--- title: directory API methods description: A directory of profiles that your website is aware of. menu: docs: weight: 20 name: directory parent: methods-instance identifier: methods-directory aliases: [ "/methods/directory", "/api/methods/directory", "/methods/instance/directory", ] --- ## View profile directory {#get} ```http GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/directory HTTP/1.1 ``` List accounts visible in the directory. **Returns:** Array of [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}})\ **OAuth:** Public\ **Version history:**\ 3.0.0 - added #### Request ##### Query parameters offset : Number. How many accounts to skip before returning results. Default 0. limit : Number. How many accounts to load. Default 40. order : String. Use `active` to sort by most recently posted statuses (default) or `new` to sort by most recently created profiles. local : Boolean. If true, returns only local accounts. #### Response ##### 200: OK Sample results with limit=2 ```json [ { "id": "796927", "username": "eternalNo3", "acct": "eternalNo3@best-friends.chat", "display_name": "ESD@┓(谷)┏", // ... }, { "id": "787648", "username": "ariel", "acct": "ariel@best-friends.chat", "display_name": "あやっしー🧜🏻‍♀️", // ... } ] ``` --- ## See also {{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/controllers/api/v1/directories_controller.rb" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/directories_controller.rb" >}}