# rss-watch.pl Perl script to monitor RSS feeds and execute scripts. ## config The config file is stored in `~/.config/rss-watch/config`. Example configuration file: ```cfg [feed FeedName] url = https://rss.example.com/ script = /home/user/script_to_exec.sh '$title' '$link' '$guid' ``` This will query the url specified by the `url` key for an RSS feed and execute the given script with the arguments `title` and `link` from the feed. Attributes can be selected by enclosing the attribue key in `<>` characters. For example, to select the `isPermaLink` attribute of the `guid` key, the selector would be `$guid`. Multiple script keys can be specified on new lines, which will all be executed. Only new entries will be acted on. The file `~/.local/share/rss-watch/latest/FeedName` will store the last `guid` value from the feed. Use cron, or other tools to run this script periodically.