
433 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TFC - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system
Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Markus Ottela
This file is part of TFC.
TFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TFC. If not, see <>.
import math
import multiprocessing
import os.path
import random
import time
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from src.common.crypto import argon2_kdf, blake2b, csprng
from src.common.database import TFCUnencryptedDatabase
from src.common.encoding import bytes_to_int, int_to_bytes
from src.common.exceptions import CriticalError, graceful_exit, SoftError
from src.common.input import pwd_prompt
from src.common.misc import ensure_dir, reset_terminal, separate_headers
from src.common.output import clear_screen, m_print, phase, print_on_previous_line
from src.common.word_list import eff_wordlist
class MasterKey(object):
MasterKey object manages the 32-byte master key and methods related
to it. Master key is the key that protects all data written on disk.
def __init__(self, operation: str, local_test: bool) -> None:
"""Create a new MasterKey object."""
self.operation = operation
self.file_name = f'{DIR_USER_DATA}{operation}_login_data'
self.database = TFCUnencryptedDatabase(self.file_name)
self.local_test = local_test
self.database_data = None # type: Optional[bytes]
if os.path.isfile(self.file_name):
self.master_key = self.load_master_key()
self.master_key = self.new_master_key()
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
def timed_key_derivation(password: str,
salt: bytes,
time_cost: int,
memory_cost: int,
parallelism: int
) -> Tuple[bytes, float]:
"""Derive key and measure its derivation time."""
time_start = time.monotonic()
master_key = argon2_kdf(password, salt, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism)
kd_time = time.monotonic() - time_start
return master_key, kd_time
def get_available_memory(self) -> int:
"""Return the amount of available memory in the system."""
fields = os.popen("/bin/cat /proc/meminfo").read().splitlines()
field = [f for f in fields if f.startswith("MemAvailable")][0]
mem_avail = int(field.split()[1])
if self.local_test:
mem_avail //= 2
return mem_avail
def generate_master_password() -> Tuple[int, str]:
"""Generate a strong password using the EFF wordlist."""
word_space = len(eff_wordlist)
sys_rand = random.SystemRandom()
pwd_bit_strength = 0.0
password_words = [] # type: List[str]
while pwd_bit_strength < PASSWORD_MIN_BIT_STRENGTH:
pwd_bit_strength = math.log2(word_space ** len(password_words))
password = ' '.join(password_words)
return int(pwd_bit_strength), password
def new_master_key(self, replace: bool = True) -> bytes:
"""Create a new master key from password and salt.
The generated master key depends on a 256-bit salt and the
password entered by the user. Additional computational strength
is added by the slow hash function (Argon2id). The more cores
and the faster each core is, and the more memory the system has,
the more secure TFC data is under the same password.
This method automatically tweaks the Argon2 time and memory cost
parameters according to best practices as determined in
1) For Argon2 type (y), Argon2id was selected because the
adversary might be able to run arbitrary code on Destination
Computer and thus perform a side-channel attack against the
2) The maximum number of threads (h) is determined by the number
available in the system. However, during local testing this
number is reduced to half to allow simultaneous login to
Transmitter and Receiver Program.
3) The maximum amount of memory (m) is what the system has to
offer. For hard-drive encryption purposes, the recommendation
is 6GiB. TFC will use that amount (or even more) if available.
However, on less powerful systems, it will settle for less.
4) For key derivation time (x), the value is set to at least 3
seconds, with the maximum being 4 seconds. The minimum value
is the same as the recommendation for hard-drive encryption.
5) The salt length is set to 256-bits which is double the
recommended length. The salt size ensures that even in a
group of 4.8*10^29 users, the probability that two users
share the same salt is just 10^(-18).*
The salt does not need additional protection as the security
it provides depends on the salt space in relation to the
number of attacked targets (i.e. if two or more physically
compromised systems happen to share the same salt, the
attacker can speed up the attack against those systems with
time-memory-trade-off attack).
6) The tag length isn't utilized. The result of the key
derivation is the master encryption key itself, which is set
to 32 bytes for use in XChaCha20-Poly1305.
7) Memory wiping feature is not provided.
To recognize the password is correct, the BLAKE2b hash of the
master key is stored together with key derivation parameters
into the login database.
