Polish translataion WIP

Signed-off-by: mkljczk <me@mkljczk.pl>
This commit is contained in:
mkljczk 2020-12-04 19:35:04 +01:00
parent 84ac3d711c
commit 1359e3696e
14 changed files with 984 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,48 @@ enableGitInfo = true
url = "/entities/"
name = "Korzystanie z Mastodona"
weight = 10
identifier = "user"
url = "/user/"
name = "Uruchamianie Mastodona"
weight = 20
identifier = "admin"
url = "/admin/"
name = "Tworzenie aplikacji dla Mastodona"
weight = 30
identifier = "client"
url = "/client/"
name = "Współtworzenie Mastodona"
weight = 40
identifier = "dev"
url = "/dev/"
name = "Zgodność ze specyfikacją"
weight = 50
identifier = "spec"
url = "/spec/"
name = "API REST"
weight = 60
identifier = "api"
url = "/api/"
name = "Metody API"
weight = 70
identifier = "methods"
url = "/methods/"
name = "Jednostki API"
weight = 80
identifier = "entities"
url = "/entities/"
name = "使用Mastodon"
@ -148,6 +190,11 @@ enableGitInfo = true
languageName = "English"
weight = -99
contentDir = "content/pl"
languageName = "Polski"
weight = 0
contentDir = "content/zh-cn"
languageName = "简体中文"

content/pl/_index.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
title: Czym jest Mastodon?
description: Witamy w dokumentacji Mastodona!
weight: -99
{{< youtube id="IPSbNdBmWKE" caption="Wideo wprowadzające, wyjaśniające podstawowe koncepcje Mastodona z użyciem ładnych animacji" >}}
## Czym jest mikroblog? {#microblogging}
Tak jak blogowaniem nazwiemy publikowanie aktualności na stronie, **mikroblogowanie** to publikowanie mniejszych aktualności na strumieniu aktualności na własnym profilu. Możesz publikować wpisy tekstowe, dodatkowo umieszczając media takie jak zdjęcia, dźwięk, filmy czy ankiety. Mastodon pozwala na obserwowanie znajomych i poznawanie nowych.
## Czym jest federacja? {#federation}
**Federacja** jest rodzajem decentralizacji. Zamiast jednej centralnej usługi z której korzystają wszyscy, jest tu wiele niezależnych usług, z których może korzystać dowolna liczba osób.
| Stopień decentralizacji | Przykłady |
| :--- | :--- |
| Scentralizowane | Twitter, Facebook, Instagram |
| Sfederowane | E-mail, XMPP, sieci komórkowe, fizyczna poczta |
| Dystrybuowane | BitTorrent, IPFS, Scuttlebutt |
Serwer Mastodona może funkcjonować samodzielnie. Tak jak na tradycyjnej stronie, ludzie mogą się zarejestrować, publikować tam wiadomości i rozmawiać z innymi. _W przeciwieństwie_ do tradycyjnej strony, serwery Mastodona wzajemnie komunikują się ze sobą, pozwalając swoim użytkownikom na wzajemną komunikację  tak jak mając konto na Gmailu możesz napisać mail do kogoś na Outlooku, Fastmail, Protonmail czy serwerze dowolnego dostawcy, tak długo jak znasz jego e-mail, **możesz wspomnieć lub napisać wiadomość do użytkownika dowolnego serwera, jeśli znasz jego adres**.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%289%29.png" caption="Od lewej do prawej: Scentralizowana, Sfederowana, Dystrybuowana" >}}
## Czym jest ActivityPub? {#fediverse}
Mastodon używa standaryzowanego, otwartego protokołu aby implementować federację. Nazywa się on **ActivityPub**. Dowolne oprogramowanie które również implementuje ActivityPub może komunikować się z Mastodonem, tak jak serwery Mastodona komunikują sie między sobą.
**Fediwersum** \(„sfederowane uniwersum”, z ang. „fediverse”\) to nazwa dla wszystkich stron mogących komunikować się wzajemnie w Internecie z użyciem ActivityPub. Zaliczają się do tego wszystkie serwery Mastodona, ale też inne implementacje:
* Pleroma, modularny silnik mikroblogowy,
* Pixelfed, sfederowana platforma do udostępniania zdjęć, pozwalająca na tworzenie i dzielenie się i przeglądanie wpisów multimedialnych,
* Misskey, zawierające mikroblog wraz z dostosowywalnym panelem,
* PeerTube, pozwalające publikować filmy na kanałach,
* Plume, pozwalające na publikowanie dłuższych artykułów,
* i wiele więcej, wliczając to nawet osobiste strony internetowe!
Fediwersum nie jest marką, częściej usłyszysz „zaobserwuj mnie na Mastodonie” niż „zaobserwuj mnie w Fediwersum”, choć to drugie jest technicznie bardziej poprawne.
## Praktyczne konsekwencje {#implications}
### Wybór dostawcy usługi i regulaminu {#choice}
Ponieważ Mastodon jest po prostu oprogramowaniem o które może opierać się dowolna strona, potencjalny użytkownik Mastodona może wybrać jeden z dostępnych serwerów Mastodona, lub założyć własny, jeżeli ma taką potrzebę. Projekt Mastodon prowadzi listę polecanych serwerów na [joinmastodon.org](https://joinmastodon.org), którą możesz sortować według kategorii i/lub języka. Część serwerów może mieć wykraczające dalej zasady, jak wymaganie korzystania z określonych tagów na zawartości wrażliwej, część może mieć bardziej luźną politykę moderacyjną, ale wszystkie z nich zadeklarowały przyjęcie [Mastodon Server Covenant](https://joinmastodon.org/covenant), co oznacza że zobowiązały się do aktywnej moderacji przeciwko mowie nienawiści, dokonywać dziennych kopii zapasowych, mieć przynajmniej jednego dodatkowego administratora i informować przynajmniej na 3 miesięcy w przypadku zamknięcia serwera.
