--- title: Results description: Represents the results of a search. menu: docs: parent: entities --- ## Example {{< code title="Truncated sample search for q=cats limit=2" >}} ```javascript { "accounts": [ { "id": "180744", "username": "catstar", "acct": "catstar@catgram.jp", "display_name": "catstar", ... }, { "id": "214293", "username": "catsareweird", "acct": "catsareweird", "display_name": "Cats Are Weird", ... } ], "statuses": [ { "id": "103085519055545958", "created_at": "2019-11-05T13:23:09.000Z", ... "content": "

cats never change

", ... }, { "id": "101068121469614510", "created_at": "2018-11-14T06:31:48.000Z", ... "spoiler_text": "Cats", ... "content": "

Cats are inherently good at self-care.

#cats", ... ], "hashtags": [ { "name": "cats", "url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/cats", "history": [ { "day": "1574553600", "uses": "10", "accounts": "9" }, ... ] }, { "name": "catsofmastodon", "url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/catsofmastodon", "history": [ { "day": "1574553600", "uses": "6", "accounts": "5" }, ... ] } ] } ``` {{< /code >}} ## Required attributes ### `accounts` {#accounts} **Description:** Accounts which match the given query\ **Type:** Array of [Account](account.md)\ **Version history:** Added in x.x.x ### `statuses` {#statuses} **Description:** Statuses which match the given query\ **Type:** Array of [Status](status.md)\ **Version history:** Added in x.x.x ### `hashtags` {#hashtags} **Description:** Hashtags which match the given query\ **Type:** Array of [Tag](tag.md) \(v2\). Array of String \(v1\).\ **Version history:** v1 added in 1.1.0 and deprecated in 3.0.0. v2 added in 2.4.1 and replaced v1 in 3.0.0. ## See also {{< page-ref page="methods/search.md" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/master/app/serializers/rest/search_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/search\_serializer.rb" >}}