
96 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright Arvid Norberg 2008. Use, modification and distribution is
# subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import os, sys, time
lines = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').readlines()
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "usage: logfile [seconds]"
keys = ['write', 'read', 'hash', 'move', 'release', 'idle']
throughput_keys = ['write', 'read']
# logfile format:
# <time(ms)> <state>
# example:
# 34523 idle
# 34722 write
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
quantization = long(sys.argv[2]) * 1000
quantization = 5000
out = open('disk_io.dat', 'wb')
out2 = open('disk_throughput.dat', 'wb')
state = 'idle'
time = 0
i = 0
state_timer = {}
throughput = {}
for k in keys: state_timer[k] = 0
for k in throughput_keys: throughput[k] = 0
for l in lines:
l = l[:-1].split(' ')
if len(l) < 2:
print l
new_time = long(l[0])
while new_time > i + quantization:
i += quantization
state_timer[state] += i - time
time = i
for k in keys: print >>out, state_timer[k],
print >>out
for k in throughput_keys: print >>out2, throughput[k] / 1000.,
print >>out2
for k in keys: state_timer[k] = 0
for k in throughput_keys: throughput[k] = 0
state_timer[state] += new_time - time
time = new_time
state = l[1]
if state in throughput_keys:
throughput[state] += long(l[2])
print l
out = open('disk_io.gnuplot', 'wb')
print >>out, "set term png size 1200,700"
print >>out, 'set output "disk_throughput.png"'
print >>out, 'set title "disk throughput per %s second(s)"' % (quantization / 1000)
print >>out, 'set ylabel "throughput (kB)"'
print >>out, 'plot',
i = 0
for k in throughput_keys:
print >>out, ' "disk_throughput.dat" using %d title "%s" with lines,' % (i + 1, throughput_keys[i]),
i = i + 1
print >>out, 'x=0'
print >>out, 'set output "disk_io.png"'
print >>out, 'set ylabel "time (ms)"'
print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]'
print >>out, 'set title "disk io utilization per %s second(s)"' % (quantization / 1000)
print >>out, "set key box"
print >>out, "set style data histogram"
print >>out, "set style histogram rowstacked"
print >>out, "set style fill solid"
print >>out, 'plot',
i = 0
for k in keys:
if k != 'idle':
print >>out, ' "disk_io.dat" using %d title "%s",' % (i + 1, keys[i]),
i = i + 1
print >>out, 'x=0'
os.system('gnuplot disk_io.gnuplot');