> Maintaining communities that feel safe for all of its members is not easy. Mastodon provides a lot of foundational framework and tools for doing it, and shifts the power to effect change from one commercial entity to the communities themselves.
> -- Eugen Rochko, 6 lipca 2018, ["Cage the Mastodon"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/07/cage-the-mastodon/)
> A centralized social media platform has a hierarchical structure where rules and their enforcement, as well as the development and direction of the platform, are decided by the CEO \[...\] A decentralized network deliberately relinquishes control of the platform owner, by essentially not having one.
> -- Eugen Rochko, 30 grudnia 2018, ["Dlaczego decentralizacja ma znaczenie?"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/12/why-does-decentralization-matter/)
### Finansowanie i monetyzacja {#monetization}
Serwery Mastodona są zarządzane przez różne osoby bądź organizacje całkowicie niezależnie. Mastodon nie implementuje w oprogramowaniu żadnych możliwości monetyzacji.
Niektórzy operatorzy serwerów oferują płatne konta, część z nich to firmy które korzystają z już posiadanej infrastrukturzy, część właścicieli serwerów polega na zbiórkach prowadzonych na Patreon lub podobnych usługach, wspieranych przez użytkowników, a część po prostu korzysta ze swoich pieniędzy, aby prowadzić serwer dla siebie i może paru znajomych. Więc jeżeli chcesz pomóc właścicielowi serwera na którym masz konto, sprawdź czy oferuje on możliwość wsparcia finansowego.
Rozwój Mastodona jest finansowany społecznościowo na [Patreonie](https://patreon.com/mastodon) i [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/mastodon). **Nie ma tu udzialu kapitału wysokiego ryzyka.**
> In my opinion, “instant, public, global messaging and conversation” should, in fact, be _global_. Distributed between independent organizations and actors who can self-govern. A public utility, without incentives to exploit the conversations for profit.
> -- Eugen Rochko, 3 marca 2018, ["Twitter nie jest narzędziem użyteczności publicznej"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/03/twitter-is-not-a-public-utility/)
### Interoperacja między różnym oprogramowaniem {#interoperability}
W praktyce wyobraź sobie że możesz zaobserwować użytkownika Instagramu ze swojego konta na Twitterze i komentować jego zdjęcia nie opuszczając swojego konta. Gdyby Twitter i Instagram były sfederowanymi usługami korzystającymi z tego samego protokołu, to byłoby możliwe. Mając konto na Mastodonie, **możesz komunikować się z dowolnymi kompatybilnymi stronami,** _**nawet jeśli nie są oparte na Mastodonie**_. All that is necessary is that the software support the same subset of the ActivityPub protocol that allows for creating and interacting with status updates. To find out more about the technical specifications required to interoperate with Mastodon, see [ActivityPub](spec/activitypub), [WebFinger](spec/webfinger), and [Security](spec/security). To read more about what ActivityPub allows us to do, see [Why ActivityPub is the future](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/06/why-activitypub-is-the-future/).
> All of these platforms are different and they focus on different needs. And yet, the foundation is all the same: people subscribing to receive posts from other people. And so, they are all compatible.
> -- Eugen Rochko, 27 czerwca 2018, ["Dlaczego ActivityPub to przyszłość"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/06/why-activitypub-is-the-future/)
### Free/libre software {#libre}
Unlike proprietary services, **anyone has the complete freedom to run, examine, inspect, copy, modify, distribute, and reuse the Mastodon source code, provided they guarantee the same freedoms for any derivative work.** Just like how users of Mastodon can choose their service provider, you as an individual are free to contribute features to Mastodon or publish a modified version of Mastodon that includes different features. These modified versions, also known as software forks, are required to also uphold the same freedoms as the original Mastodon project. For example, [glitch-soc](https://glitch-soc.github.io/docs/) is a software distribution that adds various experimental features. Many individual forks exist as well, perhaps themed slightly differently or including small modifications to the codebase. Because Mastodon is libre software that respects your freedom, personalizations like this are not only allowed but encouraged.
> The ultimate power is in giving people the ability to create their own spaces, their own communities, to modify the software as they see fit, but without sacrificing the ability of people from different communities to interact with each other.
> -- Eugen Rochko, Feb 20 2017, ["The power to build communities: A response to Mark Zuckerberg"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2017/02/the-power-to-build-communities/)
> Decentralization is biodiversity of the digital world, the hallmark of a healthy ecosystem. A decentralized network like the fediverse allows different user interfaces, different software, different forms of government to co-exist and cooperate.
> -- Eugen Rochko, Dec 30 2018, ["Why does decentralization matter?"](https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/12/why-does-decentralization-matter/)
## Choose your path {#next-steps}
Learn how to use Mastodon:
{{< page-ref page="user/signup.md" >}}
Learn how to install Mastodon:
{{< page-ref page="admin/prerequisites.md" >}}
Learn how to write an app for Mastodon:
{{< page-ref page="client/intro.md" >}}
Learn about the Mastodon backend and how to contribute:
{{< page-ref page="dev/overview.md" >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
title: More settings
description: Invite new users, sort through your contacts, and secure your account.
weight: 80
parent: user
## Generating invites {#invites}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2862%29.png" caption="Invite people from your account&apos;s settings" >}}
Invite links can be generated and shared with other people, and some servers require invites in order to register for an account. When generating an invite link, you can set the max uses to limit how many times a certain link is used, or how long it has been active. Invite links can be deactivated at any time.
