--- title: reports API methods description: Report problematic users to your moderators. menu: docs: weight: 70 name: reports parent: methods-accounts identifier: methods-reports aliases: [ "/methods/reports", "/api/methods/reports", "/methods/accounts/reports", ] --- ## File a report {#post} ```http POST https://mastodon.example/api/v1/reports HTTP/1.1 ``` **Returns:** [Report]({{< relref "entities/report" >}})\ **OAuth:** User token + `write:reports`\ **Version history:**\ 1.1 - added\ 2.3.0 - add `forward` parameter\ 3.5.0 - add `category` and `rule_ids` parameters\ 4.0.0 - `category` is now optional if `rule_ids` is provided #### Request ##### Headers Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with `Bearer ` to gain authorized access to this API method. ##### Form data parameters account_id : {{}} String. ID of the account to report. status_ids[] : Array of String. You can attach statuses to the report to provide additional context. comment : String. The reason for the report. Default maximum of 1000 characters. forward : Boolean. If the account is remote, should the report be forwarded to the remote admin? Defaults to false. category : String. Specify if the report is due to `spam`, `violation` of enumerated instance rules, or some `other` reason. Defaults to `other`. Will be set to `violation` if `rule_ids[]` is provided (regardless of any category value you provide). rule_ids[] : Array of Integer. For `violation` category reports, specify the ID of the exact rules broken. Rules and their IDs are available via [GET /api/v1/instance/rules]({{< relref "methods/instance#rules" >}}) and [GET /api/v1/instance]({{< relref "methods/instance#get" >}}). #### Response ##### 200: OK Sample call with one status ID provided and a category of `spam` with a comment ```json { "id": "48914", "action_taken": false, "action_taken_at": null, "category": "spam", "comment": "Spam account", "forwarded": false, "created_at": "2022-08-25T09:56:16.763Z", "status_ids": [ "108882889550545820" ], "rule_ids": null, "target_account": { "id": "108366849347798387", "username": "Baluke", "acct": "Baluke", "display_name": "Baluke Dental Studios", "locked": false, "bot": false, "discoverable": false, "group": false, "created_at": "2022-05-26T00:00:00.000Z", "note": "

Baluke Dental Studios is a full service dental lab offering fabrication, staining, and digital services. Advanced technologies and a meticulous process ensure reduced chair time, lower costs, and better patient outcomes with beautiful smiles. Talk to a representative today.


", "url": "https://mastodon.social/@Baluke", "avatar": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/108/366/849/347/798/387/original/dbcfe99ed5def0f4.png", "avatar_static": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/108/366/849/347/798/387/original/dbcfe99ed5def0f4.png", "header": "https://static-cdn.mastodon.social/headers/original/missing.png", "header_static": "https://static-cdn.mastodon.social/headers/original/missing.png", "followers_count": 0, "following_count": 0, "statuses_count": 38, "last_status_at": "2022-08-25", "emojis": [], "fields": [] } } ``` ##### 401: Unauthorized Invalid or missing Authorization header ```json { "error": "The access token is invalid" } ``` ##### 404: Not found Report not filed. ```json { "error": "Record not found" } ``` ##### 422: Unprocessable entity Token does not have an authorized user ```json { "error": "This method requires an authenticated user" } ``` Alternatively, the `category` was set to `violation` but invalid or missing `rule_ids` were provided ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Rule ids does not reference valid rules" } ``` Alternatively (Mastodon 3.5), the `category` was set to something other than `violation` but some `rule_ids` were provided ```json { "error": "Validation failed: Rule ids must be blank" } ``` --- ## See also {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/reports_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/reports_controller.rb" >}}