#include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file_pool.hpp" #include "libtorrent/storage.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/create_torrent.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "test.hpp" #include "setup_transfer.hpp" using namespace boost::filesystem; using namespace libtorrent; // proxy: 0=none, 1=socks4, 2=socks5, 3=socks5_pw 4=http 5=http_pw void test_transfer(boost::intrusive_ptr torrent_file, int proxy) { using namespace libtorrent; session ses; session_settings settings; settings.ignore_limits_on_local_network = false; ses.set_settings(settings); ses.set_severity_level(alert::debug); ses.listen_on(std::make_pair(51000, 52000)); ses.set_download_rate_limit(torrent_file->total_size() / 10); remove_all("./tmp1"); char const* test_name[] = {"no", "SOCKS4", "SOCKS5", "SOCKS5 password", "HTTP", "HTTP password"}; std::cerr << " ==== TESTING " << test_name[proxy] << " proxy ====" << std::endl; if (proxy) { start_proxy(8002, proxy); proxy_settings ps; ps.hostname = ""; ps.port = 8002; ps.username = "testuser"; ps.password = "testpass"; ps.type = (proxy_settings::proxy_type)proxy; ses.set_web_seed_proxy(ps); } torrent_handle th = ses.add_torrent(*torrent_file, "./tmp1"); std::vector empty; th.replace_trackers(empty); const size_type total_size = torrent_file->total_size(); float rate_sum = 0.f; float ses_rate_sum = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { torrent_status s = th.status(); session_status ss = ses.status(); std::cerr << (s.progress * 100.f) << " %" << " torrent rate: " << (s.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s" << " session rate: " << (ss.download_rate / 1000.f) << " kB/s" << " session total: " << ss.total_payload_download << " torrent total: " << s.total_payload_download << std::endl; rate_sum += s.download_payload_rate; ses_rate_sum += ss.payload_download_rate; print_alerts(ses, "ses"); if (th.is_seed() && ss.download_rate == 0.f) { TEST_CHECK(ses.status().total_payload_download == total_size); TEST_CHECK(th.status().total_payload_download == total_size); break; } test_sleep(1000); } std::cerr << "total_size: " << total_size << " rate_sum: " << rate_sum << " session_rate_sum: " << ses_rate_sum << std::endl; // the rates for each second should sum up to the total, with a 10% error margin TEST_CHECK(fabs(rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f); TEST_CHECK(fabs(ses_rate_sum - total_size) < total_size * .1f); TEST_CHECK(th.is_seed()); if (proxy) stop_proxy(8002); remove_all("./tmp1"); } int test_main() { using namespace libtorrent; using namespace boost::filesystem; create_directory("test_torrent"); char random_data[300000]; std::srand(std::time(0)); std::generate(random_data, random_data + sizeof(random_data), &std::rand); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test1").write(random_data, 35); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test2").write(random_data, 16536 - 35); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test3").write(random_data, 16536); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test4").write(random_data, 17); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test5").write(random_data, 16536); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test6").write(random_data, 300000); std::ofstream("./test_torrent/test7").write(random_data, 300000); file_storage fs; add_files(fs, path("test_torrent")); libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, 16 * 1024); t.add_url_seed(""); start_web_server(8000); // calculate the hash for all pieces int num = t.num_pieces(); std::vector buf(t.piece_length()); file_pool fp; boost::scoped_ptr s(default_storage_constructor( fs, ".", fp)); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { s->read(&buf[0], i, 0, fs.piece_size(i)); hasher h(&buf[0], fs.piece_size(i)); t.set_hash(i, h.final()); } boost::intrusive_ptr torrent_file(new torrent_info(t.generate())); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) test_transfer(torrent_file, i); stop_web_server(8000); remove_all("./test_torrent"); return 0; }