## Follows and followers {#relationships}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2849%29.png" caption="Mutuals who have not moved their account, sorted by last activity" >}}
Within settings, you can find a relationship manager that lets you filter and sort through the profiles that you are connected to, based on different criteria:
* **Relationship:** whether a profile is following you, followed by you, or mutually following each other.
* **Account status:** whether a profile is currently marked as redirected or not.
* **Account activity:** whether a profile has posted in the past month or not.
You can select certain users to unfollow, or to remove from your followers, by checking the boxes and clicking the corresponding button in the table header.
## Account settings {#account}
From the account settings, you can change your email address, set a new password, revoke active sessions or authorized apps, and enable two-factor authentication.
## Identity proofs {#proofs}
[Link verification](../profile#verification) of profile metadata fields is one way to prove your identity by using rel=me links, but Mastodon also supports a more generalized proof provider subsystem. Currently, the only supported identity provider for this subsystem is Keybase.
### Keybase identity verification {#keybase}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2860%29.png" caption="An identity proof on a profile" >}}
First, sign up for Keybase and generate or upload a GPG public key to your Keybase account. Next, go to "prove more identities". Find your instance if it is available, and if not, contact Keybase for help. Select your Mastodon domain and enter your username. You will be able to prove your identity by authorizing with your Mastodon account and posting a proof message. Once you do this, the identity proof will be established, and your profile will show Keybase as a proven identity.
{{< hint style="danger" >}}
**Keybase verification is irreversible.** Keybase uses an immutable signature chain for its identity proofs, so once you prove your identity on Keybase, you cannot remove it. You can only revoke your proof by signing a revocation message with your associated private key.
{{< /hint >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: Promoting yourself and others
description: Give visibility to hashtags, profiles, and posts.
weight: 60
parent: user
## Featured links on your profile {#featured}
### Featured hashtags {#featured-tags}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2858%29.png" caption="A featured hashtag showing last usage date and total usage." >}}
You can choose to feature certain hashtags that you use often. Go to Settings &gt; Profile &gt; Featured hashtags to manage which hashtags you are currently featuring. Once featured, a link to the hashtag will be shown on your profile, with the date of the last time it was used in a status, as well as the total number of statuses in which it was used.
### Featured profiles {#featured-profiles}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2833%29.png" caption="Four randomly-selected featured profiles." >}}
You can choose to feature profiles of people that you are following. Go to that person's profile dropdown menu and click "Feature on profile". When you feature a profile, a link to their profile will appear on your profile, under a section titled "your choices". Up to 4 profiles will be shown at a time, and these profiles are selected randomly from your pool of featured profiles every time the page is loaded.
## Pinned posts {#pinned}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2837%29.png" caption="A pinned toot by mastodon.social/@gargron" >}}
You can choose to feature up to 5 of your own public posts at the top of your profile. Go to the status dropdown menu and click "Pin on profile". When you pin a toot, it will appear at the top of your "toots" tab, before all other chronological status updates.
## Profile directory {#directory}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2831%29.png" caption="Profile directory as seen from mastodon.social" >}}
The profile directory shows all accounts that have opted into being shown in the directory, and can be used to quickly find profiles that you may be interested in following.
The profile directory can be sorted either by recent activity \(the most recently published status\), or by new arrivals \(the most recently created accounts\). The directory can also be filtered to show only local accounts, or to show all known accounts that your website is aware of.
Profiles appear as cards that include a user's display name, address, account bio, and some brief stats such as how many toots they've published, how many followers they have, and the time of their last published status.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: Using Mastodon externally
description: You can browse and interact on Mastodon from external apps or websites.
weight: 90
parent: user
## Remote interactions on another Mastodon site {#interact}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2863%29.png" caption="An example of a post&apos;s public permalink on a Mastodon site." >}}
When you are browsing a remote site powered by Mastodon, clicking on any of the interaction buttons will load a dialog that will redirect you to your local site.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%288%29.png" caption="A remote interaction dialog for replying to a toot." >}}
## Signing into a client app {#apps}
You can use your Mastodon account to sign into any app that implements the Mastodon API. A list of such apps can be found at [https://joinmastodon.org/apps](https://joinmastodon.org/apps).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
title: Dealing with unwanted content
description: Control what you see, for a more comfortable social media experience.
weight: 50
parent: user
## Filtering posts {#filters}
It is possible to filter statuses for specific keywords and phrases so that they can be hidden automatically.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2848%29.png" caption="A sample of active filters for various keywords in different contexts." >}}
To create or manage your filters, go to Settings &gt; Filters. The "Add new filter" button will let you create a new filter, and existing filters can be edited or deleted. Your existing filters will be summarized in a table.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2814%29.png" caption="Filters can have an expiry date, specific contexts, server-side drop, and use word boundaries." >}}
Filters have the following settings:
### Keyword or phrase {#filter-phrase}
This is the string that will be matched. The keyword will be searched for in any status's content, including CW, media descriptions, and poll options.
### Expire after {#filter-expire}
Optionally only apply the filter for a limited amount of time. Expired filters are not automatically deleted, but can be reactivated by setting a new expiry date \(or changing it back to "never" expire\).
