fsk: confidence algo #5 (SNR)

Computes SNR confidence value, where "signal" is the magnitude of the FSK
driven frequency, and "noise" is the magnitude of the non-driven frequency.

(Also includes unused algo #4 code, which may not compile anymore.)
This commit is contained in:
Kamal Mostafa 2012-08-14 22:31:30 -07:00
parent df80c98e22
commit cf9ba20ee0
4 changed files with 178 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* fsk.c
* Copyright (C) 2011 Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -119,21 +119,57 @@ band_mag( fftwf_complex * const cplx, unsigned int band, float scalar )
static void
fsk_bit_analyze( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, unsigned int bit_nsamples,
unsigned int *bit_outp, float *bit_strength_outp)
unsigned int *bit_outp,
float *bit_signal_mag_outp,
float *bit_noise_mag_outp
unsigned int pa_nchannels = 1; // FIXME
bzero(fskp->fftin, (fskp->fftsize * sizeof(float) * pa_nchannels));
memcpy(fskp->fftin, samples, bit_nsamples * sizeof(float));
float magscalar = 2.0 / (float)bit_nsamples;
#if 0
//// apodization window
//// raised cosine windows
# if 0
float a0=0.54, a1=(1.0f - a0); // Hamming window
# else
float a0=0.5, a1=0.5; // Hann window
# endif
magscalar /= a0; // true for all raised cosine windows (I think)
int i;
for ( i=0; i<bit_nsamples; i++ ) {
float zoff = 0.0; // 0.5 // FIXME which is it??
unsigned int z = bit_nsamples /* not -1 ... explain */;
float w = a0
- a1 * cos((2.0*M_PI*((float)i+zoff)) / z);
fskp->fftin[i] *= w;
float magscalar = 1.0 / ((float)bit_nsamples/2.0);
float mag_mark = band_mag(fskp->fftout, fskp->b_mark, magscalar);
float mag_space = band_mag(fskp->fftout, fskp->b_space, magscalar);
*bit_outp = mag_mark > mag_space ? 1 : 0; // mark==1, space==0
*bit_strength_outp = fabs(mag_mark - mag_space);
debug_log( "\t%.2f %.2f %s bit=%u bit_strength=%.2f\n",
// mark==1, space==0
if ( mag_mark > mag_space ) {
*bit_outp = 1;
*bit_signal_mag_outp = mag_mark;
*bit_noise_mag_outp = mag_space;
} else {
*bit_outp = 0;
*bit_signal_mag_outp = mag_space;
*bit_noise_mag_outp = mag_mark;
debug_log( "\t%.2f %.2f %s bit=%u sig=%.2f noise=%.2f\n",
mag_mark, mag_space,
mag_mark > mag_space ? "mark " : " space",
*bit_outp, *bit_strength_outp);
*bit_outp, *bit_signal_mag_outp, *bit_noise_mag_outp);
@ -161,12 +197,11 @@ fsk_frame_analyze( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, float samples_per_bit,
unsigned int bit_nsamples = (float)(samples_per_bit + 0.5);
unsigned int bit_values[32];
float bit_strengths[32];
float bit_sig_mags[32];
float bit_noise_mags[32];
unsigned int bit_begin_sample;
int bitnum;
float v = 0;
char *expect_bits = expect_bit_string;
/* pass #1 - process and check only the "required" (1/0) expect_bits */
@ -178,12 +213,12 @@ fsk_frame_analyze( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, float samples_per_bit,
bit_begin_sample = (float)(samples_per_bit * bitnum + 0.5);
debug_log( " bit# %2u @ %7u: ", bitnum, bit_begin_sample);
fsk_bit_analyze(fskp, samples+bit_begin_sample, bit_nsamples,
&bit_values[bitnum], &bit_strengths[bitnum]);
if ( (expect_bits[bitnum] - '0') != bit_values[bitnum] )
return 0.0; /* does not match expected; abort frame analysis. */
v += bit_strengths[bitnum];
@ -210,45 +245,140 @@ fsk_frame_analyze( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, float samples_per_bit,
bit_begin_sample = (float)(samples_per_bit * bitnum + 0.5);
debug_log( " bit# %2u @ %7u: ", bitnum, bit_begin_sample);
fsk_bit_analyze(fskp, samples+bit_begin_sample, bit_nsamples,
&bit_values[bitnum], &bit_strengths[bitnum]);
v += bit_strengths[bitnum];
/* compute average bit strength 'v' */
#if 1 /* don't consider the stop bit -- we'll look at it next time around */
float p_str = bit_strengths[fskp->n_data_bits + 2];
v -= p_str;
v /= (n_bits-1);
v /= n_bits;
float confidence;
float total_bit_sig = 0.0, total_bit_noise = 0.0;
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<(n_bits-1); bitnum++ ) {
total_bit_sig += bit_sig_mags[bitnum];
total_bit_noise += bit_noise_mags[bitnum];
// Deal with floating point data type quantization noise...
// If total_bit_noise is so small that (sig-noise) appears to == sig,
