# List of Rake tasks The list of Rake tasks. If you want to confirm all Rake tasks from command line interface, you can run the following. ```sh bundle exec rails rake -T ``` **General usage note:** Remember that each command will be invoked in a particular environment (configuration, database). The default environment when nothing is specified is "development". In production, you usually prepend all commands with `RAILS_ENV=production` to opt into the production environment. This is not necessary if you're using the Docker images, because that environment variable is set in the image for you. Similarly, prepending `bundle exec` is not necessary when using Docker. The following invocations are equivalent: Standalone: `RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake mastodon:users:admins` Docker: `docker-compose run --rm web rake mastodon:users:admins` Furthermore, in the command, `rake` is interchangeable with `rails` #### Administrative |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |mastodon:make_admin|Turn a user into an admin|USERNAME=yourname| |mastodon:make_mod|Turn a user into an moderator|USERNAME=yourname| |mastodon:revoke_staff|Revoke admin or moderator privileges of a specified user|USERNAME=yourname| |mastodon:confirm_email|Confirm a user manually|USER_EMAIL=your@email| |mastodon:add_user|Create new user|(Interactive)| |mastodon:users:admins|List e-mails of all admins| |mastodon:settings:open_registrations|Open up registrations| |mastodon:settings:close_registrations|Close down registrations| #### Media Storage |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |mastodon:media:remove_silenced|Purge all media uploads by silenced accounts. Completely removes records, as if their statuses never had attachments| |mastodon:media:remove_remote|Remove local cache of remote media attachments older than some time period (defaults to 7 days). Removes only cache, record of an attachment existing remains|NUM_DAYS=7| |mastodon:media:redownload_avatars|Redownload avatars/headers of remote users. Optionally limit to a particular domain with DOMAIN|DOMAIN=domain (optional)| #### E-mails |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |mastodon:emails:digest|Sends out a personal digest to all eligible inactive users. Digest includes mentions since the last time the user was active. No e-mail is sent if there is no new content since last digest or user activity| #### ElasticSearch |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |chewy:deploy|Rebuilds ElasticSearch indexes from scratch. Useful when first deploying ES, to index existing toots| #### Misc |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |mastodon:push:clear| Normally, a subscription to a once-followed user remains forever, in case the user gets re-followed later. You can purge such subscriptions with 0 followers if you wish| |mastodon:feeds:clear_all|Purge all home timelines from redis. Useful only for troubleshooting, when e.g. resetting database during development| |mastodon:feeds:build|Regenerates home timelines for all active users. Useful only for troubleshooting, e.g. if you lost your redis database| |mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key|Generates secrets for WebPush notifications| #### Data migrations These are one-off tasks for updating from one version of Mastodon to another. They are noted in the particular release's upgrade notes and are not relevant outside of that. |Task|Description|Usage| |----|-----------|-----| |mastodon:media:set_unknown|Only relevant for a past release| |mastodon:maintenance:update_counter_caches|Only relevant for a past release| |mastodon:maintenance:add_static_avatars|Only relevant for a past release| |mastodon:maintenance:prepare_for_foreign_keys|Only relevant for a past release|