### Filter contexts {#filter-context}
Choose where the filter will be applied:
* Home timeline and lists = matching statuses will be removed from your home feed and lists
* Notifications = matching notifications will not be shown
* Public timelines = matching statuses will not appear in local/federated timelines
* Conversations = matching statuses will be hidden in threads and detailed views
### Drop instead of hide {#filter-drop}
Filtering is usually done client-side, so that disabling a filter will cause filtered statuses to be visible again. However, if you enable "drop instead of hide", any matching statuses will be disappear completely and will never be delivered to your home or notifications.
### Whole word {#filter-whole}
Filters normally apply to any status that contains the included characters, regardless of whether they are in the middle of a word. Enabling "whole word" will only apply the filter if the keyword is surrounded by spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters.
## User-level actions {#blocking-and-muting}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2824%29.png" caption="The user dropdown menu offers various actions." >}}
### Hiding boosts {#hide-boosts}
If you hide boosts from someone, you wont see their boosts in your home feed. This option only appears on users who you are currently following.
### Muting {#mute}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2852%29.png" caption="Sample of muted accounts." >}}
When muting, you have the option to mute notifications from them or not. Muting without muting notifications hides the user from your view:
* You wont see the user in your home feed
* You wont see other people boosting the user
* You wont see other people mentioning the user
* You wont see the user in public timelines
If you choose to also mute notifications from them, you will additionally not see notifications from that user.
The user has no way of knowing they have been muted.
### Blocking {#block}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2836%29.png" caption="Sample of blocked accounts." >}}
Blocking hides a user from your view:
* You wont see the user in your home feed
* You wont see other people boosting the user
* You wont see other people mentioning the user
* You wont see the user in public timelines
* You wont see notifications from that user
Additionally, on the blocked users side:
* The user is forced to unfollow you
* The user cannot follow you
* The user wont see other peoples boosts of you
* The user wont see you in public timelines
If you and the blocked user are on the same server, the blocked user will not be able to view your posts on your profile while logged in.
### Hiding an entire server {#hide-domain}
If you hide an entire server:
* You will not see posts from that server on the public timelines
* You wont see other peoples boosts of that server in your home feed
* You wont see notifications from that server
* You will lose any followers that you might have had on that server
## Reporting problematic content to moderators {#report}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%283%29.png" caption="The report modal allows selecting example statuses, adding a note, and forwarding reports." >}}
If you see a status or user that is violating the rules of your website, you can report that user to your site's moderators. Clicking the "report" option on the user dropdown or status dropdown will open the report modal. Here, you can \(and should\) add a note about why you are reporting this account. You can attach certain problematic statuses for additional context on why you are reporting the account, and if their conduct is violating the rules of the remote website, you can also choose to forward the report to their site's moderators.

content/pl/user/moving.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
title: Moving or leaving accounts
description: Take your information and do what you want with it.
weight: 100
parent: user
## Exporting your information {#export}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2835%29.png" caption="The data export page in settings" >}}
At any time you want, you can go to Settings &gt; Export and download a CSV file for your current followed accounts, your currently created lists, your currently blocked accounts, your currently muted accounts, and your currently blocked domains. Your following, blocking, muting, and domain-blocking lists can be imported at Settings &gt; Import, where they can either be merged or overwritten.
Requesting an archive of your toots and media can be done once every 7 days, and can be downloaded in ActivityPub JSON format. Mastodon currently does not support importing toots or media due to technical limitations, but your archive can be viewed by any software that understands how to parse ActivityPub documents.
## Redirecting or moving your profile {#migration}
From the bottom of Settings &gt; Account, you can find options related to account redirection or migration.
### Profile redirect {#redirect}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2853%29.png" caption="Profile redirect form" >}}
Redirecting your account disables posting from that account and displays a "profile moved" notice indicating your new account. Anyone viewing your profile can see this notice and will know to follow you at your new account. Following redirected accounts is not possible. The redirect can be canceled at any time.
### Profile move {#move}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2847%29.png" caption="Profile move form" >}}
Moving your account is the same as redirecting your account, but it will also irreversibly force everyone to unfollow your current account and follow your new account, if their software supports the Move activity. Your toots will not be moved, due to technical limitations. There is also a very heavy cooldown period in which you cannot migrate again, so be very careful before using this option!
### Account aliases {#aliases}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2840%29.png" caption="Alias management screen" >}}
Profile moves can only be initiated when your two accounts have been aliased. Account aliases are currently not used for anything other than profile moves, where you will need to set your old account as an alias of your new account before initiating the move. Setting aliases is harmless and reversible on its own.
## Deleting your account {#delete}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2816%29.png" caption="Account deletion form" >}}
From the bottom of Settings &gt; Account, you can find the form to delete your account. Deleting your account is irreversible, and will cause both your profile and username to become forever unusable.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: Using the network features
description: Follow and talk to anyone from any server.
weight: 40
parent: user
## Browsing content through public timelines {#timelines}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2830%29.png" caption="Posts within a public timeline" >}}
To allow you to discover potentially interesting content, Mastodon provides a way to browse all public posts. Well, there is no global shared state between all servers, so there is no way to browse _all_ public posts. When you browse the **federated timeline**, you see all public posts that the server you are on knows about. There are various ways your server may discover posts, but the bulk of them will be from people that other users on your server follow.
There is a way to filter the federated timeline to view only public posts created on your server: The **local timeline**. Mind that “local” here refers to the server, not to a geographical location.
## Interacting with people's posts {#actions}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2821%29.png" caption="An expanded view can be loaded by clicking a status in the timeline." >}}
You can perform quick actions on a post directly from the timeline, or you can click on the post to load an expanded view that shows extra information, such as a full timestamp, interaction counts, and threaded replies, if any. The following actions can be performed on a post:
* **Reply** to a post by clicking the arrow icon. Your toot will show up in the thread below the post you are replying to.
