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Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_push.hpp"
#include <boost/limits.hpp>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <eh.h>
#include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_pop.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/version.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/fingerprint.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/disk_io_thread.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_id.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/alert.hpp" // alert::error_notification
#include "libtorrent/add_torrent_params.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_class.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_class_type_filter.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/build_config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/storage.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/session_settings.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/rss.hpp"
// this is a nasty openssl macro
#ifdef set_key
#undef set_key
namespace libtorrent
struct plugin;
struct torrent_plugin;
class torrent;
struct ip_filter;
class port_filter;
class connection_queue;
class alert;
struct session_status;
typedef boost::function<void(sha1_hash const&, std::vector<char>&
, error_code&)> user_load_function_t;
// The default values of the session settings are set for a regular
// bittorrent client running on a desktop system. There are functions that
// can set the session settings to pre set settings for other environments.
// These can be used for the basis, and should be tweaked to fit your needs
// better.
// ``min_memory_usage`` returns settings that will use the minimal amount of
// RAM, at the potential expense of upload and download performance. It
// adjusts the socket buffer sizes, disables the disk cache, lowers the send
// buffer watermarks so that each connection only has at most one block in
// use at any one time. It lowers the outstanding blocks send to the disk
// I/O thread so that connections only have one block waiting to be flushed
// to disk at any given time. It lowers the max number of peers in the peer
// list for torrents. It performs multiple smaller reads when it hashes
// pieces, instead of reading it all into memory before hashing.
// This configuration is inteded to be the starting point for embedded
// devices. It will significantly reduce memory usage.
// ``high_performance_seed`` returns settings optimized for a seed box,
// serving many peers and that doesn't do any downloading. It has a 128 MB
// disk cache and has a limit of 400 files in its file pool. It support fast
// upload rates by allowing large send buffers.
TORRENT_EXPORT void min_memory_usage(settings_pack& set);
TORRENT_EXPORT void high_performance_seed(settings_pack& set);
TORRENT_EXPORT session_settings min_memory_usage();
TORRENT_EXPORT session_settings high_performance_seed();
#error TORRENT_CFG is not defined!
namespace aux
struct session_impl;
// this is a holder for the internal session implementation object. Once the
// session destruction is explicitly initiated, this holder is used to
// synchronize the completion of the shutdown. The lifetime of this object
// may outlive session, causing the session destructor to not block. The
// session_proxy destructor will block however, until the underlying session
// is done shutting down.
class TORRENT_EXPORT session_proxy
friend class session;
// default constructor, does not refer to any session
// implementation object.
session_proxy() {}
session_proxy(boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> impl)
: m_impl(impl) {}
boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> m_impl;
// The session holds all state that spans multiple torrents. Among other
// things it runs the network loop and manages all torrents. Once it's
// created, the session object will spawn the main thread that will do all
// the work. The main thread will be idle as long it doesn't have any
// torrents to participate in.
// You have some control over session configuration through the
// ``session::apply_settings()`` member function. To change one or more
// configuration options, create a settings_pack. object and fill it with
// the settings to be set and pass it in to ``session::apply_settings()``.
// see apply_settings().
class TORRENT_EXPORT session: public boost::noncopyable
// If the fingerprint in the first overload is omited, the client will
// get a default fingerprint stating the version of libtorrent. The
// fingerprint is a short string that will be used in the peer-id to
// identify the client and the client's version. For more details see the
// fingerprint class.
// The flags paramater can be used to start default features (upnp &
// nat-pmp) and default plugins (ut_metadata, ut_pex and smart_ban). The
// default is to start those features. If you do not want them to start,
// pass 0 as the flags parameter.
// The ``alert_mask`` is the same mask that you would send to
// set_alert_mask().
session(settings_pack const& pack
, int flags = start_default_features | add_default_plugins)
start(flags, pack);
session(fingerprint const& print = fingerprint("LT"
, int flags = start_default_features | add_default_plugins
, boost::uint32_t alert_mask = alert::error_notification)
settings_pack pack;
pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert_mask);
pack.set_str(settings_pack::peer_fingerprint, print.to_string());
if ((flags & start_default_features) == 0)
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_upnp, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_natpmp, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_lsd, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_dht, false);
start(flags, pack);
session(fingerprint const& print
, std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range
, char const* listen_interface = ""
, int flags = start_default_features | add_default_plugins
, int alert_mask = alert::error_notification)
TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first > 0);
TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first <= listen_port_range.second);
settings_pack pack;
pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert_mask);
pack.set_int(settings_pack::max_retry_port_bind, listen_port_range.second - listen_port_range.first);
pack.set_str(settings_pack::peer_fingerprint, print.to_string());
char if_string[100];
snprintf(if_string, sizeof(if_string), "%s:%d", listen_interface, listen_port_range.first);
pack.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, if_string);
if ((flags & start_default_features) == 0)
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_upnp, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_natpmp, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_lsd, false);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_dht, false);
start(flags, pack);
// The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents
// have been shut down. If some trackers are down, they will time out.
