# there are many ways to lix-os. this is one of them. # BINDIR ?= /usr/bin GITBASE ?= $(shell realpath $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url) | rev \ | cut -d/ -f2- | rev) REPOS := src vercmp shsort how chin lmr lyr lix SUBREPOS := vercmp/format how/pkg BINS := $(foreach repo,$(REPOS),$(BINDIR)/$(repo)) .PHONY: default install all-repos define git_clone git clone $(GITBASE)/$1 $1 endef default: all-repos .gitignore install: $(BINS) $(REPOS): $(call git_clone,$@) all-repos: $(REPOS) $(SUBREPOS) utilities $(BINS): all-repos cd $(shell basename $@) && make install utilities: git clone $(GITBASE)/lix-os-utilities utilities vercmp/format: cd vercmp && make lix-os-vercmp how/default: cd how && make lix-os-defaults how/pkg: cd how && make lix-os-pkgs src/pkg: cd src && make lix-os-pkgs .gitignore: $(shell echo "$(REPOS) utilities .gitignore" | tr ' ' "\\n" > .gitignore)