--- title: Upgrading to a new release menu: docs: weight: 70 parent: admin --- {{< hint style="info" >}} When a new version of Mastodon comes out, it appears on the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/releases). Please mind that running unreleased code from the `master` branch, while possible, is not recommended. {{< /hint >}} Mastodon releases correspond to git tags. First, switch to the `mastodon` user: ```bash su - mastodon ``` And navigate to the Mastodon root directory: Download the releases’s code, assuming that the version is called `v2.5.0`: ```bash git fetch --tags git checkout v2.5.0 ``` **The release page contains a changelog, and below it, upgrade instructions**. This is where you would execute them, for example, if the release mentions that you need to re-compile assets, you would execute: ```bash RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile ``` After you have executed all special release-specific instructions, the last thing remaining is restarting Mastodon. _Usually_ the streaming API is not updated, and therefore does not require a restart. Restarting the streaming API can lead to an unusually high load on the server, so it is advised to avoid it if possible. Switch back to root: ```bash exit ``` You would restart Sidekiq: ```bash systemctl restart mastodon-sidekiq ``` And you would reload the web process to avoid downtime: ```bash systemctl reload mastodon-web ``` **That’s all!** You’re running the new version of Mastodon now.