// All this before the destructor of session returns. So, it's advised
// that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before
// destructing the session object. Because it can take a few second for
// it to finish. The timeout can be set with apply_settings().
// TODO: 2 the ip filter should probably be saved here too
// flags that determines which aspects of the session should be
// saved when calling save_state().
enum save_state_flags_t
// saves settings (i.e. the session_settings)
save_settings = 0x001,
// saves dht_settings
save_dht_settings = 0x002,
// saves dht state such as nodes and node-id, possibly accelerating
// joining the DHT if provided at next session startup.
save_dht_state = 0x004,
// save pe_settings
save_encryption_settings = 0x020,
// internal
save_as_map = 0x040
// saves RSS feeds
save_feeds = 0x080,
save_proxy = 0x008,
save_i2p_proxy = 0x010,
save_dht_proxy = save_proxy,
save_peer_proxy = save_proxy,
save_web_proxy = save_proxy,
save_tracker_proxy = save_proxy
// loads and saves all session settings, including dht_settings,
// encryption settings and proxy settings. ``save_state`` writes all keys
// to the ``entry`` that's passed in, which needs to either not be
// initialized, or initialized as a dictionary.
// ``load_state`` expects a bdecode_node which can be built from a bencoded
// buffer with bdecode().
// The ``flags`` arguments passed in to ``save_state`` can be used to
// filter which parts of the session state to save. By default, all state
// is saved (except for the individual torrents). see save_state_flags_t
void save_state(entry& e, boost::uint32_t flags = 0xffffffff) const;
void load_state(bdecode_node const& e);
// .. note::
// these calls are potentially expensive and won't scale well with
// lots of torrents. If you're concerned about performance, consider
// using ``post_torrent_updates()`` instead.
// ``get_torrent_status`` returns a vector of the torrent_status for
// every torrent which satisfies ``pred``, which is a predicate function
// which determines if a torrent should be included in the returned set
// or not. Returning true means it should be included and false means
// excluded. The ``flags`` argument is the same as to
// ``torrent_handle::status()``. Since ``pred`` is guaranteed to be
// called for every torrent, it may be used to count the number of
// torrents of different categories as well.
// ``refresh_torrent_status`` takes a vector of torrent_status structs
// (for instance the same vector that was returned by
// get_torrent_status() ) and refreshes the status based on the
// ``handle`` member. It is possible to use this function by first
// setting up a vector of default constructed ``torrent_status`` objects,
// only initializing the ``handle`` member, in order to request the
// torrent status for multiple torrents in a single call. This can save a
// significant amount of time if you have a lot of torrents.
// Any torrent_status object whose ``handle`` member is not referring to
// a valid torrent are ignored.
void get_torrent_status(std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
, boost::function<bool(torrent_status const&)> const& pred
, boost::uint32_t flags = 0) const;
void refresh_torrent_status(std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
, boost::uint32_t flags = 0) const;
// This functions instructs the session to post the state_update_alert,
// containing the status of all torrents whose state changed since the
// last time this function was called.
// Only torrents who has the state subscription flag set will be
// included. This flag is on by default. See add_torrent_params.
// the ``flags`` argument is the same as for torrent_handle::status().
// see torrent_handle::status_flags_t.
void post_torrent_updates(boost::uint32_t flags = 0xffffffff);
// This function will post a session_stats_alert object, containing a
// snapshot of the performance counters from the internals of libtorrent.
// To interpret these counters, query the session via
// session_stats_metrics().
// For more information, see the session-statistics_ section.
void post_session_stats();
// This will cause a dht_stats_alert to be posted.
void post_dht_stats();
// internal
io_service& get_io_service();
// ``find_torrent()`` looks for a torrent with the given info-hash. In
// case there is such a torrent in the session, a torrent_handle to that
// torrent is returned. In case the torrent cannot be found, an invalid
// torrent_handle is returned.
// See ``torrent_handle::is_valid()`` to know if the torrent was found or
// not.
