# Sub-dependencies are listed below dependencies # Argon2 Password Hashing Function (Derives keys that protect persistent user data) argon2-cffi>=20.1.0 cffi>=1.14.3 pycparser>=2.20 six>=1.15.0 # cryptography (pyca) (Provides X448 key exchange) cryptography>=3.1.1 # Flask (Onion Service web server that serves TFC public keys and ciphertexts to contacts) Flask>=1.1.2 click>=7.1.2 itsdangerous>=1.1.0 Jinja2>=2.11.2 MarkupSafe>=1.1.1 Werkzeug>=1.0.1 # mypy (Static type checking tool) mypy>=0.782 mypy-extensions>=0.4.3 typed-ast>=1.4.1 typing-extensions>= # PyLama (Code audit tool for Python) pylama>=7.7.1 mccabe>=0.6.1 pycodestyle>=2.6.0 pydocstyle>=5.1.1 snowballstemmer>=2.0.0 pyflakes>=2.2.0 # PyNaCl (pyca) (Handles TCB-side XChaCha20-Poly1305 symmetric encryption and Derives TFC account from Onion Service private key) PyNaCl>=1.4.0 # pySerial (Connects the Source/Destination Computer to the Networked Computer) pyserial>=3.4 # PySocks (Routes Requests library through SOCKS5 proxy making Onion Service connections possible) PySocks>=1.7.1 # pytest (Test framework) pytest>=6.1.1 attrs>=20.2.0 importlib-metadata>=2.0.0 zipp>=3.3.0 more-itertools>=8.5.0 packaging>=20.4 pyparsing>=2.4.7 pluggy>=0.13.1 py>=1.9.0 wcwidth>=0.2.5 # pytest-cov (Pytest plugin for measuring coverage) pytest-cov>=2.10.1 coverage>=5.3 # xdist (Pytest distributed testing plugin) pytest-xdist>=2.1.0 execnet>=1.7.1 apipkg>=1.5 pytest-forked>=1.3.0 # Requests (Connects to the contact's Tor Onion Service) requests>=2.24.0 certifi>=2020.6.20 chardet>=3.0.4 idna>=2.10 urllib3>=1.25.10 setuptools>=50.3.0 # Stem (Connects to Tor and manages Onion Services) stem>=1.8.0