--- title: Captcha description: Mitigating automated signup bots menu: docs: weight: 30 parent: admin-optional --- As of Mastodon 4.2, using CAPTCHA technology is supported to help mitigate against bots signing up for new accounts. With CAPTCHA enabled, new registrations will be required to complete a challenge response as part of the e-mail verification process. ![](/assets/captcha/user-view.png) {{< hint style="danger" >}} For some people, the use of a central CAPTCHA service may be a security and privacy concern. In addition, CAPTCHA can make the registration process significantly less accessible to some people. {{}} Currently, hCaptcha is the only available provider supported by Mastodon. Other providers may be added in the future. ## hCaptcha - Create a free hCaptcha account at [hcaptcha.com](https://www.hcaptcha.com) - After completing registration, use the hCaptcha dashboard to add a new site with your Mastodon server domain and obtain a Site Key - From the Account Settings menu in hCaptcha, obtain your Secret Key - Add the values to your Mastodon environment configuration as `HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY` and `HCAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY` - Restart the Mastodon services running on your server - From the Mastodon web interface navigate to **Administration** > **Server settings** > **Registrations** and check the box labled "Require new users to solve a CAPTCHA to confirm their account" ![](/assets/captcha/admin-view.png)