// ``get_torrents()`` returns a vector of torrent_handles to all the
// torrents currently in the session.
torrent_handle find_torrent(sha1_hash const& info_hash) const;
std::vector<torrent_handle> get_torrents() const;
// You add torrents through the add_torrent() function where you give an
// object with all the parameters. The add_torrent() overloads will block
// until the torrent has been added (or failed to be added) and returns
// an error code and a torrent_handle. In order to add torrents more
// efficiently, consider using async_add_torrent() which returns
// immediately, without waiting for the torrent to add. Notification of
// the torrent being added is sent as add_torrent_alert.
// The overload that does not take an error_code throws an exception on
// error and is not available when building without exception support.
// The torrent_handle returned by add_torrent() can be used to retrieve
// information about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also
// used to abort a torrent.
// If the torrent you are trying to add already exists in the session (is
// either queued for checking, being checked or downloading)
// ``add_torrent()`` will throw libtorrent_exception which derives from
// ``std::exception`` unless duplicate_is_error is set to false. In that
// case, add_torrent() will return the handle to the existing torrent.
// all torrent_handles must be destructed before the session is destructed!
torrent_handle add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params);
torrent_handle add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params, error_code& ec);
void async_add_torrent(add_torrent_params const& params);
// deprecated in 0.14
torrent_handle add_torrent(
torrent_info const& ti
, std::string const& save_path
, entry const& resume_data = entry()
, storage_mode_t storage_mode = storage_mode_sparse
, bool paused = false
, storage_constructor_type sc = default_storage_constructor);
// deprecated in 0.14
torrent_handle add_torrent(
char const* tracker_url
, sha1_hash const& info_hash
, char const* name
, std::string const& save_path
, entry const& resume_data = entry()
, storage_mode_t storage_mode = storage_mode_sparse
, bool paused = false
, storage_constructor_type sc = default_storage_constructor
, void* userdata = 0);
// In case you want to destruct the session asynchrounously, you can
// request a session destruction proxy. If you don't do this, the
// destructor of the session object will block while the trackers are
// contacted. If you keep one ``session_proxy`` to the session when
// destructing it, the destructor will not block, but start to close down
// the session, the destructor of the proxy will then synchronize the
// threads. So, the destruction of the session is performed from the
// ``session`` destructor call until the ``session_proxy`` destructor
// call. The ``session_proxy`` does not have any operations on it (since
// the session is being closed down, no operations are allowed on it).
// The only valid operation is calling the destructor::
// class session_proxy
// {
// public:
// session_proxy();
// ~session_proxy()
// };
session_proxy abort() { return session_proxy(m_impl); }
// Pausing the session has the same effect as pausing every torrent in
// it, except that torrents will not be resumed by the auto-manage
// mechanism. Resuming will restore the torrents to their previous paused
// state. i.e. the session pause state is separate from the torrent pause
// state. A torrent is inactive if it is paused or if the session is
// paused.
void pause();
void resume();
bool is_paused() const;
// This function enables dynamic-loading-of-torrent-files_. When a
// torrent is unloaded but needs to be availabe in memory, this function
// is called **from within the libtorrent network thread**. From within
// this thread, you can **not** use any of the public APIs of libtorrent
// itself. The the info-hash of the torrent is passed in to the function
// and it is expected to fill in the passed in ``vector<char>`` with the
// .torrent file corresponding to it.
// If there is an error loading the torrent file, the ``error_code``
// (``ec``) should be set to reflect the error. In such case, the torrent
// itself is stopped and set to an error state with the corresponding
// error code.
// Given that the function is called from the internal network thread of
// libtorrent, it's important to not stall. libtorrent will not be able
// to send nor receive any data until the function call returns.
// The signature of the function to pass in is::
// void fun(sha1_hash const& info_hash, std::vector<char>& buf, error_code& ec);
void set_load_function(user_load_function_t fun);
// deprecated in libtorrent 1.1, use performance_counters instead
// returns session wide-statistics and status. For more information, see
// the ``session_status`` struct.
session_status status() const;
// deprecated in libtorrent 1.1
// fills out the supplied vector with information for each piece that is
// currently in the disk cache for the torrent with the specified
// info-hash (``ih``).
void get_cache_info(sha1_hash const& ih
, std::vector<cached_piece_info>& ret) const;
// Returns status of the disk cache for this session.
// For more information, see the cache_status type.
cache_status get_cache_status() const;
enum { disk_cache_no_pieces = 1 };
// Fills in the cache_status struct with information about the given torrent.
