get_archive() { local gitdest="$1" local url="$2" # would be great if there were a way to restrict size here. if [ -d "$gitdest" ]; then (cd "$gitdest" && git fetch --all) else git clone --mirror "$url" "$gitdest" fi } archive_name() { echo "$SRCROOT/pkg/$pkgname/git" } archive_size() { # don't do this! different sizes on different filesystem types. ##expr $(du -sk $1 | cut -f1) \* 1024 cd "$1" git count-objects -vH | grep size-pack | cut -d': ' -f2 cd - >/dev/null } archive_checksum() { cd "$1" find . -type f ! -path "**/.git/**" ! -name ".git" \ | sort \ | xargs sha512sum \ | cut -d' ' -f1 \ | sha512sum \ | cut -d' ' -f1 cd - >/dev/null } unpack_archive() { cd "$1" git worktree add -f "$2" "$version" cd - >/dev/null } sigcheck_archive() { return 0; }