/* Copyright (c) 2008, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/parse_url.hpp" #include "libtorrent/http_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/buffer.hpp" #include "libtorrent/xml_parse.hpp" #include "libtorrent/upnp.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bitfield.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/escape_string.hpp" #include "libtorrent/broadcast_socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/identify_client.hpp" #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT #include "libtorrent/kademlia/node_id.hpp" #include "libtorrent/kademlia/routing_table.hpp" #endif #include #include #include #include "test.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; using namespace boost::tuples; using boost::bind; sha1_hash to_hash(char const* s) { sha1_hash ret; from_hex(s, 40, (char*)&ret[0]); return ret; } tuple feed_bytes(http_parser& parser, char const* str) { tuple ret(0, 0, false); tuple prev(0, 0, false); for (int chunks = 1; chunks < 70; ++chunks) { ret = make_tuple(0, 0, false); parser.reset(); buffer::const_interval recv_buf(str, str); for (; *str;) { int chunk_size = (std::min)(chunks, int(strlen(recv_buf.end))); if (chunk_size == 0) break; recv_buf.end += chunk_size; int payload, protocol; bool error = false; tie(payload, protocol) = parser.incoming(recv_buf, error); ret.get<0>() += payload; ret.get<1>() += protocol; ret.get<2>() += error; // std::cerr << payload << ", " << protocol << ", " << chunk_size << std::endl; TORRENT_ASSERT(payload + protocol == chunk_size); } TEST_CHECK(prev == make_tuple(0, 0, false) || ret == prev); prev = ret; } return ret; } void parser_callback(std::string& out, int token, char const* s, char const* val) { switch (token) { case xml_start_tag: out += "B"; break; case xml_end_tag: out += "F"; break; case xml_empty_tag: out += "E"; break; case xml_declaration_tag: out += "D"; break; case xml_comment: out += "C"; break; case xml_string: out += "S"; break; case xml_attribute: out += "A"; break; case xml_parse_error: out += "P"; break; default: TEST_CHECK(false); } out += s; if (token == xml_attribute) { TEST_CHECK(val != 0); out += "V"; out += val; } else { TEST_CHECK(val == 0); } } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT void add_and_replace(libtorrent::dht::node_id& dst, libtorrent::dht::node_id const& add) { bool carry = false; for (int k = 19; k >= 0; --k) { int sum = dst[k] + add[k] + (carry?1:0); dst[k] = sum & 255; carry = sum > 255; } } #endif char upnp_xml[] = "" "" "1" "0" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1" "" "" "D-Link Router" "D-Link" "http://www.dlink.com" "Internet Access Router" "D-Link Router" "uuid:upnp-InternetGatewayDevice-1_0-12345678900001" "123456789001" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:L3Forwarding1" "/Layer3Forwarding" "/Layer3Forwarding" "/Layer3Forwarding.xml" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1" "WANDevice" "D-Link" "http://www.dlink.com" "Internet Access Router" "D-Link Router" "1" "http://support.dlink.com" "12345678900001" "uuid:upnp-WANDevice-1_0-12345678900001" "123456789001" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1" "" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANCommonInterfaceConfig" "/WANCommonInterfaceConfig" "/WANCommonInterfaceConfig" "/WANCommonInterfaceConfig.xml" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1" "WAN Connection Device" "D-Link" "http://www.dlink.com" "Internet Access Router" "D-Link Router" "1" "http://support.dlink.com" "12345678900001" "uuid:upnp-WANConnectionDevice-1_0-12345678900001" "123456789001" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConnection" "/WANIPConnection" "/WANIPConnection" "/WANIPConnection.xml" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; char upnp_xml2[] = "" "" "1" "0" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1" "" "LINKSYS WAG200G Gateway" "LINKSYS" "http://www.linksys.com" "LINKSYS WAG200G Gateway" "Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway" "WAG200G" "http://www.linksys.com" "123456789" "uuid:8d401597-1dd2-11b2-a7d4-001ee5947cac" "WAG200G" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:L3Forwarding1" "/upnp/control/L3Forwarding1" "/upnp/event/L3Forwarding1" "/l3frwd.xml" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1" "WANDevice" "LINKSYS" "http://www.linksys.com/" "Residential Gateway" "Internet Connection Sharing" "1" "http://www.linksys.com/" "0000001" "uuid:8d401596-1dd2-11b2-a7d4-001ee5947cac" "WAG200G" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1" "" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANCommonIFC1" "/upnp/control/WANCommonIFC1" "/upnp/event/WANCommonIFC1" "/cmnicfg.xml" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1" "WANConnectionDevice" "LINKSYS" "http://www.linksys.com/" "Residential Gateway" "Internet Connection Sharing" "1" "http://www.linksys.com/" "0000001" "uuid:8d401597-1dd2-11b2-a7d3-001ee5947cac" "WAG200G" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANEthernetLinkConfig:1" "" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANEthLinkC1" "/upnp/control/WANEthLinkC1" "/upnp/event/WANEthLinkC1" "/wanelcfg.xml" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANPPPConn1" "/upnp/control/WANPPPConn1" "/upnp/event/WANPPPConn1" "/pppcfg.xml" "" "" "" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:LANDevice:1" "LANDevice" "LINKSYS" "http://www.linksys.com/" "Residential