// If ``flags`` is ``session::disk_cache_no_pieces`` the ``cache_status::pieces`` field
// will not be set. This may significantly reduce the cost of this call.
void get_cache_info(cache_status* ret, torrent_handle h = torrent_handle(), int flags = 0) const;
// This adds an RSS feed to the session. The feed will be refreshed
// regularly and optionally add all torrents from the feed, as they
// appear.
// Before adding the feed, you must set the ``url`` field to the feed's
// url. It may point to an RSS or an atom feed. The returned feed_handle
// is a handle which is used to interact with the feed, things like
// forcing a refresh or querying for information about the items in the
// feed. For more information, see feed_handle.
feed_handle add_feed(feed_settings const& feed);
// Removes a feed from being watched by the session. When this
// call returns, the feed handle is invalid and won't refer
// to any feed.
void remove_feed(feed_handle h);
// Returns a list of all RSS feeds that are being watched by the session.
void get_feeds(std::vector<feed_handle>& f) const;
// ``start_dht`` starts the dht node and makes the trackerless service
// available to torrents.
// ``stop_dht`` stops the dht node.
// deprecated. use settings_pack::enable_dht instead
void start_dht();
void stop_dht();
// ``set_dht_settings`` sets some parameters availavle to the dht node.
// See dht_settings for more information.
// ``is_dht_running()`` returns true if the DHT support has been started
// and false
// otherwise.
void set_dht_settings(dht_settings const& settings);
bool is_dht_running() const;
// ``add_dht_node`` takes a host name and port pair. That endpoint will be
// pinged, and if a valid DHT reply is received, the node will be added to
// the routing table.
// ``add_dht_router`` adds the given endpoint to a list of DHT router
// nodes. If a search is ever made while the routing table is empty,
// those nodes will be used as backups. Nodes in the router node list
// will also never be added to the regular routing table, which
// effectively means they are only used for bootstrapping, to keep the
// load off them.
// An example routing node that you could typically add is
// ````.
void add_dht_node(std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);
void add_dht_router(std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);
// query the DHT for an immutable item at the ``target`` hash.
// the result is posted as a dht_immutable_item_alert.
void dht_get_item(sha1_hash const& target);
// query the DHT for a mutable item under the public key ``key``.
// this is an ed25519 key. ``salt`` is optional and may be left
// as an empty string if no salt is to be used.
// if the item is found in the DHT, a dht_mutable_item_alert is
// posted.
void dht_get_item(boost::array<char, 32> key
, std::string salt = std::string());
// store the given bencoded data as an immutable item in the DHT.
// the returned hash is the key that is to be used to look the item
// up agan. It's just the sha-1 hash of the bencoded form of the
// structure.
sha1_hash dht_put_item(entry data);
// store a mutable item. The ``key`` is the public key the blob is
// to be stored under. The optional ``salt`` argument is a string that
// is to be mixed in with the key when determining where in the DHT
// the value is to be stored. The callback function is called from within
// the libtorrent network thread once we've found where to store the blob,
// possibly with the current value stored under the key.
// The values passed to the callback functions are:
// entry& value
// the current value stored under the key (may be empty). Also expected
// to be set to the value to be stored by the function.
// boost::array<char,64>& signature
// the signature authenticating the current value. This may be zeroes
// if there is currently no value stored. The functon is expected to
// fill in this buffer with the signature of the new value to store.
// To generate the signature, you may want to use the
// ``sign_mutable_item`` function.
// boost::uint64_t& seq
// current sequence number. May be zero if there is no current value.
// The function is expected to set this to the new sequence number of
// the value that is to be stored. Sequence numbers must be monotonically
// increasing. Attempting to overwrite a value with a lower or equal
// sequence number will fail, even if the signature is correct.
// std::string const& salt
// this is the salt that was used for this put call.
// Since the callback function ``cb`` is called from within libtorrent,
// it is critical to not perform any blocking operations. Ideally not
// even locking a mutex. Pass any data required for this function along
// with the function object's context and make the function entirely
// self-contained. The only reason data blobs' values are computed
// via a function instead of just passing in the new value is to avoid
// race conditions. If you want to *update* the value in the DHT, you
// must first retrieve it, then modify it, then write it back. The way
// the DHT works, it is natural to always do a lookup before storing and
// calling the callback in between is convenient.
void dht_put_item(boost::array<char, 32> key
, boost::function<void(entry&, boost::array<char,64>&
, boost::uint64_t&, std::string const&)> cb
, std::string salt = std::string());
// deprecated in 0.15
// use save_state and load_state instead
entry dht_state() const;
void start_dht(entry const& startup_state);
// This function adds an extension to this session. The argument is a
// function object that is called with a ``torrent*`` and which should
// return a ``boost::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>``. To write custom
// plugins, see `libtorrent plugins`_. For the typical bittorrent client
// all of these extensions should be added. The main plugins implemented
// in libtorrent are:
// metadata extension
// Allows peers to download the metadata (.torren files) from the swarm
// directly. Makes it possible to join a swarm with just a tracker and
// info-hash.
