
273 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-03-07 19:56:31 +01:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Parser;
my $CONFIG_FILE = "$ENV{HOME}/.config/rss-watch/config";
my $LATEST_DIR = "$ENV{HOME}/.local/share/rss-watch/latest";
my $XPARSER = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Tree');
sub item2hash {
my ($xml) = @_;
my %ret = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar @$xml; $i+=2) {
#if (ref($xml->[$i]) eq "ST
my $key = $xml->[$i];
next if $key eq 0;
my $val = $xml->[$i+1];
next if $val->[1] != 0; # only store string values here
$ret{$key} = $val->[2];
return \%ret;
sub getxmlchild {
my ($xo, $ctname) = @_;
my $start = 0;
$start = 1 if (ref($xo->[0]) eq 'HASH');
for (my $i = $start; $i < scalar @$xo; $i+=2) {
if ($xo->[$i] eq $ctname) {
return $xo->[$i+1];
return undef;
sub filterxmlnodes {
my ($xo, $ctname) = @_;
my @ret = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar @$xo; $i+=2) {
#print("Processing: ", $xo->[$i], " \n");
if ($xo->[$i] eq $ctname) {
#print(scalar @ret, "\n");
push(@ret, $xo->[$i+1]);
return \@ret;
sub readfile {
my ($fp) = @_;
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "<", $fp or die "could not open $fp $!";
my $c = <$fh>;
local $/ = "\n";
return $c;
sub writefile {
my ($fp, $cont) = @_;
open my $fh, ">", $fp or die "could not open $fp $!";
print($fh $cont, "\n");
close($fh) or die "Couldn't close file $fp $!";
sub parse_latest {
if (not -d $LATEST_DIR) {
my $crt = make_path($LATEST_DIR);
if ($crt == 0) {
print("Cannot create latest directory!\n");
exit 1;
my @files = glob($LATEST_DIR . '/*');
foreach my $fp (@files) {
my $key = basename($fp);
$LATEST{$key} = readfile($fp);
sub save_latest {
my ($fname) = @_;
return if not defined($LATEST{$fname});
writefile("$LATEST_DIR/$fname", $LATEST{$fname});
sub parse_config {
open(my $fh, "<", $CONFIG_FILE) or die('Cannot open config file');
my @feeds = ();
my %curr_feed = ();
my $line = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
my $l = $_;
next if ($l eq "" or $l =~ m/^#/);
if ($l =~ m/^\[feed\s+(.*)\]$/) {
my $name = $1;
if (scalar %curr_feed > 0) {
push(@feeds, {%curr_feed});
%curr_feed = ();
if (not defined($name)) {
print("No name for need!\n");
exit 1;
$curr_feed{name} = $name;
#print("Line: $l\n");
my @parts = split(/\s+=\s+/, $l, 2);
if (scalar @parts != 2) {
print("Error in config at line: $line\n");
exit 1;
my $key = $parts[0];
my $val = $parts[1];
if ($key eq "script") {
# Allow more than one script to be specified
if (defined($curr_feed{script})) {
push(@{$curr_feed{script}}, $val);
} else {
$curr_feed{script} = [ $val ];
} else {
# Normal operation for other keys
$curr_feed{$parts[0]} = $parts[1];
if (scalar %curr_feed > 0) {
push(@feeds, {%curr_feed});
$CONFIG{feeds} = \@feeds;
sub exec_script {
my ($feed, $xmlitem) = @_;
my $cmdArr = $feed->{script};
foreach my $cmdRef (@$cmdArr) {
my $cmd = $cmdRef; # Copy it
while ($cmd =~ /[^\\]\$([\w:]+)/g) {
my $key = $1;
#print("Matched: $key\n");
next if not exists $xmlitem->{$key};
$cmd =~ s/\$$key/$xmlitem->{$key}/;
sub handle_feed {
my ($xml, $feed) = @_;
my $xobj = $XPARSER->parse($xml);
my $fname = $feed->{name};
my $rss = getxmlchild($xobj, "rss");
return undef if not defined($rss);
$rss = getxmlchild($rss, "channel");
return undef if not defined($rss);
my $items = filterxmlnodes($rss, "item");
return undef if (scalar @$items == 0);
my $last_hit = 0;
# Convert xml items into perl hashes
my @item_hashes = ();
foreach (@$items) {
my $item_hash = item2hash($_);
if (defined($LATEST{$fname}) and $LATEST{$fname} eq $item_hash->{guid}) {
# Stop if we reached the last handled item
# or if there is no 'last' defined
$last_hit = 1;
push(@item_hashes, $item_hash);
my $lastid = $item_hashes[0]->{guid};
if (not defined($lastid)) {
if ($last_hit) {
# No new entries
return 1;
} else {
# Last is not hit, but items are empty?
# Possibly an error
return 0;
if (not defined($LATEST{$fname})) {
# This is most likely the first run, do not run all of the backlog
# only the items after this one
$LATEST{$fname} = $lastid;
return 1;
if (defined($LATEST{$fname}) and not $last_hit) {
print("Possible missed releases in feed '$fname'\n");
$LATEST{$fname} = $lastid;
#print("Last id: $lastid\n");
foreach (@item_hashes) {
exec_script($feed, $_);
return 1;
if (! -f $CONFIG_FILE) {
print("No config file exists, create one!\n");
exit 1;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
foreach (@{$CONFIG{feeds}}) {
my $item = $_;
my $resp = $ua->get($item->{url});
next if not $resp->is_success;
my $fret = handle_feed($resp->decoded_content, $item);
if (not $fret) {
print("Getting feed failed\n");
#print($resp->decoded_content, "\n");