
390 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TFC - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system
Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Markus Ottela
This file is part of TFC.
TFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TFC. If not, see <>.
import os
import typing
from typing import Any, Dict, Union
from src.common.db_logs import access_logs, change_log_db_key, remove_logs
from src.common.encoding import bytes_to_int, pub_key_to_short_address
from src.common.exceptions import FunctionReturn
from src.common.misc import ensure_dir, separate_header
from src.common.output import clear_screen, m_print, phase, print_on_previous_line
from src.common.statics import *
from src.receiver.commands_g import group_add, group_create, group_delete, group_remove, group_rename
from src.receiver.key_exchanges import key_ex_ecdhe, key_ex_psk_rx, key_ex_psk_tx, local_key_rdy
from src.receiver.packet import decrypt_assembly_packet
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Queue
from src.common.db_contacts import Contact, ContactList
from src.common.db_groups import Group, GroupList
from src.common.db_keys import KeyList
from src.common.db_masterkey import MasterKey
from src.common.db_settings import Settings
from src.common.gateway import Gateway
from src.receiver.packet import PacketList
from import WindowList
def process_command(ts: 'datetime',
assembly_ct: bytes,
window_list: 'WindowList',
packet_list: 'PacketList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
key_list: 'KeyList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
settings: 'Settings',
master_key: 'MasterKey',
gateway: 'Gateway',
exit_queue: 'Queue'
) -> None:
"""Decrypt command assembly packet and process command."""
assembly_packet = decrypt_assembly_packet(assembly_ct, LOCAL_PUBKEY, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER,
window_list, contact_list, key_list)
cmd_packet = packet_list.get_packet(LOCAL_PUBKEY, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, COMMAND)
if not cmd_packet.is_complete:
raise FunctionReturn("Incomplete command.", output=False)
header, cmd = separate_header(cmd_packet.assemble_command_packet(), ENCRYPTED_COMMAND_HEADER_LENGTH)
no = None
# Keyword Function to run ( Parameters )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d = {LOCAL_KEY_RDY: (local_key_rdy, ts, window_list, contact_list ),
WIN_ACTIVITY: (win_activity, window_list ),
WIN_SELECT: (win_select, cmd, window_list ),
CLEAR_SCREEN: (clear_screen, ),
RESET_SCREEN: (reset_screen, cmd, window_list ),
EXIT_PROGRAM: (exit_tfc, exit_queue),
LOG_DISPLAY: (log_command, cmd, no, window_list, contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key),
LOG_EXPORT: (log_command, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key),
LOG_REMOVE: (remove_log, cmd, contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key),
CH_MASTER_KEY: (ch_master_key, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, key_list, settings, master_key),
CH_NICKNAME: (ch_nick, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, ),
CH_SETTING: (ch_setting, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, key_list, settings, gateway ),
CH_LOGGING: (ch_contact_s, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, header ),
CH_FILE_RECV: (ch_contact_s, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, header ),
CH_NOTIFY: (ch_contact_s, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, header ),
GROUP_CREATE: (group_create, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, settings ),
GROUP_ADD: (group_add, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, settings ),
GROUP_REMOVE: (group_remove, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list ),
GROUP_DELETE: (group_delete, cmd, ts, window_list, group_list ),
GROUP_RENAME: (group_rename, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list ),
KEY_EX_ECDHE: (key_ex_ecdhe, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, key_list, settings ),
KEY_EX_PSK_TX: (key_ex_psk_tx, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, key_list, settings ),
KEY_EX_PSK_RX: (key_ex_psk_rx, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, key_list, settings ),
CONTACT_REM: (contact_rem, cmd, ts, window_list, contact_list, group_list, key_list, settings, master_key),
WIPE_USR_DATA: (wipe, exit_queue)
} # type: Dict[bytes, Any]
from_dict = d[header]
except KeyError:
raise FunctionReturn("Error: Received an invalid command.")