// ::
// #include <libtorrent/extensions/metadata_transfer.hpp>
// ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_metadata_plugin);
// uTorrent metadata
// Same as ``metadata extension`` but compatible with uTorrent.
// ::
// #include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_metadata.hpp>
// ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_ut_metadata_plugin);
// uTorrent peer exchange
// Exchanges peers between clients.
// ::
// #include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp>
// ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_ut_pex_plugin);
// smart ban plugin
// A plugin that, with a small overhead, can ban peers
// that sends bad data with very high accuracy. Should
// eliminate most problems on poisoned torrents.
// ::
// #include <libtorrent/extensions/smart_ban.hpp>
// ses.add_extension(&libtorrent::create_smart_ban_plugin);
// .. _`libtorrent plugins`: libtorrent_plugins.html
void add_extension(boost::function<boost::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(
torrent*, void*)> ext);
void add_extension(boost::shared_ptr<plugin> ext);
// GeoIP support has been removed from libtorrent internals. If you
// still need to resolve peers, please do so on the client side, using
// libgeoip directly. This was removed in libtorrent 1.1
// These functions expects a path to the `MaxMind ASN database`_ and
// `MaxMind GeoIP database`_ respectively. This will be used to look up
// which AS and country peers belong to.
// ``as_for_ip`` returns the AS number for the IP address specified. If
// the IP is not in the database or the ASN database is not loaded, 0 is
// returned.
// .. _`MaxMind ASN database`:
// .. _`MaxMind GeoIP database`:
void load_asnum_db(char const* file);
void load_country_db(char const* file);
int as_for_ip(address const& addr);
// all wstring APIs are deprecated since 0.16.11
// instead, use the wchar -> utf8 conversion functions
// and pass in utf8 strings
void load_country_db(wchar_t const* file);
void load_asnum_db(wchar_t const* file);
// deprecated in 0.15
// use load_state and save_state instead
void load_state(entry const& ses_state);
entry state() const;
// deprecated in 1.1
void load_state(lazy_entry const& ses_state);
// Sets a filter that will be used to reject and accept incoming as well
// as outgoing connections based on their originating ip address. The
// default filter will allow connections to any ip address. To build a
// set of rules for which addresses are accepted and not, see ip_filter.
// Each time a peer is blocked because of the IP filter, a
// peer_blocked_alert is generated. ``get_ip_filter()`` Returns the
// ip_filter currently in the session. See ip_filter.
void set_ip_filter(ip_filter const& f);
ip_filter get_ip_filter() const;
// apply port_filter ``f`` to incoming and outgoing peers. a port filter
// will reject making outgoing peer connections to certain remote ports.
// The main intention is to be able to avoid triggering certain
// anti-virus software by connecting to SMTP, FTP ports.
void set_port_filter(port_filter const& f);
// deprecated in 1.1, use settings_pack::peer_fingerprint instead
void set_peer_id(peer_id const& pid);
// returns the raw peer ID used by libtorrent. When anonymous mode is set
// the peer ID is randomized per peer.
peer_id id() const;
// sets the key sent to trackers. If it's not set, it is initialized
// by libtorrent. The key may be used by the tracker to identify the
// peer potentially across you changing your IP.
void set_key(int key);
// built-in peer classes
enum {
// ``is_listening()`` will tell you whether or not the session has
// successfully opened a listening port. If it hasn't, this function will
// return false, and then you can set a new
// settings_pack::listen_interfaces to try another interface and port to
// bind to.
// ``listen_port()`` returns the port we ended up listening on. If the
// port specified in settings_pack::listen_interfaces failed, libtorrent
// will try to bind to the next port, and so on. If it fails
// settings_pack::max_retry_port_bind times, it will bind to port 0
// (meaning the OS picks the port). The only way to know which port it
// ended up binding to is to ask for it by calling ``listen_port()``.
// If all ports in the specified range fails to be opened for listening,
// libtorrent will try to use port 0 (which tells the operating system to
// pick a port that's free). If that still fails you may see a
// listen_failed_alert with port 0 even if you didn't ask to listen on
// it.
