fake auto-update

This commit is contained in:
Zelo72 2021-10-28 06:10:38 +02:00
parent 3b76c92c8f
commit b930b4f037
2 changed files with 15 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
! Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File
! 1 | 2197 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/extensions/fakenews/hosts
! 2 | 252 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://assets.windscribe.com/custom_blocklists/clickbait.txt
! 3 | 16924 | domains | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShadowWhisperer/BlockLists/master/Lists/Scam
! 3 | 16924 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShadowWhisperer/BlockLists/master/Lists/Scam
! 4 | 1483 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cbuijs/shallalist/master/costtraps/domains
! 5 | 45 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iam-py-test/my_filters_001/main/Alternative%20list%20formats/clickbait_domains.txt
! 6 | 5783 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stonecrusher/filterlists-pihole/master/watchlist-internet-ph.txt
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
! 8 | 1423 | domains | local | online | unchanged | fake.ts.black.list
! 9 | 491 | domains | local | online | unchanged | fake.vzni.black.list
! 23766 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.000835
! 23767 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.060942
@ -21954,6 +21954,7 @@

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Initialize ...
Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File
1 | 2197 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/extensions/fakenews/hosts
2 | 252 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://assets.windscribe.com/custom_blocklists/clickbait.txt
3 | 16924 | domains | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShadowWhisperer/BlockLists/master/Lists/Scam
3 | 16924 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShadowWhisperer/BlockLists/master/Lists/Scam
4 | 1483 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cbuijs/shallalist/master/costtraps/domains
5 | 45 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iam-py-test/my_filters_001/main/Alternative%20list%20formats/clickbait_domains.txt
6 | 5783 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stonecrusher/filterlists-pihole/master/watchlist-internet-ph.txt
@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ Stats fake:
== Source (unique): 27915 (-7563)
-- White: 27825 (-90)
-- White(*): 27825 (-0)
-- Dead: 23925 (-3900)
-- Unblock: 23925 (-0)
-- Unblock(*): 23925 (-0)
++ FLD: 24060 (+135)
++ WWW: 46807 (+22747)
-- Dead: 23926 (-3899)
-- Unblock: 23926 (-0)
-- Unblock(*): 23926 (-0)
++ FLD: 24061 (+135)
++ WWW: 46809 (+22748)
46807 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.000835
MD5 Domains RAW: e94a6c2e1f395f0a02fc293ba62d9b02
46809 unique Domains - Version 2021.1028.060942
MD5 Domains RAW: 24e29485dfda131f5888bbbb64de36b6
# Convert fake to Hostlist ...
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ Prepare domain list for compiling ... done.
Start compiling fake.adblock.raw
Original length is 23892
Length after applying transformations is 23892
The list was compressed from 23895 to 23770
Final length of the list is 23776
Original length is 23893
Length after applying transformations is 23893
The list was compressed from 23896 to 23771
Final length of the list is 23777
Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/fake/out/fake.adblock
Finished compiling