* **Boost** a post by clicking the cycled-arrow icon. The post will be reshared on your profile.
* **Favourite** a post by clicking the star icon. The post will be added to your favourites list, and a favourite notification will be delivered to its author.
* **Bookmark** a post by clicking the ribbon icon. The post will be privately added to your bookmarks list without generating a notification.
* Access a **menu** of additional options by clicking the ellipsis icon.
## Notifications {#notifications}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2850%29.png" caption="Notifications column" >}}
When other people interact with you or your posts, you will receive a notification depending on the type of the event. Your notifications column allows you to view all notifications in the same stream, or to filter for specific types of notifications:
* **Mentions:** received when someone has mentioned you in a post.
* **Favourites:** received when someone has favourited one of your posts.
* **Boosts:** received when someone has boosted one of your posts.
* **Polls:** Received when a poll that you have voted in or created has ended.
* **Follows:** Received when someone has followed your profile.
## Following profiles {#follow}
As long as you encounter a person within your apps user interface, e.g. the web interface on your home server, or your mobile app, you can just click “follow” and you wont notice a difference if that person is on your server or not.
However if you come across someones public profile hosted on a different server, theres an obstacle: That server sees you as just another anonymous visitor. Not to worry! You can simply copy the URL of that profile, or of one of their posts, and then paste that URL into the search function.
If you are visiting a public page on another Mastodon site, see [Using Mastodon outside of your site](../external/#interact).
## Search {#search}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2819%29.png" caption="The search function can be accessed from the sidebar." >}}
Mastodon's basic search allows logged-in users to find toots containing a specific hashtag, or to load a user or status directly if they know the URL or address. Searching for a term will show profiles whose username or display name contains that term, as well as hashtags that match or contain that term.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2839%29.png" caption="An example of a toot being loaded directly by its URL." >}}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2823%29.png" caption="An example of accounts returned when searching for &quot;cats&quot;." >}}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2827%29.png" caption="An example of hashtags returned when searching for &quot;cats&quot;." >}}
Admins may optionally install full-text search. Mastodons full-text search allows logged-in users to find results from their own toots, their favourites, their bookmarks and their mentions. It deliberately does not allow searching for arbitrary strings in the entire database, in order to reduce the risk of abuse by people searching for controversial terms to find people to dogpile.
The following operators are supported:
* **"exact phrases"** will try to find the term inside the quote marks. This allows looking only for direct matches, such as `"look at my cluckers"` to find posts explicitly telling you to look at someone's cluckers.
* **-exclude** will exclude the term prepended by a minus sign. This allows filtering out certain terms, such as `animals -cats` to find posts about animals without posts about cats.
* **+include** will include the term after the plus sign. This allows searching for multiple terms that must be included, such as `cat +dog` to find posts about both cats and dogs.
## Direct conversations {#direct}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2812%29.png" caption="A list of conversations containing direct messages." >}}
In Mastodon, direct messages are simply toots that have the "direct" visibility selected. Visibility can be selected per-post, which allows changing the privacy level later in a thread. The direct messages column currently shows a list of all conversations containing a direct post. Clicking on a conversation will load the associated thread.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2857%29.png" caption="A direct message in a thread." >}}
## List timelines {#lists}
Lists are subsets of your home timeline. You can create a list, give it a name, and add users that you follow to that list.
Opening a list will load that list's timeline. List timelines contain only posts by members of that list, as well as replies to you or to other members of the list.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%285%29.png" caption="A list timeline" >}}

content/pl/user/posting.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: Posting toots
description: Sharing your thoughts has never been more convenient.
weight: 30
parent: user
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2859%29.png" caption="Compose form with CW enabled" >}}
## Text {#text}
The main body of each status update can be composed using the text field. The default character limit is 500 characters.
### Links {#links}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%287%29.png" caption="Links must start with http\(s\):// and are counted as 23 characters regardless of length." >}}
If you include links in your post, they must begin with `http://` or `https://`. All links are counted as 23 characters, no matter how long they actually are, so there is no need to use a link shortener to save characters. In fact, using a link shortener is actively discouraged.
### Mentions {#mentions}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2820%29.png" caption="Suggested mentions for both local and remote users." >}}
You can mention users by typing out their full address, e.g. `@alice@example.com`. Note that any usage of`@word` will be interpreted as mentioning the local user with the username `word`, if that user exists. Only the username part will count against your character limit -- the domain is not counted.
### Hashtags {#hashtags}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2825%29.png" caption="Hashtags are autosuggested by usage frequency." >}}
You can use a `#hashtag` to make your post discoverable to anyone searching for that hashtag. Hashtags can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, but cannot contain numbers only.
### Custom emoji {#emoji}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2838%29.png" caption="An array of custom emoji are available in the selector." >}}
Each server offers a set of custom emoji you can use, like on Discord. You can use an emoji using its shortcode like `:thounking:`, or by clicking the emoji face in the compose box and browsing through the "Custom" category. You can also browse through and search for standard unicode emoji.
## Attachments {#attachments}
You can attach either files or a poll to your status.
### Files {#media}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2844%29.png" caption="Thumbnail for attached media, with options to delete, edit, or mark as sensitive" >}}
Click the paper clip to attach a file to your post. You can attach the following:
* **Images** \(PNG, JPG, GIF\) **up to 8MB**. Images will be downscaled to 1.6 megapixels \(enough for a 1280x1280 image\). Up to 4 images can be attached.
* **Animated GIFs** are converted to soundless MP4s like on Imgur/Gfycat \(**GIFV**\). You can also upload soundless MP4 and WebM, which will be handled the same way.
