--- title: dimensions API methods description: Obtain qualitative metrics about the server. menu: docs: name: dimensions parent: methods-admin identifier: methods-admin-dimensions aliases: [ "/methods/admin/dimensions", "/api/methods/admin/dimensions", ] --- ## Get dimensional data {#get} ```http POST /api/v1/admin/dimensions HTTP/1.1 ``` Obtain information about popularity of certain accounts, servers, languages, etc. **Returns:** Array of [Admin::Dimension]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Dimension" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `admin:read`\ **Permissions:** View Dashboard\ **Version history:**\ 3.5.0 - added\ 4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions #### Request ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Form data parameters keys[] : {{}} Array of String. Request specific dimensions by their keystring. Supported dimensions include: - `languages` = Most-used languages on this server - `sources` = Most-used client apps on this server - `servers` = Remote servers with the most statuses - `space_usage` = How much space is used by your software stack - `software_versions` = The version numbers for your software stack - `tag_servers` = Most-common servers for statuses including a trending tag - `tag_languages` = Most-used languages for statuses including a trending tag - `instance_accounts` = Most-followed accounts from a remote server - `instance_languages` = Most-used languages from a remote server start_at : String (ISO 8601 Datetime). The start date for the time period. If a time is provided, it will be ignored. end_at : String (ISO 8601 Datetime). The end date for the time period. If a time is provided, it will be ignored. limit : Integer. The maximum number of results to return for sources, servers, languages, tag or instance dimensions. tag_servers[id] : String. When `tag_servers` is one of the requested keys, you must provide a trending tag ID to obtain information about which servers are posting the tag. tag_languages[id] : String. When `tag_languages` is one of the requested keys, you must provide a trending tag ID to obtain information about which languages are posting the tag. instance_accounts[domain] : String. When `instance_accounts` is one of the requested keys, you must provide a domain to obtain information about popular accounts from that server. instance_languages[domain] : String. When `instance_accounts` is one of the requested keys, you must provide a domain to obtain information about popular languages from that server. #### Response ##### 200: OK Requesting data on mastodon.social and a given trending tag with a limit of 2. ```json [ { "key": "languages", "data": [ { "key": "en", "human_key": "English", "value": "10" }, { "key": "es", "human_key": "Spanish", "value": "1" } ] }, { "key": "sources", "data": [ { "key": "web", "human_key": "Website", "value": "3" } ] }, { "key": "servers", "data": [ { "key": "botsin.space", "human_key": "botsin.space", "value": "13738" }, { "key": "monads.online", "human_key": "monads.online", "value": "8928" } ] }, { "key": "space_usage", "data": [ { "key": "postgresql", "human_key": "PostgreSQL", "value": "49581359907", "unit": "bytes", "human_value": "46.2 GB" }, { "key": "redis", "human_key": "Redis", "value": "100765744", "unit": "bytes", "human_value": "96.1 MB" }, { "key": "media", "human_key": "Media storage", "value": "837837315424", "unit": "bytes", "human_value": "780 GB" } ] }, { "key": "software_versions", "data": [ { "key": "mastodon", "human_key": "Mastodon", "value": "3.5.1+chitter", "human_value": "3.5.1+chitter" }, { "key": "ruby", "human_key": "Ruby", "value": "3.0.3p157", "human_value": "3.0.3p157" }, { "key": "postgresql", "human_key": "PostgreSQL", "value": "14.3", "human_value": "14.3" }, { "key": "redis", "human_key": "Redis", "value": "6.2.7", "human_value": "6.2.7" } ] }, { "key": "instance_languages", "data": [ { "key": "en", "human_key": "English", "value": "5848" }, { "key": "de", "human_key": "German", "value": "155" } ] }, { "key": "instance_accounts", "data": [ { "key": "fribbledom", "human_key": "fribbledom", "value": "33" }, { "key": "ShugoWah", "human_key": "ShugoWah", "value": "26" } ] }, { "key": "tag_servers", "data": [ { "key": "live.hatnix.net", "human_key": "live.hatnix.net", "value": "6" }, { "key": "linuxrocks.online", "human_key": "linuxrocks.online", "value": "4" } ] }, { "key": "tag_languages", "data": [ { "key": "und", "human_key": "und", "value": "8" }, { "key": "en", "human_key": "English", "value": "7" } ] } ] ``` ##### 403: Forbidden Authorized user is missing a permission, or invalid or missing Authorization header ```json { "error": "This action is not allowed" } ``` ## See also {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/admin/dimensions_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/admin/dimensions_controller.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension.rb" caption="app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/" caption="app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/" >}}