// It is possible to prevent libtorrent from binding to port 0 by passing
// in the flag ``session::no_system_port`` in the ``flags`` argument.
// The interface parameter can also be a hostname that will resolve to
// the device you want to listen on. If you don't specify an interface,
// libtorrent may attempt to listen on multiple interfaces (typically
// and ::). This means that if your IPv6 interface doesn't work,
// you may still see a listen_failed_alert, even though the IPv4 port
// succeeded.
// The ``flags`` parameter can either be 0 or
// ``session::listen_reuse_address``, which will set the reuse address
// socket option on the listen socket(s). By default, the listen socket
// does not use reuse address. If you're running a service that needs to
// run on a specific port no matter if it's in use, set this flag.
unsigned short listen_port() const;
unsigned short ssl_listen_port() const;
bool is_listening() const;
// Sets the peer class filter for this session. All new peer connections
// will take this into account and be added to the peer classes specified
// by this filter, based on the peer's IP address.
// The ip-filter essentially maps an IP -> uint32. Each bit in that 32
// bit integer represents a peer class. The least significant bit
// represents class 0, the next bit class 1 and so on.
// For more info, see ip_filter.
// For example, to make all peers in the range -
// belong to their own peer class, apply the following filter::
// ip_filter f;
// int my_class = ses.create_peer_class("200.1.x.x IP range");
// f.add_rule(address_v4::from_string("")
// , address_v4::from_string("")
// , 1 << my_class);
// ses.set_peer_class_filter(f);
// This setting only applies to new connections, it won't affect existing
// peer connections.
// This function is limited to only peer class 0-31, since there are only
// 32 bits in the IP range mapping. Only the set bits matter; no peer
// class will be removed from a peer as a result of this call, peer
// classes are only added.
// The ``peer_class`` argument cannot be greater than 31. The bitmasks
// representing peer classes in the ``peer_class_filter`` are 32 bits.
// For more information, see peer-classes_.
void set_peer_class_filter(ip_filter const& f);
// Sets and gets the *peer class type filter*. This is controls automatic
// peer class assignments to peers based on what kind of socket it is.
// It does not only support assigning peer classes, it also supports
// removing peer classes based on socket type.
// The order of these rules being applied are:
// 1. peer-class IP filter
// 2. peer-class type filter, removing classes
// 3. peer-class type filter, adding classes
// For more information, see peer-classes_.
// TODO: add get_peer_class_type_filter() as well
void set_peer_class_type_filter(peer_class_type_filter const& f);
// Creates a new peer class (see peer-classes_) with the given name. The
// returned integer is the new peer class' identifier. Peer classes may
// have the same name, so each invocation of this function creates a new
// class and returns a unique identifier.
// Identifiers are assigned from low numbers to higher. So if you plan on
// using certain peer classes in a call to `set_peer_class_filter()`_,
// make sure to create those early on, to get low identifiers.
// For more information on peer classes, see peer-classes_.
int create_peer_class(char const* name);
// This call dereferences the reference count of the specified peer
// class. When creating a peer class it's automatically referenced by 1.
// If you want to recycle a peer class, you may call this function. You
// may only call this function **once** per peer class you create.
// Calling it more than once for the same class will lead to memory
// corruption.
// Since peer classes are reference counted, this function will not
// remove the peer class if it's still assigned to torrents or peers. It
// will however remove it once the last peer and torrent drops their
// references to it.
// There is no need to call this function for custom peer classes. All
// peer classes will be properly destructed when the session object
// destructs.
// For more information on peer classes, see peer-classes_.
void delete_peer_class(int cid);
// These functions queries information from a peer class and updates the
// configuration of a peer class, respectively.
// ``cid`` must refer to an existing peer class. If it does not, the
// return value of ``get_peer_class()`` is undefined.
// ``set_peer_class()`` sets all the information in the
// ``peer_class_info`` object in the specified peer class. There is no
// option to only update a single property.
// A peer or torrent balonging to more than one class, the highest
// priority among any of its classes is the one that is taken into
// account.
