# ngfshare Simple file sharing server utilizing nginx X-Accel file serving. ## Setup Example config.json ```json { "Port": 8987, "Address": "", "DBpath": "/var/lib/ngfshare/database.db", "StoreDir": "/var/lib/ngfshare/store", "HTMLTemplateDir": "/var/lib/ngfshare/templates", "UrlPrefix": "https://share.yourdomain.xyz", "IdLen": 5, "AuthKeyLen": 30 } ``` Example nginx server configuration ```cfg server { listen 443 ssl; server_name share.yourdomain.xyz; root /nonexistent; location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; # Not actually required proxy_pass; } location /store/ { internal; alias /var/lib/ngfshare/store/; } } ``` (Optional) Caching based only on file id can be enabled with this example configuration ```cfg # Will match '/-{id}' '/-{id}/' '/-{id}/name' but not '/-{id}/name/' or '/-{id}/name/other' location ~ ^/-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:/?$|/[^/]+$) # Other caching options are omitted here... proxy_cache_revalidate on; proxy_cache_key "$host$1"; # Other options omitted... } ``` Then run with `./ngfshare -config /path/to/config.json`. To generate an auth key, run `./ngfshare -config /path/to/config.json -genauth`. ## Api ### Upload Files can be uploaded by making a POST request to `/api/upload` with the `Authorization` header set to the auth key generated above. Example ```sh curl 'https://share.yourdomain.xyz/api/upload' -H 'Authorization: authkey' -F 'file=@img.png' ``` This returns a json dict ```json { "id": "A5HjC", "filename": "img.png", "url": "https://share.yourdomain.xyz/-A5HjC/img.png", "url_short": "https://share.yourdomain.xyz/-A5HjC", "delete_url": "https://share.yourdomain.xyz/api/delete/A5HjC" } ``` ### Delete Make a POST request to `/api/delete/{id}` with the `Authorization` header set. Example ```sh curl -X POST 'https://share.yourdomain.xyz/api/delete/A5HjC' -H 'Authorization: authkey' ``` Returns ```json { "status": "OK" } ``` ### Web There is a web interface for it as well. Login with the auth key. Once logged in, a list of files are shown. New files can be uploaded, and deleted from the web interface. You can also probably tell I'm not a web designer. ## Inspiration Inspired by https://github.com/mtlynch/picoshare. This saves the files into the sqlite3 database. I didn't like that, so thats why I made this.