* **Videos** \(MP4, M4V, MOV, WebM\) **up to 40MB**. Video will be transcoded to H.264 MP4 with a maximum bitrate of 1300kbps and framerate of 60fps.
* **Audio** \(MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, OPUS, AAC, M4A, 3GP\) **up to 40MB**. Audio will be transcoded to MP3 using V2 VBR \(roughly 192kbps\).
#### Editing media {#edit}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2826%29.png" caption="Edit media to add a media description or choose a focal point for the preview thumbnail." >}}
By clicking the "Edit" link on the attachment thumbnail, you can load a modal which will allow adding a media description or changing the focal point. Although optional, it is a good idea to add media descriptions that briefly describe what is in contained in the media. These descriptions will be shown when the media fails to load for any reason, or when accessed by screen readers and other assistive technology. Setting the focal point is also optional, but can make preview thumbnails looks better when they are not shown in a 16:9 aspect ratio.
### Polls {#polls}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2841%29.png" caption="A poll with 2 one-of choices, expiring in 1 day" >}}
Click the bar graph icon to attach a poll to your post.
* You can add up to 4 choices. Each choice can be up to 25 characters.
* Polls default to one-of / single-choice. Click on the radio button to switch your poll to any-of / multiple-choice checkboxes.
* Polls can be set to expire in 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days.
## Publishing levels {#privacy}
| Level | Public timelines | Permalink | Profile view | Home feeds |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Public | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Unlisted | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Followers-only | No | Logged in on the same site | In-app or logged in | Yes |
| Direct | No | Logged in and mentioned | In-app or logged in | No |
Posts can be published with four different privacy levels:
### Public {#public}
The default option.
* Anyone can see your post at the permalink without logging in.
* Your post will appear in-app in the public timelines.
* Your followers will receive the post in their home feeds, and anyone mentioned will receive the post in notifications.
* Your post can be boosted into other home feeds.
### Unlisted {#unlisted}
Exactly the same as public, but with the following difference:
* Your post will not appear in Mastodon's public timelines.
### Followers-only {#private}
A more limited delivery option.
* Seeing your post at the permalink requires being logged in on the same website as someone who follows you or was mentioned.
* Your post will not appear in-app except to followers browsing your profile, and to anyone mentioned.
* Your followers will receive the post in their home feeds, and anyone mentioned will receive the post in notifications.
* Your post cannot be boosted, except by yourself.
{{< hint style="warning" >}}
To effectively publish private \(followers-only\) posts, you must **lock your account**otherwise, anyone could follow you to view older posts.
{{< /hint >}}
{{< hint style="danger" >}}
Please mind that post privacy on Mastodon is per-post, rather than account-wide, and as such **there is no way to make past public posts private.**
{{< /hint >}}
### Direct {#direct}
Send your post only to mentioned users.
* Seeing your post at the permalink requires being logged in on the same website as someone who was mentioned.
* Your post will not appear in-app except to anyone mentioned.
* Anyone mentioned will receive the post in notifications. It will not appear in the home timeline.
* Your post cannot be boosted.
{{< hint style="warning" >}}
**Do not share dangerous and sensitive information over direct messages**. Mastodon is not an encrypted messaging app like Signal or Wire, the database administrators of the senders and recipients servers have access to the text. Use them with the same caution as you would use forum PMs, Discord PMs and Twitter DMs.
{{< /hint >}}
## Content warnings and sensitive content {#cw}
{{< figure src="/assets/image.png" caption="A status with a CW that is marked as sensitive content." >}}
One feature that Mastodon provides that you may not have seen on other social networks is the option to attach a content warning to your posts. When a content warning is included, the status content will be collapsed by default, and only the CW will be shown, similarly to an email subject line or a "read more" break. This can be used to add a summary or subject for your post, to collapse long posts, or to otherwise provide context or setup for the body of the post.
When media is attached, a checkbox appears to allow you to "mark media as sensitive". This hides the full media behind a blurred thumbnail by default. Adding a CW to a post automatically marks the post as sensitive as well.

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: Set your preferences
description: Customize things just the way you like them.
weight: 70
parent: user
## Customizing the user interface {#interface}
### Choose a theme {#theme}
Mastodon defaults to a dark theme, but a light or high-contrast theme can be selected.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2834%29.png" caption="Mastodon light theme" >}}
### Choose your layout {#layout}
Mastodon defaults to a simple, one-column layout with a compose box on the left and a column switcher on the right. You can choose to enable the advanced web interface, which allows you view and pin multiple columns at the same time.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2832%29.png" caption="The advanced web interface" >}}
In either interface, updates will load automatically as new posts are available. You can enable Slow Mode to instead show a banner at the top of the column indicating the number of new items available, which will be loaded only when you click the banner.
For accessibility reasons, the auto-play of animated GIFs is disabled by default. You can enable animated GIFs if you want to see animations. You can also reduce motion of animations throughout the UI.
Trending hashtags can be shown or hidden below the getting started column in the advanced UI, or below the column switcher in the simple UI \(only when there is enough space to display them\).
### Confirmation dialogs {#confirm}
You can choose to require confirmation before performing certain actions. Currently, confirmations can be set before performing the following actions:
* Unfollow
* Boost
* Delete
### Sensitive content {#sensitive}
By default, any media marked as sensitive is hidden behind a click-through overlay. You can also choose to always show/hide media behind this overlay, regardless of whether it is marked as sensitive.