// For more information, see peer-classes_.
peer_class_info get_peer_class(int cid);
void set_peer_class(int cid, peer_class_info const& pci);
// if the listen port failed in some way you can retry to listen on
// another port- range with this function. If the listener succeeded and
// is currently listening, a call to this function will shut down the
// listen port and reopen it using these new properties (the given
// interface and port range). As usual, if the interface is left as 0
// this function will return false on failure. If it fails, it will also
// generate alerts describing the error. It will return true on success.
enum listen_on_flags_t
// this is always on starting with 0.16.2
listen_reuse_address = 0x01,
listen_no_system_port = 0x02
// deprecated in 0.16
// specify which interfaces to bind outgoing connections to
// This has been moved to a session setting
void use_interfaces(char const* interfaces);
// instead of using this, specify listen interface and port in
// the settings_pack::listen_interfaces setting
void listen_on(
std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
, error_code& ec
, const char* net_interface = 0
, int flags = 0);
// flags to be passed in to remove_torrent().
enum options_t
// delete the files belonging to the torrent from disk.
delete_files = 1
// flags to be passed in to the session constructor
enum session_flags_t
// this will add common extensions like ut_pex, ut_metadata, lt_tex
// smart_ban and possibly others.
add_default_plugins = 1,
// this will start features like DHT, local service discovery, UPnP
// and NAT-PMP.
start_default_features = 2
// ``remove_torrent()`` will close all peer connections associated with
// the torrent and tell the tracker that we've stopped participating in
// the swarm. This operation cannot fail. When it completes, you will
// receive a torrent_removed_alert.
// The optional second argument ``options`` can be used to delete all the
// files downloaded by this torrent. To do so, pass in the value
// ``session::delete_files``. The removal of the torrent is asyncronous,
// there is no guarantee that adding the same torrent immediately after
// it was removed will not throw a libtorrent_exception exception. Once
// the torrent is deleted, a torrent_deleted_alert is posted.
void remove_torrent(const torrent_handle& h, int options = 0);
// deprecated in aio-branch
// Sets the session settings and the packet encryption settings
// respectively. See session_settings and pe_settings for more
// information on available options.
void set_settings(session_settings const& s);
session_settings settings() const;
// deprecated in libtorrent 1.1. use settings_pack instead
void set_pe_settings(pe_settings const& settings);
pe_settings get_pe_settings() const;
// Applies the settings specified by the settings_pack ``s``. This is an
// asynchronous operation that will return immediately and actually apply
// the settings to the main thread of libtorrent some time later.
void apply_settings(settings_pack const& s);
aux::session_settings get_settings() const;
// ``set_i2p_proxy`` sets the i2p_ proxy, and tries to open a persistant
// connection to it. The only used fields in the proxy settings structs
// are ``hostname`` and ``port``.
// ``i2p_proxy`` returns the current i2p proxy in use.
// .. _i2p:
void set_i2p_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
proxy_settings i2p_proxy() const;
// These functions sets and queries the proxy settings to be used for the
// session.
// For more information on what settings are available for proxies, see
// proxy_settings. If the session is not in anonymous mode, proxies that
// aren't working or fail, will automatically be disabled and packets
// will flow without using any proxy. If you want to enforce using a
// proxy, even when the proxy doesn't work, enable anonymous_mode in
// session_settings.
void set_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
proxy_settings proxy() const;
// deprecated in 0.16
// Get the number of uploads.
int num_uploads() const;
// Get the number of connections. This number also contains the
// number of half open connections.
int num_connections() const;
// deprecated in 0.15.
void set_peer_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
void set_web_seed_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
void set_tracker_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
proxy_settings peer_proxy() const;
proxy_settings web_seed_proxy() const;
proxy_settings tracker_proxy() const;
void set_dht_proxy(proxy_settings const& s);
proxy_settings dht_proxy() const;
// deprecated in 0.16
int upload_rate_limit() const;
int download_rate_limit() const;
int local_upload_rate_limit() const;
int local_download_rate_limit() const;
int max_half_open_connections() const;
void set_local_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_local_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_max_uploads(int limit);
void set_max_connections(int limit);
void set_max_half_open_connections(int limit);
int max_connections() const;
int max_uploads() const;
std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
void pop_alerts(std::deque<alert*>* alerts);
// Alerts is the main mechanism for libtorrent to report errors and
// events. ``pop_alerts`` fills in the vector passed to it with pointers
// to new alerts. The session still owns these alerts and they will stay
// valid until the next time ``pop_alerts`` is called. You may not delete
// the alert objects.
// It is safe to call ``pop_alerts`` from multiple different threads, as
// long as the alerts themselves are not accessed once another thread
// calls ``pop_alerts``. Doing this requires manual synchronization
// between the popping threads.
// ``wait_for_alert`` will block the current thread for ``max_wait`` time
// duration, or until another alert is posted. If an alert is available
// at the time of the call, it returns immediately. The returned alert
// pointer is the head of the alert queue. ``wait_for_alert`` does not
// pop alerts from the queue, it merely peeks at it. The returned alert
// will stay valid until ``pop_alerts`` is called twice. The first time
// will pop it and the second will free it.
