--- title: search API methods description: Search for content in accounts, statuses and hashtags. menu: docs: weight: 60 name: search parent: methods identifier: methods-search aliases: [ "/methods/search", "/api/methods/search", ] --- ## Perform a search {#v2} ```http GET https://mastodon.example/api/v2/search HTTP/1.1 ``` **Returns:** [Search]({{< relref "entities/Search" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public (without `resolve` or `offset`), or User token + `read:search`\ **Version history:**\ 2.4.1 - added, limit hardcoded to 5\ 2.8.0 - add `type`, `limit`, `offset`, `min_id`, `max_id`, `account_id`\ 3.0.0 - add `exclude_unreviewed` param\ 3.3.0 - `min_id` and `max_id` can be used together\ 4.0.0 - no longer requires a user token. Without a valid user token, you cannot use the `resolve` or `offset` parameters. #### Request ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Query parameters q : {{}} String. The search query. type : String. Specify whether to search for only `accounts`, `hashtags`, `statuses` resolve : Boolean. Attempt WebFinger lookup? Defaults to false. following : Boolean. Only include accounts that the user is following? Defaults to false. account_id : String. If provided, will only return statuses authored by this account. exclude_unreviewed : Boolean. Filter out unreviewed tags? Defaults to false. Use true when trying to find trending tags. max_id : String. Return results older than this ID. min_id : String. Return results immediately newer than this ID. limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return, per type. Defaults to 20. Max 40. offset : Integer. Offset in search results, used for pagination. Defaults to 0. #### Response ##### 200: OK Truncated results of a sample search for "cats" with limit=2. ```json { "accounts": [ { "id": "180744", "username": "catstar", "acct": "catstar@catgram.jp", "display_name": "catstar", // ... }, { "id": "214293", "username": "catsareweird", "acct": "catsareweird", "display_name": "Cats Are Weird", // ... } ], "statuses": [ { "id": "103085519055545958", "created_at": "2019-11-05T13:23:09.000Z", // ... "content": "

cats never change

", // ... }, { "id": "101068121469614510", "created_at": "2018-11-14T06:31:48.000Z", // ... "spoiler_text": "Cats", // ... "content": "

Cats are inherently good at self-care.


", // ... ], "hashtags": [ { "name": "cats", "url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/cats", "history": [ { "day": "1574553600", "uses": "10", "accounts": "9" }, // ... ] }, { "name": "catsofmastodon", "url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/catsofmastodon", "history": [ { "day": "1574553600", "uses": "6", "accounts": "5" }, // ... ] } ] } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` --- ## (REMOVED) Search results (v1) {#v1} ```http GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/search HTTP/1.1 ``` **Returns:** [Search]({{< relref "entities/Search" >}}), but `hashtags` is an array of strings instead of an array of Tag.\ **OAuth:** User token + `read:search`\ **Version history:**\ 1.1 - added, limit hardcoded to 5\ 1.5.0 - now requires authentication\ 2.4.1 - deprecated in favor of [v2 search](#v2)\ 2.8.0 - added `limit`, pagination, and account options\ 3.0.0 - removed; use [v2 search](#v2) instead #### Request ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Query parameters q : {{}} String. The search query. type : String. Specify whether to search for only `accounts`, `hashtags`, `statuses` resolve : Boolean. Attempt WebFinger lookup? Defaults to false. account_id : String. If provided, will only return statuses authored by this account. max_id : String. Return results older than this ID. min_id : String. Return results immediately newer than this ID. limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return, per type. Defaults to 20. Max 40. offset : Integer. Offset in search results, used for pagination. Defaults to 0. #### Response ##### 200: OK v1 search was deprecated because hashtags were returned as strings instead of as Tag entities. ```json { "accounts": [...], "statuses": [...], "hashtags": ["cats","catsofmastodon"] } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header. ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` --- ## See also {{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#search" caption="GET /api/v1/accounts/search" >}} {{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#lookup" caption="GET /api/v1/accounts/lookup" >}} {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v2/search_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v2/search_controller.rb" >}}