--- title: Preferences description: Represents a user's preferences. menu: docs: parent: entities aliases: [ "/entities/preferences", "/entities/Preferences", "/api/entities/preferences", "/api/entities/Preferences", ] --- ## Example ```json { "posting:default:visibility": "public", "posting:default:sensitive": false, "posting:default:language": null, "reading:expand:media": "default", "reading:expand:spoilers": false } ``` ## Attributes ### `posting:default:visibility` {#posting-default-visibility} **Description:** Default visibility for new posts. Equivalent to [CredentialAccount#source\[privacy\]]({{< relref "entities/Account#source-privacy" >}}).\ **Type:** String (Enumerable, oneOf)\ `public` = Public post\ `unlisted` = Unlisted post\ `private` = Followers-only post\ `direct` = Direct post\ **Version history:**\ 2.8.0 - added ### `posting:default:sensitive` {#posting-default-sensitive} **Description:** Default sensitivity flag for new posts. Equivalent to [CredentialAccount#source\[sensitive\]]({{< relref "entities/Account#source-sensitive" >}}).\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 2.8.0 - added ### `posting:default:language` {#posting-default-language} **Description:** Default language for new posts. Equivalent to [CredentialAccount#source\[language\]]({{< relref "entities/Account#source-language" >}})\ **Type:** {{}} String (well-formed BCP 47 language tag, but parts other than language subtag may be discarded), or null\ **Version history:**\ 2.8.0 - added 4.1.0 - accept BCP 47 ### `reading:expand:media` {#reading-expand-media} **Description:** Whether media attachments should be automatically displayed or blurred/hidden.\ **Type:** String (Enumerable, oneOf)\ `default` = Hide media marked as sensitive\ `show_all` = Always show all media by default, regardless of sensitivity\ `hide_all` = Always hide all media by default, regardless of sensitivity\ **Version history:**\ 2.8.0 - added ### `reading:expand:spoilers` {#reading-expand-spoilers} **Description:** Whether CWs should be expanded by default.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 2.8.0 - added ## See also {{< page-relref ref="methods/preferences" caption="preferences API methods" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/serializers/rest/preferences_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/preferences_serializer.rb" >}}