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "mentions": [], "tags": [], "emojis": [], "card": null, "poll": null } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist, is private, or is not owned by you. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` ##### 422: Unprocessable entity ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Text can't be blank" } ``` --- ## View edit history of a status {#history} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/history HTTP/1.1 ``` Get all known versions of a status, including the initial and current states. **Returns:** Array of [StatusEdit]({{< relref "entities/statusedit" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses, user token + `read:statuses` for private statuses\ **Version history:**\ 3.5.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The local ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK ```json [ { "content": "

this is a status that will be edited

", "spoiler_text": "", "sensitive": false, "created_at": "2022-09-04T23:22:13.704Z", "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "emojis": [] }, { "content": "

this is a status that has been edited

", "spoiler_text": "", "sensitive": false, "created_at": "2022-09-04T23:22:42.555Z", "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "emojis": [] }, { "content": "

this is a status that has been edited twice

", "spoiler_text": "", "sensitive": false, "created_at": "2022-09-04T23:22:55.956Z", "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "emojis": [] }, { "content": "

this is a status that has been edited three times. this time a poll has been added.

", "spoiler_text": "", "sensitive": false, "created_at": "2022-09-05T00:01:48.160Z", "poll": { "options": [ { "title": "cool" }, { "title": "uncool" }, { "title": "spiderman" } ] }, "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "emojis": [] }, { "content": "

this is a status that has been edited three times. this time a poll has been added.

", "spoiler_text": "", "sensitive": false, "created_at": "2022-09-05T00:03:32.480Z", "poll": { "options": [ { "title": "cool" }, { "title": "uncool" }, { "title": "spiderman (this option has been changed)" } ] }, "account": { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... }, "media_attachments": [], "emojis": [] } ] ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## View status source {#source} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/source HTTP/1.1 ``` Obtain the source properties for a status so that it can be edited. **Returns:** [StatusSource]({{< relref "entities/statussource" >}})\ **OAuth:** App token + `read:statuses`\ **Version history:**\ 3.5.0 - added #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The local ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK ```json { "id": "108942703571991143", "text": "this is a status that will be edited", "spoiler_text": "" } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## (DEPRECATED) Fetch preview card {#card} ```http GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/card HTTP/1.1 ``` **Returns:** [PreviewCard]({{< relref "entities/PreviewCard" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public for public statuses, user token + `read:statuses` for private statuses\ **Version history:**\ 0.0.0 - added\ 2.6.0 - deprecated in favor of card property inlined on Status entity\ 3.0.0 - removed #### Request ##### Path parameters :id : {{}} String. The local ID of the Status in the database. ##### Headers Authorization : Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. #### Response ##### 200: OK ```json { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMv_EPMED8Y", "title": "♪ Brand New Friend (Christmas Song!)", "description": "", "type": "video", "author_name": "YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon", "author_url": "https://www.youtube.com/user/BlueXephos", "provider_name": "YouTube", "provider_url": "https://www.youtube.com/", "html": "", "width": 480, "height": 270, "image": "https://files.mastodon.social/preview_cards/images/014/179/145/original/9cf4b7cf5567b569.jpeg", "embed_url": "" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Status does not exist or is private. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` --- ## See also {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/bookmarks_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/bookmarks_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/favourited_by_accounts_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/favourited_by_accounts_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/favourites_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/favourites_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/histories_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/histories_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/mutes_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/mutes_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/pins_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/pins_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/reblogged_by_accounts_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/reblogged_by_accounts_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/reblogs_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/reblogs_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/sources_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/statuses/sources_controller.rb" >}}