Hidden and unloaded media uses a colorful gradient provided by the BlurHash algorithm, which uses the colors of the image but blurs the details. These gradients can be disabled.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%286%29.png" caption="An example blurhash thumbnail" >}}
Posts with content warnings are collapsed by default, but you can choose to always expand the warnings so that the full post is displayed.
## Controlling your notifications {#notifications}
### Sending emails {#email}
You can choose to receive email notifications according to the type of notification you receive within Mastodon. The following notification types are available to enable:
* Follows
* Follow requests
* Boosts
* Favourites
* Mentions
You can also enable digest emails, which will provide you with an overview of notifications received during periods of long inactivity.
### Hiding certain notifications {#hide-notifications}
You can choose to not receive notifications from people you don't follow, or from people who don't follow you. This will cause replies, favourites, boosts, and other interactions to not be shown to you.
You can also choose to not receive notifications when you receive a direct message from people you don't follow.
## Miscellaneous options {#misc}
If you opt out of search engine indexing, a `noindex` flag will be added to your public profile and status pages.
You can choose to hide your network, which will make your following and follower lists private to you only.
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%284%29.png" caption="A profile that has opted to hide its network" >}}
If you want to see posts that are boosted multiple times be reinserted into your feed at the top, you can disable boost grouping in timelines.
### Posting defaults {#posting}
Posts default to public privacy. You can choose to default new posts as unlisted or followers-only instead. For an explanation of post privacy levels, see [Posting to your Mastodon profile &gt; Publishing levels](../posting#privacy).
By default, the language of your posts is automatically detected, but this detection is imprecise and may not be accurate. If you primarily or exclusively post in a certain language, it is a good idea to set that language here.
If you often post sensitive media, you can choose to always mark your media as sensitive.
### Filtering languages on public timelines {#languages}
You can choose to only show posts in certain detected languages while browsing the public timelines. However, note that language detection can be very imprecise, so you may still see some posts in a disabled language, or miss some posts from enabled languages.

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
title: Setting up your profile
description: Get started with your new account.
weight: 20
parent: user
## Your appearance {#appearance}
{{< figure src="/assets/image%20%2829%29.png" caption="Profile cards showing display name, avatar, and header" >}}
You can change how your profile appears to others by navigating to Settings &gt; Profile &gt; Appearance.
### Display name {#name}
Your display name is shown to other users before your address. You can set a display name up to 30 characters by default.
### Bio {#bio}
Your bio is a short description of yourself that is displayed as a note on your profile. You can set a bio of up to 500 characters by default.
### Avatar {#avatar}
Your avatar is an icon that is displayed next to your posts and is part of your visual identity. You can upload an avatar as a PNG, GIF, or JPG image up to 2MB in size. This image will be downscaled to 400x400.
### Header {#header}
Your header is a banner image shown at the top of your profile, as well as in profile cards used in follow lists and account directories. You can upload a header as a PNG, GIF, or JPG image up to 2MB in size. This image will be downscaled to 1500x500.
## Profile flags {#flags}
You can set certain flags on your profile to let others know how you use Mastodon.
### Locked account {#locked}
By locking your account, two things will happen:
* New followers will not be automatically accepted, but will instead require you to manually approve them.
* A lock icon will be shown to others, to let them know that their follow will not be immediately accepted.
### Bot account {#bot}
Enabling the bot flag will add a bot icon to your profile. This icon will let others know that your profile may perform automated actions, or might not be monitored by a human. Other software may choose to treat bot profiles differently, but Mastodon currently treats the bot flag as a visual indication only.
### Profile directory {#discoverable}
Opting in to be listed on the profile directory will make your profile discoverable through a feature that allows browsing through profiles.
## Profile metadata {#fields}
Profile metadata is a way to add extra information to your profile that is easy to skim. You have 4 rows where you can define the label and the value. For example:
| Label | Content |
| :--- | :--- |
| Age | 25 |
| Country | Germany |
| Pronouns | he/him |
| Website | https://example.com |
Its completely up to you what you put there. The content can contain mentions, hashtags, custom emojis and links.
### Link verification {#verification}
Document-based verification and blue ticks are not possible without a central authority. However, Mastodon can cross-reference the links you put on your profile to prove that you are the real owner of those links. In case one of those links is your personal homepage that is known and trusted, it can serve as the next-best-thing to identity verification.
If you put a link in your profile metadata, Mastodon checks if the linked page links back to your Mastodon profile. If so, you get a verification checkmark next to that link, since you are confirmed as the owner.
Behind the scenes, Mastodon checks for the `rel="me"` attribute on the link back. Likewise, Mastodon puts `rel="me"` on the links within profile metadata.
{{< hint style="info" >}}
Because Mastodon can be self-hosted, there is no better way to verify your identity than to host Mastodon on your own domain, which people already trust.
{{< /hint >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
title: Running your own server
weight: 9999
parent: user
## Why would you want to run your own Mastodon server?
- Absolute control over your own voice on the web, not subject to anyone else's rules or whims. Your server is your property, with your rules. It will exist as long as you want it to exist.
- You are *not* isolated on your own server. You can follow anyone on any other server, and they can follow you and you can exchange messages just like if you were on the same server.
- You can either limit sign-ups to be the only one on the server and run it like personal (micro)blog, maintain an invite-only community for family or friends or run a server anyone can sign up on, it's up to you!
{{< hint style="warning" >}}
Please mind that providing a public internet service involves moderation work and community management, and that such work becomes more complicated the larger your server grows.
{{< /hint >}}
## So you want to run your own Mastodon server
Here is what you need:
- A **domain name**. This is how you and others will access your server and how you and your users will be identified on the network.