// If there is no alert in the queue and no alert arrives within the
// specified timeout, ``wait_for_alert`` returns NULL.
// In the python binding, ``wait_for_alert`` takes the number of
// milliseconds to wait as an integer.
// The alert queue in the session will not grow indefinitely. Make sure
// to pop periodically to not miss notifications. To control the max
// number of alerts that's queued by the session, see
// ``session_settings::alert_queue_size``.
// Some alerts are considered so important that they are posted even when
// the alert queue is full. Some alerts are considered mandatory and cannot
// be disabled by the ``alert_mask``. For instance,
// save_resume_data_alert and save_resume_data_failed_alert are always
// posted, regardelss of the alert mask.
// To control which alerts are posted, set the alert_mask
// (settings_pack::alert_mask).
// the ``set_alert_notify`` function lets the client set a function object
// to be invoked every time the alert queue goes from having 0 alerts to
// 1 alert. This function is called from within libtorrent, it may be the
// main thread, or it may be from within a user call. The intention of
// of the function is that the client wakes up its main thread, to poll
// for more alerts using ``pop_alerts()``. If the notify function fails
// to do so, it won't be called again, until ``pop_alerts`` is called for
// some other reason. For instance, it could signal an eventfd, post a
// message to an HWND or some other main message pump. The actual
// retrieval of alerts should not be done in the callback. In fact, the
// callback should not block. It should not perform any expensive work.
// It really should just notify the main application thread.
void pop_alerts(std::vector<alert*>* alerts);
alert* wait_for_alert(time_duration max_wait);
void set_alert_notify(boost::function<void()> const& fun);
void set_severity_level(alert::severity_t s);
// use the setting instead
size_t set_alert_queue_size_limit(size_t queue_size_limit_);
// Changes the mask of which alerts to receive. By default only errors
// are reported. ``m`` is a bitmask where each bit represents a category
// of alerts.
// ``get_alert_mask()`` returns the current mask;
// See category_t enum for options.
void set_alert_mask(boost::uint32_t m);
boost::uint32_t get_alert_mask() const;
// This sets a function to be called (from within libtorrent's netowrk
// thread) every time an alert is posted. Since the function (``fun``) is
// run in libtorrent's internal thread, it may not block.
// The main intention with this function is to support integration with
// platform-dependent message queues or signalling systems. For instance,
// on windows, one could post a message to an HNWD or on linux, write to
// a pipe or an eventfd.
void set_alert_dispatch(
boost::function<void(std::auto_ptr<alert>)> const& fun);
// Starts and stops Local Service Discovery. This service will broadcast
// the infohashes of all the non-private torrents on the local network to
// look for peers on the same swarm within multicast reach.
// deprecated. use settings_pack::enable_lsd instead
void start_lsd();
void stop_lsd();
// Starts and stops the UPnP service. When started, the listen port and
// the DHT port are attempted to be forwarded on local UPnP router
// devices.
// The upnp object returned by ``start_upnp()`` can be used to add and
// remove arbitrary port mappings. Mapping status is returned through the
// portmap_alert and the portmap_error_alert. The object will be valid
// until ``stop_upnp()`` is called. See upnp-and-nat-pmp_.
// deprecated. use settings_pack::enable_upnp instead
void start_upnp();
void stop_upnp();
// Starts and stops the NAT-PMP service. When started, the listen port
// and the DHT port are attempted to be forwarded on the router through
// The natpmp object returned by ``start_natpmp()`` can be used to add
// and remove arbitrary port mappings. Mapping status is returned through
// the portmap_alert and the portmap_error_alert. The object will be
// valid until ``stop_natpmp()`` is called. See upnp-and-nat-pmp_.
// deprecated. use settings_pack::enable_natpmp instead
void start_natpmp();
void stop_natpmp();
// protocols used by add_port_mapping()
enum protocol_type { udp = 1, tcp = 2 };
// add_port_mapping adds a port forwarding on UPnP and/or NAT-PMP,
// whichever is enabled. The return value is a handle referring to the
// port mapping that was just created. Pass it to delete_port_mapping()
// to remove it.
int add_port_mapping(protocol_type t, int external_port, int local_port);
void delete_port_mapping(int handle);
void init();
void start(int flags, settings_pack const& pack);
// data shared between the main thread
// and the working thread
boost::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> m_impl;