func = from_dict[0]
parameters = from_dict[1:]
def win_activity(window_list: 'WindowList') -> None:
"""Show number of unread messages in each window."""
unread_wins = [w for w in window_list if (w.uid != WIN_UID_LOCAL and w.unread_messages > 0)]
print_list = ["Window activity"] if unread_wins else ["No window activity"]
print_list += [f"{}: {w.unread_messages}" for w in unread_wins]
m_print(print_list, box=True)
print_on_previous_line(reps=(len(print_list) + 2), delay=1)
def win_select(window_uid: bytes, window_list: 'WindowList') -> None:
"""Select window specified by the Transmitter Program."""
if window_uid == WIN_UID_FILE:
def reset_screen(win_uid: bytes, window_list: 'WindowList') -> None:
"""Reset window specified by the Transmitter Program."""
window = window_list.get_window(win_uid)
def exit_tfc(exit_queue: 'Queue') -> None:
"""Exit TFC."""
def log_command(cmd_data: bytes,
ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
settings: 'Settings',
master_key: 'MasterKey'
) -> None:
"""Display or export log file for the active window."""
export = ts is not None
ser_no_msg, uid = separate_header(cmd_data, ENCODED_INTEGER_LENGTH)
no_messages = bytes_to_int(ser_no_msg)
window = window_list.get_window(uid)
access_logs(window, contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key, msg_to_load=no_messages, export=export)
if export:
local_win = window_list.get_local_window()
local_win.add_new(ts, f"Exported log file of {window.type} '{}'.", output=True)
def remove_log(cmd_data: bytes,
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
settings: 'Settings',
master_key: 'MasterKey'
) -> None:
"""Remove log entries for contact or group."""
remove_logs(contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key, selector=cmd_data)
def ch_master_key(ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
key_list: 'KeyList',
settings: 'Settings',
master_key: 'MasterKey'
) -> None:
"""Prompt the user for a new master password and derive a new master key from that."""
old_master_key = master_key.master_key[:]
master_key.master_key = master_key.new_master_key()
phase("Re-encrypting databases")
file_name = f'{DIR_USER_DATA}{settings.software_operation}_logs'
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
change_log_db_key(old_master_key, master_key.master_key, settings)
m_print("Master password successfully changed.", bold=True, tail_clear=True, delay=1, head=1)
local_win = window_list.get_local_window()
local_win.add_new(ts, "Changed Receiver master password.")
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
raise FunctionReturn("Password change aborted.", tail_clear=True, delay=1, head=2)
def ch_nick(cmd_data: bytes,
ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList'
) -> None:
"""Change nickname of contact."""
onion_pub_key, nick_bytes = separate_header(cmd_data, header_length=ONION_SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)
nick = nick_bytes.decode()
short_addr = pub_key_to_short_address(onion_pub_key)
contact = contact_list.get_contact_by_pub_key(onion_pub_key)
except StopIteration:
raise FunctionReturn(f"Error: Receiver has no contact '{short_addr}' to rename.")
contact.nick = nick
window = window_list.get_window(onion_pub_key) = nick
window.handle_dict[onion_pub_key] = nick
if window.type == WIN_TYPE_CONTACT:
cmd_win = window_list.get_local_window()
cmd_win.add_new(ts, f"Changed {short_addr} nick to '{nick}'.", output=True)
def ch_setting(cmd_data: bytes,
ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
key_list: 'KeyList',
settings: 'Settings',
gateway: 'Gateway'
) -> None:
"""Change TFC setting."""
setting, value = [f.decode() for f in cmd_data.split(US_BYTE)]
except ValueError:
raise FunctionReturn("Error: Received invalid setting data.")
if setting in settings.key_list:
settings.change_setting(setting, value, contact_list, group_list)
elif setting in gateway.settings.key_list:
gateway.settings.change_setting(setting, value)
raise FunctionReturn(f"Error: Invalid setting '{setting}'.")
