--- title: Account description: Represents a user of Mastodon and their associated profile. menu: docs: parent: entities aliases: [ "/entities/source/", "/entities/Source/", "/entities/field/", "/entities/Field/", "/entities/account", "/entities/Account", "/entities/credentialaccount", "/entities/CredentialAccount", "/entities/mutedaccount", "/entities/MutedAccount", "/api/entities/source/", "/api/entities/Source/", "/api/entities/field/", "/api/entities/Field/", "/api/entities/account", "/api/entities/Account", "/api/entities/credentialaccount", "/api/entities/CredentialAccount", "/api/entities/mutedaccount", "/api/entities/MutedAccount", ] --- ## Example ```json { "id": "23634", "username": "noiob", "acct": "noiob@awoo.space", "display_name": "ikea shark fan account", "locked": false, "bot": false, "created_at": "2017-02-08T02:00:53.274Z", "note": "

:ms_rainbow_flag:​ :ms_bisexual_flagweb:​ :ms_nonbinary_flag:​ #awoo#admin#bi#nonbinary#games@dzuk

", "url": "https://awoo.space/@noiob", "avatar": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/023/634/original/6ca8804dc46800ad.png", "avatar_static": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/000/023/634/original/6ca8804dc46800ad.png", "header": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/headers/000/023/634/original/256eb8d7ac40f49a.png", "header_static": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/headers/000/023/634/original/256eb8d7ac40f49a.png", "followers_count": 547, "following_count": 404, "statuses_count": 28468, "last_status_at": "2019-11-17T00:02:23.693Z", "emojis": [ { "shortcode": "ms_rainbow_flag", "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/028/691/original/6de008d6281f4f59.png", "static_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/028/691/static/6de008d6281f4f59.png", "visible_in_picker": true }, { "shortcode": "ms_bisexual_flag", "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/050/744/original/02f94a5fca7eaf78.png", "static_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/050/744/static/02f94a5fca7eaf78.png", "visible_in_picker": true }, { "shortcode": "ms_nonbinary_flag", "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/105/099/original/8106088bd4782072.png", "static_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/105/099/static/8106088bd4782072.png", "visible_in_picker": true } ], "fields": [ { "name": "Pronouns", "value": "they/them", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "Alt", "value": "@noiob", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "Bots", "value": "@darksouls, @nierautomata, @fedi, code for @awoobot", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "Website", "value": "http://shork.xyz}})\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added ### `bot` {#bot} **Description:** Indicates that the account may perform automated actions, may not be monitored, or identifies as a robot.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added ### `group` {#group} **Description:** Indicates that the account represents a Group actor.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 3.1.0 - added ### `discoverable` {#discoverable} **Description:** Whether the account has opted into discovery features such as the profile directory.\ **Type:** {{}} Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 3.1.0 - added ### `noindex` {{%optional%}} {#noindex} **Description:** Whether the local user has opted out of being indexed by search engines.\ **Type:** {{}} Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 4.0.0 - added ### `moved` {{%optional%}} {#moved} **Description:** Indicates that the profile is currently inactive and that its user has moved to a new account.\ **Type:** {{}} [Account]({{< relref "entities/Account" >}}), or null if the profile is suspended.\ **Version history:**\ 2.1.0 - added ### `suspended` {{%optional%}} {#suspended} **Description:** An extra attribute returned only when an account is suspended.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 3.3.0 - added ### `limited` {{%optional%}} {#limited} **Description:** An extra attribute returned only when an account is silenced. If true, indicates that the account should be hidden behind a warning screen.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 3.5.3 - added ### `created_at` {#created_at} **Description:** When the account was created.\ **Type:** String (ISO 8601 Datetime)\ **Version history:**\ 0.1.0 - added\ 3.4.0 - now resolves to midnight instead of an exact time ### `last_status_at` {#last_status_at} **Description:** When the most recent status was posted.\ **Type:** {{}} String (ISO 8601 Date), or null if no statuses\ **Version history:**\ 3.0.0 - added\ 3.1.0 - now returns date only, no time ### `statuses_count` {#statuses_count} **Description:** How many statuses are attached to this account.\ **Type:** Integer\ **Version history:**\ 0.1.0 - added ### `followers_count` {#followers_count} **Description:** The reported followers of this profile.\ **Type:** Integer\ **Version history:**\ 0.1.0 - added ### `following_count` {#following_count} **Description:** The reported follows of this profile.\ **Type:** Integer\ **Version history:**\ 0.1.0 - added ## CredentialAccount entity attributes {#CredentialAccount} ```json { "id": "14715", "username": "trwnh", "acct": "trwnh", "display_name": "infinite love ⴳ", // ... "note": "

i have approximate knowledge of many things. perpetual student. (nb/ace/they)

xmpp/email: a@trwnh.com
help me live: https://liberapay.com/trwnh or paypal

- my triggers are moths and glitter
- i have all notifs except mentions turned off, so please interact if you wanna be friends! i literally will not notice otherwise
- dm me if i did something wrong, so i can improve
- purest person on fedi, do not lewd in my presence