// then force noise=0.0, so that we end up with snr==inf.
float d = total_bit_sig - total_bit_noise;
if ( d == total_bit_sig)
total_bit_noise = 0.0f;
// Compute the "frame SNR"
float snr = total_bit_sig / total_bit_noise;
#ifdef FSK_DEBUG
float avg_bit_sig = total_bit_sig / (n_bits-1);
float avg_bit_noise = total_bit_noise / (n_bits-1);
debug_log(" snr=%.6f avg{ bit_sig=%.6f bit_noise=%.6f }\n",
snr, avg_bit_sig, avg_bit_noise);
// Frame confidence is the frame SNR
confidence = snr;
/* compute average bit strengths: v_mark and v_space */
/* compute average bit strength */
/* don't consider the stop bit -- we'll look at it next time around */
float v_mark=0.0, v_space=0.0, avg_bit_strength=0.0;
unsigned int v_mark_count=0, v_space_count=0;
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<(n_bits-1); bitnum++ ) {
if ( bit_values[bitnum] == 1 ) {
v_mark += bit_strengths[bitnum];
} else {
v_space += bit_strengths[bitnum];
avg_bit_strength += bit_strengths[bitnum];
if ( v_mark_count )
v_mark /= v_mark_count;
if ( v_space_count )
v_space /= v_space_count;
avg_bit_strength /= (n_bits-1);
#ifdef FSK_DEBUG
debug_log(" bit_mag ");
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<n_bits-1; bitnum++ )
debug_log("%.2f ", bit_sig_mags[bitnum]);
debug_log(" bit_str ");
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<n_bits-1; bitnum++ )
debug_log("%.2f ", bit_strengths[bitnum]);
/* determine the worst bit strength divergence */
float worst_divergence = 0;
/* nbits-1: don't consider the stop bit */
debug_log("mag_diverge ");
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<n_bits-1; bitnum++ )
float normalized_bit_str;
if ( bit_values[bitnum] == 1 )
normalized_bit_str = bit_strengths[bitnum] - v_mark;
normalized_bit_str = bit_strengths[bitnum] - v_space;
debug_log("%.2f ", normalized_bit_str);
// float divergence = fabs(1.0 - normalized_bit_str);
float divergence = fabs(normalized_bit_str);
if ( worst_divergence < divergence )
worst_divergence = divergence;
debug_log(" avg_str=%.6f avg_mark=%.6f avg_space=%.6f, worst_div=%.6f\n",
avg_bit_strength, v_mark, v_space, worst_divergence);
// confidence = (1.0 - worst_divergence) * avg_bit_strength;
confidence = (1.0 - worst_divergence);
if ( confidence <= 0.0 )
return 0.0;
#else /* CONFIDENCE_ALGO 3 */
/* compute average bit strength 'v' */
/* don't consider the stop bit -- we'll look at it next time around */
float v = 0.0;
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<(n_bits-1); bitnum++ )
v += bit_strengths[bitnum];
v /= (n_bits-1);
// #define FSK_MIN_STRENGTH 0.005
return 0.0;
# endif
float worst_divergence = 0;
int i;
/* nbits-1: don't consider the stop bit */
for ( i=0; i<n_bits-1; i++ )
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<n_bits-1; bitnum++ )
float normalized_bit_str = bit_strengths[i] / v;
float normalized_bit_str = bit_strengths[bitnum] / v;
float divergence = fabs(1.0 - normalized_bit_str);
if ( worst_divergence < divergence )
worst_divergence = divergence;
float confidence = 1.0 - worst_divergence;
confidence = 1.0 - worst_divergence;
if ( confidence <= 0.0 )
return 0.0;
#endif /* CONFIDENCE_ALGO */
*bits_outp = 0;
for ( i=0; i<n_bits; i++ )
*bits_outp |= bit_values[i] << i;
for ( bitnum=0; bitnum<n_bits; bitnum++ )
*bits_outp |= bit_values[bitnum] << bitnum;
debug_log(" frame confidence (algo #%u) = %f\n",
CONFIDENCE_ALGO, confidence);
@ -266,11 +396,13 @@ fsk_find_frame( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, unsigned int frame_nsamples,
float samples_per_bit = (float)frame_nsamples / fskp->n_frame_bits;
// try_step_nsamples = 1; // pedantic TEST
unsigned int t;
unsigned int best_t = 0;
float best_c = 0.0;
unsigned int best_bits = 0;
for ( t=0; t<(try_max_nsamples+try_step_nsamples); t+=try_step_nsamples )
for ( t=0; t+try_step_nsamples<=try_max_nsamples; t+=try_step_nsamples )
float c;
unsigned int bits_out = 0;
@ -280,6 +412,12 @@ fsk_find_frame( fsk_plan *fskp, float *samples, unsigned int frame_nsamples,
best_t = t;
best_c = c;
best_bits = bits_out;
// if ( best_c > 100.0f )
// break;
// if we find a perfect frame, stop scanning for a better one
if ( best_c == INFINITY )

