personal auto-update

This commit is contained in:
Zelo72 2021-10-28 12:09:14 +02:00
parent 9d2143a483
commit f52c02c019
2 changed files with 24 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
! 1 | 14631 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list
! 2 | 134 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.threat-intelligence
! 3 | 2 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.affiliatetracking
! 4 | 3672 | hosts | http | online | unchanged |
! 4 | 3675 | hosts | http | online | changed |
! 5 | 1734 | hosts | http | online | unchanged |
! 6 | 2016 | adblock | http | online | unchanged |
! 7 | 4924 | adblock | http | online | unchanged |
! 7 | 4923 | adblock | http | online | changed |
! 12816 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.085514
! 12818 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.120818
@ -2141,7 +2141,6 @@
@ -4999,6 +4998,8 @@
@ -5179,6 +5180,7 @@

View File

@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ Initialize ...
1 | 14631 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list
2 | 134 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.threat-intelligence
3 | 2 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.affiliatetracking
4 | 3672 | hosts | http | online | unchanged |
4 | 3675 | hosts | http | online | changed |
5 | 1734 | hosts | http | online | unchanged |
6 | 2016 | adblock | http | online | unchanged |
7 | 4924 | adblock | http | online | unchanged |
7 | 4923 | adblock | http | online | changed |
# Build personal Domainlist ...
Stats personal:
** Source (raw): 27113
== Source (unique): 23252 (-3861)
-- White: 21955 (-1297)
-- White(*): 21915 (-40)
-- Dead: 20977 (-938)
++ Block: 21143 (+166)
-- Unblock: 21141 (-2)
-- Unblock(*): 21141 (-0)
++ FLD: 21294 (+153)
++ WWW: 28029 (+6735)
** Source (raw): 27115
== Source (unique): 23254 (-3861)
-- White: 21957 (-1297)
-- White(*): 21917 (-40)
-- Dead: 20979 (-938)
++ Block: 21145 (+166)
-- Unblock: 21143 (-2)
-- Unblock(*): 21143 (-0)
++ FLD: 21297 (+154)
++ WWW: 28035 (+6738)
28029 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.085514
MD5 Domains RAW: 4d2b9817789cb049811e09c64abd0136
28035 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.120818
MD5 Domains RAW: ed71850077c590c3ede4cd4dd34faec1
# Convert personal to Hostlist ...
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ Prepare domain list for compiling ... done.
Start compiling personal.adblock.raw
Original length is 20887
Length after applying transformations is 20887
The list was compressed from 20890 to 12820
Final length of the list is 12826
Original length is 20890
Length after applying transformations is 20890
The list was compressed from 20893 to 12822
Final length of the list is 12828
Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/personal/out/personal.adblock
Finished compiling