--- title: Emoji description: Represents a custom emoji. menu: docs: parent: entities --- ## Example ```javascript { "shortcode": "blobaww", "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/011/739/original/blobaww.png", "static_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/011/739/static/blobaww.png", "visible_in_picker": true, "category": "Blobs" } ``` ## Required attributes ### `shortcode` {#shortcode} **Description:** The name of the custom emoji.\ **Type:** String\ **Version history:** Added in 2.0.0 ### `url` {#url} **Description:** A link to the custom emoji.\ **Type:** String \(URL\)\ **Version history:** Added in 2.0.0 ### `static_url` {#static_url} **Description:** A link to a static copy of the custom emoji.\ **Type:** String \(URL\)\ **Version history:** Added in 2.0.0 ### `visible_in_picker` {#visible_in_picker} **Description:** Whether this Emoji should be visible in the picker or unlisted.\ **Type:** Boolean\ **Version history:** Added in 2.0.0 ## Optional attributes ### `category` {#category} **Description:** Used for sorting custom emoji in the picker.\ **Type:** String\ **Version history:** Added in 3.0.0 ## See also * [Status\#emojis]({{< relref "status.md#emojis" >}}) {{< page-ref page="status.md" >}} {{< page-ref page="methods/instance/custom_emojis.md" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/master/app/serializers/rest/custom_emoji_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/custom\_emoji\_serializer.rb" >}}