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* fsk.h
* Copyright (C) 2011 Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

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@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ report_no_carrier( fsk_plan *fskp,
fprintf(stderr, "nsamples_per_bit=%f\n", nsamples_per_bit);
float throughput_rate = nbits_total * sample_rate / (float)carrier_nsamples;
fprintf(stderr, "### NOCARRIER ndata=%u confidence=%.2f throughput=%.2f",
fprintf(stderr, "### NOCARRIER ndata=%u confidence=%.3f throughput=%.2f",
confidence_total / nframes_decoded,
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ main( int argc, char*argv[] )
char *filename = NULL;
float carrier_autodetect_threshold = 0.0;
float bfsk_confidence_threshold = 0.6;
float bfsk_confidence_threshold = 1.0;
sa_backend_t sa_backend = SA_BACKEND_SYSDEFAULT;
sa_format_t sample_format = SA_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16;
@ -862,6 +862,7 @@ main( int argc, char*argv[] )
if ( confidence <= bfsk_confidence_threshold ) {
// FIXME: explain
if ( ++noconfidence > FSK_MAX_NOCONFIDENCE_BITS )
@ -886,6 +887,8 @@ main( int argc, char*argv[] )
* we left off this time. */
advance = try_max_nsamples;
noconfidence_nsamples += advance;
debug_log("@ NOCONFIDENCE=%u advance=%u nc_nsamples=%lu\n",
noconfidence, advance, noconfidence_nsamples);

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ trap "rm -f $TMPF" 0
ndata=$(wc -c <$textfile)
match="ndata=$ndata confidence=1.00 .* (rate perfect)"
match="ndata=$ndata confidence=inf .* (rate perfect)"
grep -q "$match" $TMPF || {
echo "Not perfect; expected: $match"
exit 1