Gateway" "Residential Gateway" "1" "http://www.linksys.com/" "0000001" "uuid:8d401596-1dd2-11b2-a7d3-001ee5947cac" "WAG200G" "" "" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:LANHostConfigManagement:1" "" "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:LANHostCfg1" "/upnp/control/LANHostCfg1" "/upnp/event/LANHostCfg1" "/lanhostc.xml" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; struct parse_state { parse_state(): in_service(false) {} void reset(char const* st) { in_service = false; service_type = st; tag_stack.clear(); control_url.clear(); model.clear(); url_base.clear(); } bool in_service; std::list tag_stack; std::string control_url; char const* service_type; std::string model; std::string url_base; }; void find_control_url(int type, char const* string, parse_state& state); int test_main() { using namespace libtorrent; // make sure the time classes have correct semantics TEST_CHECK(total_milliseconds(milliseconds(100)) == 100); TEST_CHECK(total_milliseconds(milliseconds(1)) == 1); TEST_CHECK(total_milliseconds(seconds(1)) == 1000); // make sure the assumption we use in policy's peer list hold std::multimap peers; std::multimap::iterator i; peers.insert(std::make_pair(address::from_string("::1"), 0)); peers.insert(std::make_pair(address::from_string("::2"), 3)); peers.insert(std::make_pair(address::from_string("::3"), 5)); i = peers.find(address::from_string("::2")); TEST_CHECK(i != peers.end()); if (i != peers.end()) { TEST_CHECK(i->first == address::from_string("::2")); TEST_CHECK(i->second == 3); } // test identify_client TEST_CHECK(identify_client(peer_id("-AZ1234-............")) == "Azureus"); TEST_CHECK(identify_client(peer_id("-AZ1230-............")) == "Azureus 1.2.3"); TEST_CHECK(identify_client(peer_id("S123--..............")) == "Shadow 1.2.3"); TEST_CHECK(identify_client(peer_id("M1-2-3--............")) == "Mainline 1.2.3"); // test to/from hex conversion char const* str = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"; char bin[20]; TEST_CHECK(from_hex(str, 40, bin)); char hex[41]; to_hex(bin, 20, hex); TEST_CHECK(strcmp(hex, str) == 0); // test to_lower TEST_CHECK(to_lower('C') == 'c'); TEST_CHECK(to_lower('c') == 'c'); TEST_CHECK(to_lower('-') == '-'); TEST_CHECK(to_lower('&') == '&'); // test string_begins_no_case TEST_CHECK(string_begins_no_case("foobar", "FoobAR --")); TEST_CHECK(!string_begins_no_case("foobar", "F00")); // test itoa TEST_CHECK(to_string(345).elems == std::string("345")); TEST_CHECK(to_string(-345).elems == std::string("-345")); TEST_CHECK(to_string(0).elems == std::string("0")); TEST_CHECK(to_string(1000000000).elems == std::string("1000000000")); // test url parsing TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("http://foo:bar@host.com:80/path/to/file") == make_tuple("http", "foo:bar", "host.com", 80, "/path/to/file", (char const*)0)); TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("http://host.com/path/to/file") == make_tuple("http", "", "host.com", 80, "/path/to/file", (char const*)0)); TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("ftp://host.com:21/path/to/file") == make_tuple("ftp", "", "host.com", 21, "/path/to/file", (char const*)0)); TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("http://host.com/path?foo:bar@foo:") == make_tuple("http", "", "host.com", 80, "/path?foo:bar@foo:", (char const*)0)); TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("") == make_tuple("http", "", "", 80, "/path/to/file", (char const*)0)); TEST_CHECK(parse_url_components("http://[::1]/path/to/file") == make_tuple("http", "", "[::1]", 80, "/path/to/file", (char const*)0)); // base64 test vectors from http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4648.html TEST_CHECK(base64encode("") == ""); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("f") == "Zg=="); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("fo") == "Zm8="); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("foo") == "Zm9v"); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("foob") == "Zm9vYg=="); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("fooba") == "Zm9vYmE="); TEST_CHECK(base64encode("foobar") == "Zm9vYmFy"); // base32 test vectors from http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4648.html TEST_CHECK(base32encode("") == ""); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("f") == "MY======"); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("fo") == "MZXQ===="); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("foo") == "MZXW6==="); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("foob") == "MZXW6YQ="); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("fooba") == "MZXW6YTB"); TEST_CHECK(base32encode("foobar") == "MZXW6YTBOI======"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("") == ""); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MY======") == "f"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXQ====") == "fo"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6===") == "foo"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6YQ=") == "foob"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6YTB") == "fooba"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6YTBOI======") == "foobar"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MY") == "f"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6YQ") == "foob"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("MZXW6YTBOI") == "foobar"); TEST_CHECK(base32decode("mZXw6yTBO1======") == "foobar"); std::string