
262 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

title: media
description: >-
Attach media to authored statuses. See Using Mastodon > Posting toots >
Attachments for more information about size and format limits.
weight: 10
parent: methods-statuses
{{< api-method method="post" host="https://mastodon.example" path="/api/v1/media" title="Upload media as attachment" >}}
{{< api-method-description >}}
Creates an attachment to be used with a new status.
**Returns:** Attachment\
**OAuth:** User token + `write:media`\
**Version history:**
- 0.0.0 - added
- 2.3.0 - add `focus` parameter
{{< endapi-method-description >}}
{{< api-method-spec >}}
{{< api-method-request >}}
{{< api-method-headers >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="Authorization" type="string" required=true >}}
Bearer &lt;user token&gt;
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< endapi-method-headers >}}
{{< api-method-form-data-parameters >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="file" type="object" required=true >}}
The file to be attached, using multipart form data.
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="description" type="string" required=false >}}
A plain-text description of the media, for accessibility purposes.
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="focus" type="string" required=false >}}
Two floating points \(x,y\), comma-delimited, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< endapi-method-form-data-parameters >}}
{{< endapi-method-request >}}
{{< api-method-response >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=200 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
Attachment created successfully. Note that the Attachment will be created even if the file is not understood correctly.
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
{{< tabs >}}
{{< tab title="file correct" >}}
"id": "22348641",
"type": "image",
"url": "",
"preview_url": "",
"remote_url": null,
"text_url": "",
"meta": {
"focus": {
"x": -0.69,
"y": 0.42
"original": {
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"size": "640x480",
"aspect": 1.3333333333333333
"small": {
"width": 461,
"height": 346,
"size": "461x346",
"aspect": 1.3323699421965318
"description": "test uploaded via api",
"blurhash": "UFBWY:8_0Jxv4mx]t8t64.%M-:IUWGWAt6M}"
{{< endtab >}}
{{< tab title="file not correct" >}}
"id": "22348456",
"type": "unknown",
"url": "",
"preview_url": "",
"remote_url": null,
"text_url": "",
"meta": {
"focus": {
"x": -0.69,
"y": 0.42
"description": "test uploaded via api",
"blurhash": null
{{< endtab >}}
{{< endtabs >}}
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=401 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
Invalid or missing Authorization header
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"error": "The access token is invalid"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=422 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
File or file type is unsupported or invalid
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"error": "Validation failed: File content type is invalid, File is invalid"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< endapi-method-response >}}
{{< endapi-method-spec >}}
{{< endapi-method >}}
{{< api-method method="put" host="https://mastodon.example" path="/api/v1/media/:id" title="Update attachment" >}}
{{< api-method-description >}}
Update an Attachment, before it is attached to a status and posted.
**Returns:** Attachment\
**OAuth:** User token + `write:media`\
**Version history:**
- 0.0.0 - added
{{< endapi-method-description >}}
{{< api-method-spec >}}
{{< api-method-request >}}
{{< api-method-path-parameters >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name=":id" type="string" required=true >}}
The id of the Attachment entity to be updated
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< endapi-method-path-parameters >}}
{{< api-method-headers >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="Authorization" type="string" required=true >}}
Bearer &lt;user token&gt;
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< endapi-method-headers >}}
{{< api-method-form-data-parameters >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="file" type="object" required=false >}}
The file to be attached, using multipart form data.
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="description" type="string" required=false >}}
A plain-text description of the media, for accessibility purposes.
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< api-method-parameter name="focus" type="string" required=false >}}
Two floating points \(x,y\), comma-delimited ranging from -1.0 to 1.0
{{< endapi-method-parameter >}}
{{< endapi-method-form-data-parameters >}}
{{< endapi-method-request >}}
{{< api-method-response >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=200 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"id": "22348641",
"type": "image",
"url": "",
"preview_url": "",
"remote_url": null,
"text_url": "",
"meta": {
"focus": {
"x": -0.42,
"y": 0.69
"original": {
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"size": "640x480",
"aspect": 1.3333333333333333
"small": {
"width": 461,
"height": 346,
"size": "461x346",
"aspect": 1.3323699421965318
"description": "test uploaded via api, but updated",
"blurhash": "UFBWY:8_0Jxv4mx]t8t64.%M-:IUWGWAt6M}"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=401 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
Invalid or missing Authorization header
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"error": "The access token is invalid"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=404 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
Attachment does not exist, is deleted, or was not created by you
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"error": "Record not found"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< api-method-response-example httpCode=422 >}}
{{< api-method-response-example-description >}}
File or file type is unsupported or invalid
{{< endapi-method-response-example-description >}}
"error": "Validation failed: File content type is invalid, File is invalid"
{{< endapi-method-response-example >}}
{{< endapi-method-response >}}
{{< endapi-method-spec >}}
{{< endapi-method >}}
## Focal points
Server-side preview images are never cropped, to support a variety of apps and user interfaces. Therefore, the cropping must be done by those apps. To crop intelligently, focal points can be used to ensure a certain section of the image is always within the cropped viewport. [See this guide on how focal points are defined.]( In summary, floating points range from -1.0 to 1.0, left-to-right or bottom-to-top. \(0,0\) is the center of the image. \(0.5, 0.5\) would be in the center of the upper-right quadrant. \(-0.5, -0.5\) would be in the center of the lower-left quadrant. For reference, thumbnails in the Mastodon frontend are most commonly 16:9.
{{< figure src="..//assets/image%20%2856%29.png" caption="A demonstration of various focal points and their coordinates." >}}
{{< figure src="..//assets/image%20%2856%29.png" caption="A demonstration of various focal points and their coordinates." >}}