
247 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TFC - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system
Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Markus Ottela
This file is part of TFC.
TFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TFC. If not, see <>.
import base64
import hashlib
import struct
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Union
def sha256d(message: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Chain SHA256 twice for Bitcoin WIF format."""
return hashlib.sha256(
def b58encode(byte_string: bytes, public_key: bool = False) -> str:
"""Encode byte string to check-summed Base58 string.
This format is exactly the same as Bitcoin's Wallet Import Format
(WIF) for mainnet and testnet addresses.
net_id = TESTNET_HEADER if public_key else MAINNET_HEADER
byte_string = net_id + byte_string
byte_string += sha256d(byte_string)[:B58_CHECKSUM_LENGTH]
original_len = len(byte_string)
byte_string = byte_string.lstrip(b'\x00')
new_len = len(byte_string)
p, acc = 1, 0
for byte in bytearray(byte_string[::-1]):
acc += p * byte
p *= 256
encoded = ''
while acc > 0:
acc, mod = divmod(acc, 58)
encoded += B58_ALPHABET[mod]
return (encoded + (original_len - new_len) * B58_ALPHABET[0])[::-1]
def b58decode(string: str, public_key: bool = False) -> bytes:
"""Decode a Base58-encoded string and verify the checksum."""
net_id = TESTNET_HEADER if public_key else MAINNET_HEADER
orig_len = len(string)
string = string.lstrip(B58_ALPHABET[0])
new_len = len(string)
p, acc = 1, 0
for c in string[::-1]:
acc += p * B58_ALPHABET.index(c)
p *= 58
decoded = []
while acc > 0:
acc, mod = divmod(acc, 256)
decoded_ = (bytes(decoded) + (orig_len - new_len) * b'\x00')[::-1] # type: Union[bytes, List[int]]
if sha256d(bytes(decoded_[:-B58_CHECKSUM_LENGTH]))[:B58_CHECKSUM_LENGTH] != decoded_[-B58_CHECKSUM_LENGTH:]:
raise ValueError
if decoded_[:len(net_id)] != net_id:
raise ValueError
return bytes(decoded_[len(net_id):-B58_CHECKSUM_LENGTH])
def b85encode(data: bytes) -> str:
"""Encode byte string with base85.
The encoding is slightly more inefficient, but allows variable
length transmissions when used together with a delimiter char.
return base64.b85encode(data).decode()
def b10encode(fingerprint: bytes) -> str:
"""Encode bytestring in base10.
Base10 encoding is used in fingerprint comparison to allow distinct
Base64 has 75% efficiency, but encoding is bad as the user might
confuse uppercase I with lower case l, 0 with O, etc.
Base58 has 73% efficiency and removes the problem of Base64
explained above, but works only when manually typing
strings because the user has to take time to explain which
letters were capitalized etc.
Base16 has 50% efficiency and removes the capitalization problem
with Base58 but the choice is bad as '3', 'b', 'c', 'd'
and 'e' are hard to distinguish in the English language
(fingerprints are usually read aloud over off band call).
Base10 has 41% efficiency but natural languages have evolved in a
way that makes a clear distinction between the way different
numbers are pronounced: reading them is faster and less
error-prone. Compliments to Signal/WA developers for
discovering this:
return str(int(fingerprint.hex(), base=16))
# Database unicode string padding
def unicode_padding(string: str) -> str:
"""Pad Unicode string to 255 chars.
Database fields are padded with Unicode chars and then encoded
with UTF-32 to hide the metadata about plaintext field length.
from src.common.exceptions import CriticalError
if len(string) >= PADDING_LENGTH:
raise CriticalError("Invalid input size.")
length = PADDING_LENGTH - (len(string) % PADDING_LENGTH)
string += length * chr(length)
if len(string) != PADDING_LENGTH: # pragma: no cover
raise CriticalError("Invalid padded string size.")
return string
def rm_padding_str(string: str) -> str:
"""Remove padding from plaintext."""
return string[:-ord(string[-1:])]
# Database constant length encoding
def onion_address_to_pub_key(account: str) -> bytes:
"""Encode TFC account to a public key byte string.
The public key is the most compact possible representation of a TFC
account, so it is useful when storing the address into databases.
return base64.b32decode(account.upper())[:-(ONION_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH + ONION_SERVICE_VERSION_LENGTH)]
def bool_to_bytes(boolean: bool) -> bytes:
"""Convert boolean value to a 1-byte byte string."""
return bytes([boolean])
def int_to_bytes(integer: int) -> bytes:
"""Convert integer to an 8-byte byte string."""
return struct.pack('!Q', integer)
def double_to_bytes(double_: float) -> bytes:
"""Convert double to an 8-byte byte string."""
return struct.pack('d', double_)
def str_to_bytes(string: str) -> bytes:
"""Pad string with Unicode chars and encode it with UTF-32.
Length of padded string is 255 * 4 + 4 (BOM) = 1024 bytes.
return unicode_padding(string).encode('utf-32')
# Decoding
def pub_key_to_onion_address(public_key: bytes) -> str:
"""Decode public key byte string to TFC account.
This decoding is exactly the same process as conversion of Ed25519
public key of v3 Onion Service into service ID:
checksum = hashlib.sha3_256(ONION_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_ID
+ public_key
return base64.b32encode(public_key + checksum + ONION_SERVICE_VERSION).lower().decode()
def pub_key_to_short_address(public_key: bytes) -> str:
"""Decode public key to TFC account and truncate it."""
return pub_key_to_onion_address(public_key)[:TRUNC_ADDRESS_LENGTH]
def bytes_to_bool(byte_string: Union[bytes, int]) -> bool:
"""Convert 1-byte byte string to a boolean value."""
if isinstance(byte_string, bytes):
byte_string = byte_string[0]
return bool(byte_string)
def bytes_to_int(byte_string: bytes) -> int:
"""Convert 8-byte byte string to an integer."""
int_format = struct.unpack('!Q', byte_string)[0] # type: int
return int_format
def bytes_to_double(byte_string: bytes) -> float:
"""Convert 8-byte byte string to double."""
float_format = struct.unpack('d', byte_string)[0] # type: float
return float_format
def bytes_to_str(byte_string: bytes) -> str:
"""Convert 1024-byte byte string to Unicode string.
Decode byte string with UTF-32 and remove Unicode padding.
return rm_padding_str(byte_string.decode('utf-32'))
def bytes_to_timestamp(byte_string: bytes) -> datetime:
"""Covert 4-byte byte string to datetime object."""
return datetime.fromtimestamp(struct.unpack('<L', byte_string)[0])