The preimage resistance of BLAKE2b prevents derivation of
master key from the stored hash, and Argon2id ensures brute
force and dictionary attacks against the master password are
painfully slow even with GPUs/ASICs/FPGAs, as long as the
password is sufficiently strong.
password = MasterKey.new_password()
salt = csprng(ARGON2_SALT_LENGTH)
# Determine the amount of memory used from the amount of free RAM in the system.
memory_cost = self.get_available_memory()
# Determine the number of threads to use
parallelism = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if self.local_test:
parallelism = max(ARGON2_MIN_PARALLELISM, parallelism // 2)
# Determine time cost
time_cost, kd_time, master_key = self.determine_time_cost(password, salt, memory_cost, parallelism)
# Determine memory cost
memory_cost, master_key = self.determine_memory_cost(password, salt, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism)
# Store values to database
database_data = (salt
+ blake2b(master_key)
+ int_to_bytes(time_cost)
+ int_to_bytes(memory_cost)
+ int_to_bytes(parallelism))
if replace:
# When replacing the master key, the new master key needs to be generated before
# databases are encrypted. However, storing the new master key shouldn't be done
# before all new databases have been successfully written. We therefore just cache
# the database data.
self.database_data = database_data
phase("Deriving master key")
phase(DONE, delay=1)
return master_key
def determine_time_cost(self,
password: str,
salt: bytes,
memory_cost: int,
parallelism: int
) -> Tuple[int, float, bytes]:
"""Find suitable time_cost value for Argon2id.
There are two acceptable time_cost values.
1. A time_cost value that together with all available memory
sets the key derivation time between MIN_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME
and MAX_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME. If during the search we find
such suitable time_cost value, we accept it as such.
2. In a situation where no time_cost value is suitable alone,
there will exist some time_cost value `t` that makes key
derivation too fast, and another time_cost value `t+1` that
makes key derivation too slow. In this case we are interested
in the latter value, as unlike `t`, the value `t+1` can be
fine-tuned to suitable key derivation time range by adjusting
the memory_cost parameter.
As time_cost has no upper limit, and as the amount of available
memory has tremendous effect on how long one round takes, it's
difficult to determine the upper bound for a time_cost binary
search. We therefore start with a single round, and by
benchmarking it, estimate how many rounds are needed to reach
the target zone. After every try, we update our time_cost
candidate based on new average time per round estimate, a value
that gets more accurate as the search progresses. If this
method isn't able to suggest a value larger than 1, we increase
time_cost by 1 anyway to prevent an Alderson loop.
Every time the time_cost value is increased, we update the lower
bound to narrow the search space of the binary search we can
switch to immediately, once the MAX_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME is
exceeded (i.e. once an upper bound is found). At that point, the
time_cost `t+1` can be found in log(n) time.
lower_bound = ARGON2_MIN_TIME_COST # type: int
upper_bound = None # type: Optional[int]
time_cost = lower_bound
while True:
phase(f"Trying time cost {time_cost}")
master_key, kd_time = self.timed_key_derivation(password, salt, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism)
phase(f"{kd_time:.1f}s", done=True)
# Sentinel that checks if the binary search has ended, and that restarts
# the search if kd_time repeats. This prevents an Alderson loop.
if upper_bound is not None and time_cost in [lower_bound, upper_bound]: # pragma: no cover
lower_bound = ARGON2_MIN_TIME_COST
upper_bound = None
lower_bound = time_cost
if upper_bound is None:
avg_time_per_round = kd_time / time_cost
time_cost_candidate = math.floor(MAX_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME / avg_time_per_round)
time_cost = max(time_cost+1, time_cost_candidate)
if time_cost + 1 == upper_bound:
time_cost += 1
time_cost = math.floor((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2)
upper_bound = time_cost
# Sentinel: If even a single round takes too long, it's the `t+1` we're looking for.
if time_cost == 1:
# Sentinel: If the current time_cost value (that was too large) is one
# greater than the lower_bound, we know current time_cost is at `t+1`.
if time_cost == lower_bound + 1:
# Otherwise we know the current time_cost is at least two integers greater
# than `t`. Our best candidate for `t` is lower_bound, but for all we know,
# `t` might be a much greater value. So we continue binary search for `t+1`
time_cost = math.floor((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2)
return time_cost, kd_time, master_key
def determine_memory_cost(self,
password: str,
salt: bytes,
time_cost: int,
memory_cost: int,
parallelism: int,
) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
"""Determine suitable memory_cost value for Argon2id.
