# Various helper function and macros for building libtorrent include(FeatureSummary) # macro for issuing option() and add_feature_info() in a single call. # Synopsis: # feature_option( ) macro(feature_option _name _description _default) option(${_name} "${_description}" ${_default}) add_feature_info(${_name} ${_name} "${_description}") endmacro() # function to add a simple build option which controls compile definition(s) for a target. # Synopsis: # target_optional_compile_definitions( [FEATURE] # NAME DESCRIPTION DEFAULT # [ENABLED [enabled_compile_definitions...]] # [DISABLED [disabled_compile_defnitions...]] # ) # NAME, DESCRIPTION and DEFAULT are passed to option() call # if FEATURE is given, they are passed to add_feature_info() # ENABLED lists compile definitions that will be set on when option is enabled, # DISABLED lists definitions that will be set otherwise function(target_optional_compile_definitions _target _scope) set(options FEATURE) set(oneValueArgs NAME DESCRIPTION DEFAULT) set(multiValueArgs ENABLED DISABLED) cmake_parse_arguments(TOCD ${options} "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) option(${TOCD_NAME} "${TOCD_DESCRIPTION}" ${TOCD_DEFAULT}) if (${${TOCD_NAME}}) target_compile_definitions(${_target} ${_scope} ${TOCD_ENABLED}) else() target_compile_definitions(${_target} ${_scope} ${TOCD_DISABLED}) endif() if(${TOCD_FEATURE}) add_feature_info(${TOCD_NAME} ${TOCD_NAME} "${TOCD_DESCRIPTION}") endif() endfunction() # a helper macro that calls find_package() and appends the package (if found) to the # _package_dependencies list, which can be used later to generate package config file macro(find_public_dependency _name) find_package(${_name} ${ARGN}) string(TOUPPER "${_name}" _name_uppercased) if (${_name}_FOUND OR ${_name_uppercased}_FOUND) # Dependencies to be used below for generating Config.cmake file # We don't need the 'REQUIRED' argument there set(_args "${_name}") list(APPEND _args "${ARGN}") list(REMOVE_ITEM _args "REQUIRED") list(REMOVE_ITEM _args "") # just in case string(REPLACE ";" " " _args "${_args}") list(APPEND _package_dependencies "${_args}") endif() endmacro() function(_cxx_standard_to_year _yearVar _std) if (${_std} GREATER 97) math(EXPR _year "1900 + ${_std}") else() math(EXPR _year "2000 + ${_std}") endif() set(${_yearVar} ${_year} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(select_cxx_standard _target _minimal_supported_version) message(STATUS "Compiler default is C++${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_DEFAULT}") # make the CXX_STANDARD property public to ensure it makes it into the pkg-config file get_target_property(_std ${_target} CXX_STANDARD) # RC_1_1 still supports C++98, which is lower version than C++11. Thus we convert std # version to year value and compare years _cxx_standard_to_year(minimal_supported_version_year ${_minimal_supported_version}) # if it is unset, select the default if it is sufficient or the ${_minimal_supported_version} if (NOT ${_std}) _cxx_standard_to_year(std_default_year ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_DEFAULT}) if (${std_default_year} GREATER_EQUAL ${minimal_supported_version_year}) set(_std ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_DEFAULT}) else() set(_std ${_minimal_supported_version}) endif() else() _cxx_standard_to_year(std_year ${_std}) if (${std_year} LESS ${minimal_supported_version_year}) message(SEND_ERROR "Sorry, C++${_std} is not supported by libtorrent with the given Boost version") message(FATAL_ERROR "The minimal supported C++ standard version is C++${_minimal_supported_version}") endif() endif() if (cxx_std_${_std} IN_LIST CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES) # force this standard target_compile_features(${_target} PUBLIC cxx_std_${_std}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Requested C++ standard version (${_std}) is not supported by the compiler") endif() message(STATUS "Building in C++${_std} mode") endfunction() function(list_prepend _listName _prefix) string(REGEX REPLACE "([^;]+)" "${_prefix}\\1" _tmp_list "${${_listName}}") set (${_listName} "${_tmp_list}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()