**How to get**: Namecheap, Gandi, any of the infinite number of domain name registrars. Comes with a yearly cost that varies depending on domain name choice.
- A **VPS**. Something that will run the Mastodon code that will always be connected to the internet.
**How to get**: DigitalOcean, Hetzner, Exoscale, Scaleway, any of the infinite number of hosting providers. Comes with a monthly or yearly cost that varies depending on hardware specifications.
- An **e-mail provider**. Mastodon needs to send confirmation links and various notifications through e-mail, and hosting your own SMTP server, while possible, is much more difficult to do reliably than to simply use a third-party provider.
**How to get**: Mailgun, SparkPost, Postmark, Sendgrid, any of the infinite number of e-mail hosting providers that expose a SMTP API. Comes with a monthly cost based on volume of e-mails sent.
- Optional: **Object storage provider**. Mastodon can save files that you and your users upload on the hard disk drive of the VPS it runs on, however, the hard disk drive is usually not infinite and difficult to upgrade later. An object storage provider gives you practically infinite metered file storage.
**How to get**: Amazon S3, Exoscale, Wasabi, Google Cloud, anything that exposes either an S3-compatible or OpenStack Swift-compatible API. Comes with a monthly cost based on the amount of files stored as well as how often they are accessed.
There exist a number of **dedicated Mastodon hosting providers** that take care of many if not all of the above requirements, that you can choose if you're interested in someone else taking care of all the technical stuff. Usually you still need to buy your own domain name though. Some of such providers are:
{{< caption-link url="https://masto.host" caption="Masto.host" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://hostdon.jp" caption="Hostdon" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://app.spacebear.ee/mastodon" caption="Spacebear" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://nablahost.com/services/activitypub-hosting/" caption="Nablahost" >}}
Managed hosting solutions are great for those who do not have experience or desire to install and maintain software. However, being in charge of all components on your own hardware gives greater control over scaling, performance and customization.
We provide a **DigitalOcean 1-Click Install Image** that you can put on a DigitalOcean droplet of your choosing which essentially gives you everything you would otherwise have after following our installation instructions through an interactive setup wizard.
{{< caption-link url="https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/mastodon" caption="Mastodon 1-Click Install Image on DigitalOcean" >}}
That however does assume a single-machine setup. Mastodon scales quite well horizontally. If your needs outgrow the capacity of a single machine, Mastodon can be divided into multiple app servers, background workers, multiple Redis backends, PostgreSQL replicas -- but 1-click install won't cut it.
If you're interested in installing everything on your own, proceed here:
{{< page-ref page="admin/prerequisites.md" >}}

content/pl/user/signup.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
title: Signing up for an account
description: Find your perfect community.
weight: 10
parent: user
## Choosing a website {#picker}
You have to choose a website to sign up on, like you would choose an e-mail provider, or a World of Warcraft realm for your new character. The website will be your service provider, hosting your account, your profile, and your home feed.
{{< hint style="info" >}}
You can [browse a list of servers by categories and languages on joinmastodon.org](https://joinmastodon.org/#getting-started).
{{< /hint >}}
### Understanding a website's policies {#tos}
Before you sign up for a service, it is important to understand its policies and terms of use. A Mastodon website will usually have its policies listed on the `/about/more` page, which can be found by clicking "learn more" on the landing page while not logged in to that website.
### Signup modes {#signup}
Mastodon allows website administrators to set one of three different signup modes: open signups, invites, and approval mode.
#### Open signup {#open}
Some websites may allow you to register immediately -- simply fill out the registration with your username, email address, and password, and you can start using your account.
#### Server invites {#invite}
Some websites disable the registration form, and instead require invite links to be generated and shared in order to allow people to register.
#### Approval-based registration {#approval}
Some websites allow you to fill out a registration form, but with an additional form entry for mentioning why you want to join that website. Once you submit the form, your account must be approved by a moderator before you can start using it.
## Your username and your domain {#address}
Mastodon usernames actually consist of two parts:
* The local username, e.g. `alice`
* And the domain of the website, e.g. `example.com`
Just like an e-mail address. For convenience sake, Mastodon allows you to skip the second part when addressing people on the same server as you, but you have to keep in mind when sharing your username with other people, you need to include the domain or they wont be able to find you as easily.
| | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Im @alice on Mastodon! | Wrong |
| Im @alice@example.com on Mastodon! | Correct |
| I'm https://example.com/@alice on Mastodon! | Correct |
The search form in Mastodon will find people either with the above address form, or the link to the persons profile, so you can share that instead if you prefer.
The same username _can_ be registered on different servers -- there is no way to claim all of them ahead of time. Just like with e-mail, you should not expect `alice@outlook.com` to be the same person as `alice@gmail.com` or `alice@yahoo.com`.

i18n/pl.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
other = "Popraw tę stronę"
other = "Ostatnio aktualizowano"
other = "{{ .Format \"January 2, 2006\" }}"
other = "Przyłącz się do rewolucji w mediach społecznościowych"
other = "Mastodon to wolna i zdecentralizowana platforma mająca ponad trzy miliony użytkowników"
other = "Dołącz do Mastodona teraz!"
other = "Sklep"
other = "Koszulki i naklejki"
other = "Dołącz do Mastodona"
other = "Blog"
other = "Zobacz źródła"
other = "Imprint"
other = "Parametry formularza"
other = "Nagłówki"
other = "wymagane"
other = "nieobowiązkowe"
other = "Parametry ścieżki"
other = "Parametry zapytania"
other = "Żądanie"
other = "Odpowiedź"
other = "Dostępne również w języku:"
other = "Sponsorzy"