If we reached this function, it means we found a `t+1` value for
time_cost (explained in the `determine_time_cost` function). We
therefore do a binary search on the amount of memory to use
until we hit the desired key derivation time range.
lower_bound = ARGON2_MIN_MEMORY_COST
upper_bound = memory_cost
while True:
memory_cost = int(round((lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2, -3))
phase(f"Trying memory cost {memory_cost} KiB")
master_key, kd_time = self.timed_key_derivation(password, salt, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism)
phase(f"{kd_time:.1f}s", done=True)
# If we found a suitable memory_cost value, we accept the key and the memory_cost.
return memory_cost, master_key
# The search might fail e.g. if external CPU load causes delay in key
# derivation, which causes the search to continue into wrong branch. In
# such a situation the search is restarted. The binary search is problematic
# with tight key derivation time target ranges, so if the search keeps
# restarting, increasing MAX_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME (and thus expanding the
# range) will help finding suitable memory_cost value faster. Increasing
# MAX_KEY_DERIVATION_TIME slightly affects security (positively) and user
# experience (negatively).
if memory_cost == lower_bound or memory_cost == upper_bound:
lower_bound = ARGON2_MIN_MEMORY_COST
upper_bound = self.get_available_memory()
lower_bound = memory_cost
upper_bound = memory_cost
def replace_database_data(self) -> None:
"""Store cached database data into database."""
if self.database_data is not None:
self.database_data = None
def load_master_key(self) -> bytes:
"""Derive the master key from password and salt.
Load the salt, hash, and key derivation settings from the login
database. Derive the purported master key from the salt and
entered password. If the BLAKE2b hash of derived master key
matches the hash in the login database, accept the derived
master key.
database_data = self.database.load_database()
if len(database_data) != MASTERKEY_DB_SIZE:
raise CriticalError(f"Invalid {self.file_name} database size.")
salt, key_hash, time_bytes, memory_bytes, parallelism_bytes \
= separate_headers(database_data, [ARGON2_SALT_LENGTH, BLAKE2_DIGEST_LENGTH,
time_cost = bytes_to_int(time_bytes)
memory_cost = bytes_to_int(memory_bytes)
parallelism = bytes_to_int(parallelism_bytes)
while True:
password = MasterKey.get_password()
phase("Deriving master key", head=2, offset=len("Password correct"))
purp_key = argon2_kdf(password, salt, time_cost, memory_cost, parallelism)
if blake2b(purp_key) == key_hash:
phase("Password correct", done=True, delay=1)
return purp_key
phase("Invalid password", done=True, delay=1)
def new_password(cls, purpose: str = "master password") -> str:
"""Prompt the user to enter and confirm a new password."""
password_1 = pwd_prompt(f"Enter a new {purpose}: ")
if password_1 == GENERATE:
pwd_bit_strength, password_1 = MasterKey.generate_master_password()
m_print([f"Generated a {pwd_bit_strength}-bit password:",
'', password_1, '',
"Write down this password and dispose of the copy once you remember it.",
"Press <Enter> to continue."], manual_proceed=True, box=True, head=1, tail=1)
password_2 = password_1
password_2 = pwd_prompt(f"Confirm the {purpose}: ", repeat=True)
if password_1 == password_2:
return password_1
m_print("Error: Passwords did not match. Try again.", head=1, tail=1)
print_on_previous_line(delay=1, reps=7)
return cls.new_password(purpose)
def get_password(cls, purpose: str = "master password") -> str:
"""Prompt the user to enter a password."""
return pwd_prompt(f"Enter {purpose}: ")
def authenticate_action(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if user entered correct master password to authenticate an action."""
authenticated = self.load_master_key() == self.master_key
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
raise SoftError("Authentication aborted.", tail_clear=True, head=2, delay=1)
return authenticated