
198 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TFC - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system
Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Markus Ottela
This file is part of TFC.
TFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TFC. If not, see <>.
import os
import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from typing import Any, Dict
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448 import X448PrivateKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat
from src.common.gateway import Gateway, gateway_loop
from src.common.misc import ensure_dir, monitor_processes, process_arguments
from src.common.output import print_title
from src.relay.client import c_req_manager, client_scheduler, g_msg_manager
from src.relay.commands import relay_command
from src.relay.diffs import account_checker, pub_key_checker
from src.relay.onion import onion_service
from src.relay.server import flask_server
from src.relay.tcb import dst_outgoing, src_incoming
def main() -> None:
"""Load persistent settings and launch the Relay Program.
This function loads settings from the settings database and launches
processes for the Relay Program. It then monitors the EXIT_QUEUE for
EXIT/WIPE signals and each process in case one of them dies.
If you're reading this code to get the big picture on how TFC works,
start by looking at `` for Transmitter Program functionality.
After you have reviewed the Transmitter Program's code, revisit the
code of this program.
The Relay Program operates multiple processes to enable real time IO
between multiple data sources and destinations.
process_name denotes the name of the process
─>, <─, ↑, ↓ denotes the direction of data passed from one
process to another
(Description) denotes the description of data passed from one
process to another
┈, ┊ denotes the link between a description and path
of data matching the description
▶|, |◀ denotes the gateways where the direction of data
flow is enforced with hardware data diodes
Relay Program (Networked Computer)
┏━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━┓
┃ ┃
(Contact management commands)
┃ ┌─────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────┐ ┃
| | ↓
┃ | ┌─────> relay_command ┌───> c_req_manager ┃
| │ │ |
┃ | │ (Onion Service┈│ |┈(Contact requests) ┃
| │ private key) │ |
┃ | │ ↓ | ┃
| │ onion_service ───────────────────────────> client on contact's
┃ | (Relay Program┈│ ↑ ┊ ┃ Networked Computer
| commands) │ │┈(Outgoing msg/file/public key)
┃ | │ │ ┃
Source ───▶|─────(── gateway_loop ─> src_incoming ─> flask_server <─┐
Computer ┃ | | | ┃
| | |
┃ | (Local keys, commands, | | ┃
| and copies of messages)┄| |
┃ | ┊ ↓ | ┃
Destination <──|◀─────(────────────────────── dst_outgoing |
Computer ┃ | ┊ ↑ | ┃
├──> g_msg_manager ┊ │ |
┃ | ↑ ┊ │ | ┃
| (Group┈│ (Incoming┈│ (URL token)┈|
┃ | management │ messages) │ | ┃
│ messages) │ │ |
┃ ↓ │ │ | ┃
client_scheduler │ │ |
┃ └──> client ──────────┴─────────────────────┘ ┃
┃ │ ┃
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── flask_server on
┃ ┊ ┃ contact's Networked
(Incoming message/file/public key/group management message) Computer
┃ ┃
┗━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━ ━━┛
The diagram above gives a rough overview of the structure of the
Relay Program. The Relay Program acts as a protocol converter that
reads datagrams from the Source Computer. Outgoing
message/file/public key datagrams are made available in the user's
Tor v3 Onion Service. Copies of sent message datagrams as well as
datagrams from contacts' Onion Services are forwarded to the
Destination Computer. The Relay-to-Relay encrypted datagrams from
contacts such as contact requests, public keys and group management
messages are displayed by the Relay Program.
Outgoing message datagrams are loaded by contacts from the user's
Flask web server. To request messages intended for them, each
contact uses a contact-specific URL token to load the messages.
The URL token is the X448 shared secret derived from the per-session
ephemeral X448 values of the two conversing parties. The private
value stays on the Relay Program -- the public value is obtained by
connecting to the root domain of contact's Onion Service.
working_dir = f'{os.getenv("HOME")}/{DIR_TFC}'
_, local_test, data_diode_sockets = process_arguments()
gateway = Gateway(NC, local_test, data_diode_sockets)
url_token_private_key = X448PrivateKey.generate()
url_token_public_key = url_token_private_key.public_key().public_bytes(encoding=Encoding.Raw,
format=PublicFormat.Raw).hex() # type: str
queues = \
{GATEWAY_QUEUE: Queue(), # All datagrams from `gateway_loop` to `src_incoming`
DST_MESSAGE_QUEUE: Queue(), # Message datagrams from `src_incoming`/`client` to `dst_outgoing`
M_TO_FLASK_QUEUE: Queue(), # Message/pubkey datagrams from `src_incoming` to `flask_server`
F_TO_FLASK_QUEUE: Queue(), # File datagrams from `src_incoming` to `flask_server`
SRC_TO_RELAY_QUEUE: Queue(), # Command datagrams from `src_incoming` to `relay_command`
DST_COMMAND_QUEUE: Queue(), # Command datagrams from `src_incoming` to `dst_outgoing`
CONTACT_MGMT_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact management commands from `relay_command` to `client_scheduler`
C_REQ_STATE_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact req. notify setting from `relay_command` to `c_req_manager`
URL_TOKEN_QUEUE: Queue(), # URL tokens from `client` to `flask_server`
GROUP_MSG_QUEUE: Queue(), # Group management messages from `client` to `g_msg_manager`
CONTACT_REQ_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact requests from `flask_server` to `c_req_manager`
C_REQ_MGMT_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact list management from `relay_command` to `c_req_manager`
GROUP_MGMT_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact list management from `relay_command` to `g_msg_manager`
ONION_CLOSE_QUEUE: Queue(), # Onion Service close command from `relay_command` to `onion_service`
ONION_KEY_QUEUE: Queue(), # Onion Service private key from `relay_command` to `onion_service`
TOR_DATA_QUEUE: Queue(), # Open port for Tor from `onion_service` to `client_scheduler`
EXIT_QUEUE: Queue(), # EXIT/WIPE signal from `relay_command` to `main`
ACCOUNT_CHECK_QUEUE: Queue(), # Incorrectly typed accounts from `src_incomfing` to `account_checker`
ACCOUNT_SEND_QUEUE: Queue(), # Contact requests from `flask_server` to `account_checker`
USER_ACCOUNT_QUEUE: Queue(), # User's public key from `onion_service` to `account_checker`
PUB_KEY_CHECK_QUEUE: Queue(), # Typed public keys from `src_incoming` to `pub_key_checker`
PUB_KEY_SEND_QUEUE: Queue(), # Received public keys from `client` to `pub_key_checker`
GUI_INPUT_QUEUE: Queue() # User inputs from `GUI prompt` to `account_checker`
} # type: Dict[bytes, Queue[Any]]
process_list = [Process(target=gateway_loop, args=(queues, gateway )),
Process(target=src_incoming, args=(queues, gateway )),
Process(target=dst_outgoing, args=(queues, gateway )),
Process(target=client_scheduler, args=(queues, gateway, url_token_private_key)),
Process(target=g_msg_manager, args=(queues, )),
Process(target=c_req_manager, args=(queues, )),
Process(target=flask_server, args=(queues, url_token_public_key )),
Process(target=onion_service, args=(queues, )),
Process(target=relay_command, args=(queues, gateway, )),
Process(target=account_checker, args=(queues, sys.stdin.fileno())),
Process(target=pub_key_checker, args=(queues, local_test ))]
for p in process_list:
monitor_processes(process_list, NC, queues)
if __name__ == '__main__':