#!/bin/sh ./configure \ --disable-gcc-hardening \ --enable-static-tor \ --enable-lzma \ --with-libevent-dir=/lib \ --with-openssl-dir=/lib \ --with-zlib-dir=/lib \ --disable-systemd \ --prefix= ## explanation # # --enable-lzma: enable lzma2 compression via xz. # # --enable-static-tor: build static binaries, as is lix os' custom. # # --with-libevent-dir: tell configure where to find the static libevent library. # # --with-openssl-dir: tell configure where to find the static libressl library. # # --with-zlib-dir: tell configure where to find the static zlib library. # # --disable-systemd: lix os does not use systemd. # # --disable-gcc-hardening: # this is not ideal, but presently ld complains about dynamic relocations in # read-only segments without this. try removing once -static-pie is fixed. # (thanks to https://github.com/cretz/tor-static for illuminating that one.) # # --prefix: respect lix os' directory structure.