test; for (int i = 0; i < 255; ++i) test += char(i); TEST_CHECK(base32decode(base32encode(test)) == test); // url_has_argument TEST_CHECK(!url_has_argument("", "test")); TEST_CHECK(!url_has_argument("", "bar")); TEST_CHECK(*url_has_argument("", "foo") == "24"); TEST_CHECK(*url_has_argument("", "foo") == "24"); TEST_CHECK(*url_has_argument("", "bar") == "23"); TEST_CHECK(*url_has_argument("", "bar") == "23"); TEST_CHECK(*url_has_argument("", "a") == "e"); TEST_CHECK(!url_has_argument("", "b")); // HTTP request parser http_parser parser; boost::tuple received = feed_bytes(parser , "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Length: 4\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" "\r\n" "test"); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(4, 64, false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.finished()); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(parser.get_body().begin, parser.get_body().end, "test")); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("content-type") == "text/plain"); TEST_CHECK(atoi(parser.header("content-length").c_str()) == 4); parser.reset(); TEST_CHECK(!parser.finished()); char const* upnp_response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "ST:upnp:rootdevice\r\n" "USN:uuid:000f-66d6-7296000099dc::upnp:rootdevice\r\n" "Location:\r\n" "Server: Custom/1.0 UPnP/1.0 Proc/Ver\r\n" "EXT:\r\n" "Cache-Control:max-age=180\r\n" "DATE: Fri, 02 Jan 1970 08:10:38 GMT\r\n\r\n"; received = feed_bytes(parser, upnp_response); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(0, int(strlen(upnp_response)), false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.get_body().left() == 0); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("st") == "upnp:rootdevice"); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("location") == ""); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("ext") == ""); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("date") == "Fri, 02 Jan 1970 08:10:38 GMT"); parser.reset(); TEST_CHECK(!parser.finished()); char const* upnp_notify = "NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host:\r\n" "NT:urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1\r\n" "NTS:ssdp:alive\r\n" "Location:\r\n" "USN:uuid:c17f0c32-d1db-4be8-ae94-25f94583026e::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1\r\n" "Cache-Control:max-age=900\r\n" "Server:Microsoft-Windows-NT/5.1 UPnP/1.0 UPnP-Device-Host/1.0\r\n"; received = feed_bytes(parser, upnp_notify); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(0, int(strlen(upnp_notify)), false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.method() == "notify"); TEST_CHECK(parser.path() == "*"); parser.reset(); TEST_CHECK(!parser.finished()); char const* bt_lsd = "BT-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host:\r\n" "Port: 6881\r\n" "Infohash: 12345678901234567890\r\n" "\r\n\r\n"; received = feed_bytes(parser, bt_lsd); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(2, int(strlen(bt_lsd) - 2), false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.method() == "bt-search"); TEST_CHECK(parser.path() == "*"); TEST_CHECK(atoi(parser.header("port").c_str()) == 6881); TEST_CHECK(parser.header("infohash") == "12345678901234567890"); TEST_CHECK(parser.finished()); parser.reset(); TEST_CHECK(!parser.finished()); // make sure we support trackers with incorrect line endings char const* tracker_response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" "content-length: 5\n" "content-type: test/plain\n" "\n" "\ntest"; received = feed_bytes(parser, tracker_response); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(5, int(strlen(tracker_response) - 5), false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.get_body().left() == 5); parser.reset(); // make sure we support content-range responses // and that we're case insensitive char const* web_seed_response = "HTTP/1.1 206 OK\n" "contEnt-rAngE: bYTes 0-4\n" "conTent-TyPe: test/plain\n" "\n" "\ntest"; received = feed_bytes(parser, web_seed_response); TEST_CHECK(received == make_tuple(5, int(strlen(web_seed_response) - 5), false)); TEST_CHECK(parser.content_range() == (std::pair(0, 4))); TEST_CHECK(parser.content_length() == 5); // test xml parser char xml1[] = "foobar"; std::string out1; xml_parse(xml1, xml1 + sizeof(xml1) - 1, bind(&parser_callback , boost::ref(out1), _1, _2, _3)); std::cerr << out1 << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(out1 == "BaSfooEbSbarFa"); char xml2[] = ""; std::string out2; xml_parse(xml2, xml2 + sizeof(xml2) - 1, bind(&parser_callback , boost::ref(out2), _1, _2, _3)); std::cerr << out2 << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(out2 == "DxmlAversionV1.0EcAxV1AyV3BdAfooVbarFdAbooVfooCcomment"); char xml3[] = "foo