local_win = window_list.get_local_window()
local_win.add_new(ts, f"Changed setting '{setting}' to '{value}'.", output=True)
if setting == 'max_number_of_contacts':
if setting in ['max_number_of_group_members', 'max_number_of_groups']:
def ch_contact_s(cmd_data: bytes,
ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
header: bytes
) -> None:
"""Change contact/group related setting."""
setting, win_uid = separate_header(cmd_data, CONTACT_SETTING_HEADER_LENGTH)
attr, desc, file_cmd = {CH_LOGGING: ('log_messages', "Logging of messages", False),
CH_FILE_RECV: ('file_reception', "Reception of files", True),
CH_NOTIFY: ('notifications', "Message notifications", False)}[header]
action, b_value = {ENABLE: ('enabled', True),
DISABLE: ('disabled', False)}[setting.lower()]
if setting.isupper():
# Change settings for all contacts (and groups)
enabled = [getattr(c, attr) for c in contact_list.get_list_of_contacts()]
enabled += [getattr(g, attr) for g in group_list] if not file_cmd else []
status = "was already" if ((all(enabled) and b_value) or (not any(enabled) and not b_value)) else "has been"
specifier = "every "
w_type = "contact"
w_name = "." if file_cmd else " and group."
# Set values
for c in contact_list.get_list_of_contacts():
setattr(c, attr, b_value)
if not file_cmd:
for g in group_list:
setattr(g, attr, b_value)
# Change setting for contacts in specified window
if not window_list.has_window(win_uid):
raise FunctionReturn(f"Error: Found no window for '{pub_key_to_short_address(win_uid)}'.")
window = window_list.get_window(win_uid)
group_window = window.type == WIN_TYPE_GROUP
contact_window = window.type == WIN_TYPE_CONTACT
if contact_window:
target = contact_list.get_contact_by_pub_key(win_uid) # type: Union[Contact, Group]
target = group_list.get_group_by_id(win_uid)
if file_cmd:
enabled = [getattr(m, attr) for m in window.window_contacts]
changed = not all(enabled) if b_value else any(enabled)
changed = getattr(target, attr) != b_value
status = "has been" if changed else "was already"
specifier = "members in " if (file_cmd and group_window) else ''
w_type = window.type
w_name = f" {}."
# Set values
if contact_window or (group_window and file_cmd):
for c in window.window_contacts:
setattr(c, attr, b_value)
elif group_window:
setattr(group_list.get_group_by_id(win_uid), attr, b_value)
message = f"{desc} {status} {action} for {specifier}{w_type}{w_name}"
local_win = window_list.get_local_window()
local_win.add_new(ts, message, output=True)
def contact_rem(onion_pub_key: bytes,
ts: 'datetime',
window_list: 'WindowList',
contact_list: 'ContactList',
group_list: 'GroupList',
key_list: 'KeyList',
settings: 'Settings',
master_key: 'MasterKey'
) -> None:
"""Remove contact from Receiver Program."""
short_addr = pub_key_to_short_address(onion_pub_key)
contact = contact_list.get_contact_by_pub_key(onion_pub_key)
except StopIteration:
raise FunctionReturn(f"Receiver has no account '{short_addr}' to remove.")
nick = contact.nick
in_group = any([g.remove_members([onion_pub_key]) for g in group_list])
message = f"Removed {nick} ({short_addr}) from contacts{' and groups' if in_group else ''}."
m_print(message, bold=True, head=1, tail=1)
local_win = window_list.get_local_window()
local_win.add_new(ts, message)
remove_logs(contact_list, group_list, settings, master_key, onion_pub_key)
def wipe(exit_queue: 'Queue') -> None:
Reset terminals, wipe all TFC user data on Destination Computer and
power off the system.
No effective RAM overwriting tool currently exists, so as long as
Source and Destination Computers use FDE and DDR3 memory, recovery
of user data becomes impossible very fast: