Mastodon can be served through Tor as an onion service. This will give you a `*.onion` address that can only be used while connected to the Tor network.
We will need to tell Nginx about your Mastodon configuration twice. To keep things ["DRY"]( we need to move the Mastodon configuration into its own file that can we can refer to later.
Create a new file at `/etc/nginx/snippets/mastodon.conf`. Copy every Mastodon configuration parameter, apart from the `listen`, `server_name`, `include` directives, as well as all of the SSL options. Your new file should look somewhat like this:
While it may be tempting to serve your Tor version of Mastodon over HTTPS, it isn't always ideal. They are mostly useful for large companies that can produce their own certificates with their own company information. There is no Certificate Authority (CA) that provides them [for free](, and there is also [a blog post from the Tor Project]( explains why HTTPS certificates are not really beneficial for security. On the other hand, however, Mastodon uses a lot of redirects to the HTTPS version of your site, where the presence of a validated certificate may make it easier for your users to use your instance on Tor without having to manually remove the `https://` prefix in URLs.
In this section, we will go over how to serve your Mastodon instance over HTTP, but for Tor **only**. This can be added by prepending an additional configuration to your existing Nginx configuration.
Note that the onion hostname has been prefixed with “mastodon.”. Your Tor address acts as a wildcard domain. All subdomains will be routed through, and you can configure Nginx to respond to any subdomain you wish. If you do not wish to host any other services on your tor address you can omit the subdomain, or choose a different subdomain.
Here you can see the payoff of moving your mastodon configurations to a different file. Without this, all of your configurations would have to be copied to both places. Any change to your configuration would have to be made in both places.
- As mentioned earlier, certain URLs in the Mastodon frontend will force your users to a HTTPS URL. They will have to manually replace the URL with HTTP to continue.
- Various resources, such as images, will **still** be offered through your regular clearnet domain. This could possibly be a problem, depending on how cautious your users want, try or need to be.