", // ... "source": { "privacy": "public", "sensitive": false, "language": "", "note": "i have approximate knowledge of many things. perpetual student. (nb/ace/they)\r\n\r\nxmpp/email: a@trwnh.com\r\nhttps://trwnh.com\r\nhelp me live: https://liberapay.com/trwnh or paypal\r\n\r\n- my triggers are moths and glitter\r\n- i have all notifs except mentions turned off, so please interact if you wanna be friends! i literally will not notice otherwise\r\n- dm me if i did something wrong, so i can improve\r\n- purest person on fedi, do not lewd in my presence", "fields": [ { "name": "Website", "value": "https://trwnh.com", "verified_at": "2019-08-29T04:14:55.571+00:00" }, { "name": "Portfolio", "value": "https://abdullahtarawneh.com", "verified_at": "2021-02-11T20:34:13.574+00:00" }, { "name": "Fan of:", "value": "Punk-rock and post-hardcore (Circa Survive, letlive., La Dispute, THE FEVER 333)Manga (Yu-Gi-Oh!, One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Death Note, Shaman King)Platformers and RPGs (Banjo-Kazooie, Boktai, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "What to expect:", "value": "talking about various things i find interesting, and otherwise being a genuine and decent wholesome poster. i'm just here to hang out and talk to cool people! and to spill my thoughts.", "verified_at": null } ], "follow_requests_count": 5 }, // ... "fields": [ { "name": "Website", "value": "https://trwnh.com", "verified_at": "2019-08-29T04:14:55.571+00:00" }, { "name": "Portfolio", "value": "https://abdullahtarawneh.com", "verified_at": "2021-02-11T20:34:13.574+00:00" }, { "name": "Fan of:", "value": "Punk-rock and post-hardcore (Circa Survive, letlive., La Dispute, THE FEVER 333)Manga (Yu-Gi-Oh!, One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Death Note, Shaman King)Platformers and RPGs (Banjo-Kazooie, Boktai, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)", "verified_at": null }, { "name": "What to expect:", "value": "talking about various things i find interesting, and otherwise being a genuine and decent wholesome poster. i'm just here to hang out and talk to cool people! and to spill my thoughts.", "verified_at": null } ], "role": { "id": "-99", "name": "", "permissions": "65536", "color": "", "highlighted": false } } ``` ### `source` {#source} **Description:** An extra attribute that contains source values to be used with API methods that [verify credentials]({{< relref "methods/accounts#verify_credentials" >}}) and [update credentials]({{< relref "methods/accounts#update_credentials" >}}).\ **Type:** Hash\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added #### `source[note]` {#source-note} **Description:** Profile bio, in plain-text instead of in HTML.\ **Type:** String\ **Version history:**\ 1.5.0 - added #### `source[fields]` {#source-fields} **Description:** Metadata about the account.\ **Type:** Array of [Field](#Field)\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added #### `source[privacy]` {#source-privacy} **Description:** The default post privacy to be used for new statuses.\ **Type:** String (Enumerable, oneOf)\ `public` = Public post\ `unlisted` = Unlisted post\ `private` = Followers-only post\ `direct` = Direct post\ **Version history:**\ 1.5.0 - added #### `source[sensitive]` {#source-sensitive} **Description:** Whether new statuses should be marked sensitive by default.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:**\ 1.5.0 - added #### `source[language]` {#source-language} **Description:** The default posting language for new statuses.\ **Type:** String (ISO 639-1 language two-letter code) or empty string\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.2 - added #### `source[follow_requests_count]` {#follow_requests_count} **Description:** The number of pending follow requests.\ **Type:** Integer\ **Version history:**\ 3.0.0 - added ### `role` {#role} **Description:** The role assigned to the currently authorized user.\ **Type:** [Role]({{< relref "entities/Role" >}})\ **Version history:**\ 4.0.0 - added ## MutedAccount entity attributes {#MutedAccount} ### `mute_expires_at` {#mute_expires_at} **Description:** When a timed mute will expire, if applicable.\ **Type:** {{}} String (ISO 8601 Datetime), or null if the mute is indefinite\ **Version history:**\ 3.3.0 - added ## Field entity attributes {#Field} ### `name` {#name} **Description:** The key of a given field's key-value pair.\ **Type:** String\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added ### `value` {#value} **Description:** The value associated with the `name` key.\ **Type:** String (HTML)\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.0 - added ### `verified_at` {#verified_at} **Description:** Timestamp of when the server verified a URL value for a rel="me" link.\ **Type:** {{}} String (ISO 8601 Datetime) if `value` is a verified URL. Otherwise, null.\ **Version history:**\ 2.6.0 - added ## See also {{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts" caption="accounts API methods" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/master/app/serializers/rest/account_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/account_serializer.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/master/app/serializers/rest/credential_account_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/credential_account_serializer.rb" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/master/app/serializers/rest/muted_account_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/muted_account_serializer.rb" >}}